What people don't want to see in Starbound?

Discussion in 'Other' started by werty11109, Jul 22, 2012.

  1. bounding star

    bounding star Existential Complex

    low drop rates that means, in order to progress, you pretty much have to grind
  2. F-ranko

    F-ranko Heliosphere

    Godawful drop/spawn rates. I mean, sure, it's a rare drop, but it shouldn't be that rare.
  3. Ctc9592

    Ctc9592 Big Damn Hero

    Giant Sea Creatures or Anything that would attack me underwater. It would be cool in the game but for me I would be utterly terrified to adventure underwater knowing those are there waiting for me.
  4. Solomon Darling

    Solomon Darling Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    For some reason, I feel the same way. I'm generaly don't get scared easily and I can play horror games without breaking a sweat, but damn, underwater creatures scare the hell out of me. Lol. I think it's because we're just too helpless and slow underwater. My worst nightmare will come true when they add sharks to Minecraft.


    To me? I don't wanna be able to obtain rare loot easily. People today seem to be losing the concept of what "rare" means. Sure, I don't wanna grind for a week just to get 5 goblin toes, so I can finish a goddamn quest, but I really wanna dive into a hard-ass dungeon and barely make my way out of there alive to get a unique looking set of armor, or maybe a weapon. I like having stuff in games that nobody else does.
  5. Wilcol

    Wilcol Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I think the key thing is to make sure people are rewarded for their efforts, rather than just have it down to luck.

    EDIT: I just thought I'd provide an example, actually. I like Borderlands, but it's system of loot is that bosses have a chance to drop random weapons from a pool. It can take lots of grinding to get the gun you want. This is boring.

    Dark Souls, which I've just starting playing, tends not to do this. For instance, I severed the axe-like tail of a gargoyle boss, and as a result, I got its tail as a weapon.
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2013
    Solomon Darling likes this.
  6. TTCBuilder

    TTCBuilder Jackpot!

    I have some bad news for you... even if you don't go in the ocean...
    It'l come to you.

    I really don't want to see side quests and other little things like that not accounting for terrain,
    that's always bothered me. It'l be like go save Jimmy, but due to generation Jimmy is in a boss room,
    and the villager doesn't say this since he doesn't realize it's important.

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