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What mods do you think will, like, 100% sure it will come for Starbound?

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by ReikDrako, Aug 4, 2013.

  1. Lobo

    Lobo Spaceman Spiff

    DJOkamical's smart movement+
    If it doesn't make into the vanilla, it's mandatory that someone mod it in! :rofl:

    é nois :V

    "stupid brazillian laugh"
    "its we" :V
    SirKaldar and DJOkamical like this.
  2. Gouki

    Gouki Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Thanks for honoring us with a bit of your time oh great affsd.

    I thought Chuckle worked on an integrated anti-cheat.

    No need for your excellent skills and extremely valuable time.
    DJOkamical and affsd like this.
  3. Breakout

    Breakout Big Damn Hero

    What is a sweet homestuck mod?

    Edit: Nevermind, I looked it up.
    DJOkamical likes this.
  4. Blankness

    Blankness Void-Bound Voyager

  5. Sarzael

    Sarzael Oxygen Tank

    Yeah! They re 90% suicidal and hate carps!

    Darkbound Mod.
  6. Pigeon

    Pigeon Cosmic Narwhal

    Universe sandbox
    SirKaldar, DJOkamical and DaviDeil like this.
  7. Supergeek

    Supergeek Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I bet you can find a Naked Singularity in the unmodded game, though...
  8. Adinxs

    Adinxs Big Damn Hero

    Clean faces mod
    Zain Hallows and DJOkamical like this.
  9. oblivion5683

    oblivion5683 Big Damn Hero

    oh.you are not known in the ways of homestuck?
    hehehehehe. let me tell you about homestuck
    DJOkamical and turntechGodhead like this.
  10. turntechGodhead

    turntechGodhead Phantasmal Quasar

    Homestuck, eh?
    We've got a thread for that in Off-Topic.
    Come join us.
    DJOkamical and F-ranko like this.
  11. Miss Andry

    Miss Andry Cosmic Narwhal

    I usually am the one who gets nude mods whenever I can.

    You'd be surprised that there's not as many nude mods as I'd like :c
    DJOkamical likes this.
  12. Stephen Hawking

    Stephen Hawking Big Damn Hero

    My friends are trolls and install these mods onto my computer.... No joke.
    In all seriousness though, I would like a Halo mod. I do not care what is it, as long as it does not have anything from Halo 4.
    DJOkamical likes this.
  13. You have won the internet.
    Pigeon, DJOkamical and Supergeek like this.
  14. affsd

    affsd Zero Gravity Genie

    i like that sarcasm
    DJOkamical likes this.
  15. Sokina

    Sokina Heart of Gold

    Hardmode and/or "New game +" where, once you beat the main storyline, all discovered planets thereafter have better loot, and threat level 110-190.

    Also, "Horde mode" and "Survival mode+"
  16. Dr.Narwhal

    Dr.Narwhal Big Damn Hero

    I'm thinking of doing an FTL race mod total conversion type thing.
    DJOkamical, linkthegamer and Avatra like this.
  17. Zody

    Zody Weight of the Sky

    I just searched through this thread and I can't believe that no one has mentioned a GODDAMN ZOMBIE MOD! Because everything needs a zombie mod! If there is a game out there you can be sure that someone has made, has tried to make or is currently making a zombie mod for it. Just look at Half Life 2 for example, it has like 30+ different zombie mods. Not to mention Counter Strike, Company of Heroes, The Elder Scrolls; Morrowind, Oblivion and Skyrim et cetera, et cetera.
    SirKaldar and DJOkamical like this.
  18. Dis

    Dis Phantasmal Quasar

    It's because zombies are starting to go the way of WWII shooters. :zombie:
    Yeah, there were big, huge even, for a while. :up:
    But now? It's turning into old news. :down:
    DJOkamical likes this.
  19. Zody

    Zody Weight of the Sky

    HA! Just keep denying reality as the zombie singularity grows ever closer :V
    SirKaldar and DJOkamical like this.
  20. Necrius

    Necrius Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Oh, I know! Some nice and smart person will draw normal eyes for player races.
    DJOkamical likes this.

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