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What is the point of the Beam-Up restriction?

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by conanthealien, Aug 26, 2014.

  1. LeonardMeagher2

    LeonardMeagher2 Void-Bound Voyager

    Save and quit scumming is nerf.

    I like the idea of saved position.
    Getting lost is pretty difficult, since all you'd have to do is dig up.
    The fact that you can save and quit, and end up back at your ship is sort of weird anyways, you have no option not to do it, unless you put yourself in a dirt box and let your computer run while you sleep/eat/poop

    if anything suicide should be an option for people who want to get back immediately, since you are a clone... Then it will cost you a few pixels to do so.
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2014
    conanthealien likes this.
  2. Iris Blanche

    Iris Blanche Pudding Paradox Forum Moderator

    The location should be saved. So you can save everywhere but not abuse it. ^.^ It would make underground exploration more exciting because you don't wanna die. :p In Minecraft it was the same thing no escape by saving and penalty when dead (harder than in starbound because you loose all even on peaceful)
  3. SivCorp

    SivCorp Parsec Taste Tester

    Or its faster...
  4. Starbug

    Starbug Guest

    I am talking about single player. One one hand it's an easy way to warp back, and on the other hand changing it up it would save a lot of walking when you have to do some IRL stuff, as @M_Sipher said.
    M_Sipher likes this.
  5. M_Sipher

    M_Sipher Oxygen Tank

    I kinda feel like tents should play into this scenario. Like, drop a tent, and it serves as a location-save point. Get in the tent, save and quit, and then when you re-load, bam, you're still in the tent.

    It'd sure make tents more useful than they are now. Was kinda irked to see that they didn't stop animals from trying to chew your ass off.

    Just spitballing.
  6. Zuvaii

    Zuvaii Heliosphere

    I don't see the purpose of using tents in this kind of game. Terraria, yes, maybe. However, we've got spaceships, matter manipulators, teleporters, etc. Like pick-axes, wood-chopping axes, and hos, I don't see tents as vital to this kind of game. I already hate how pick-axes break fast to encourage the matter manipulator in Nightly, even though you have to wait a while to upgrade it.
  7. SivCorp

    SivCorp Parsec Taste Tester

    INGENIOUS! Make it so!
  8. Terrahero

    Terrahero Cosmic Narwhal

    Im still hoping for some more improvements you can apply to your ship to enhance some of its features and mechanics. And part of those i'd like to see is an upgrade to the teleporter that does allow you to beam up from underground (a certain depth, upgradeable)
  9. Garatgh Deloi

    Garatgh Deloi Master Astronaut

    I would prefear them to make you reapear where you quit, so that the "work around" is disabled (option 2).

    Since they disabled beamup to begin with your clearly supposed to make your way up again.
  10. Zuvaii

    Zuvaii Heliosphere

    You do know this idea will kill exploration even further right? If I have to spend over an hour finding a spot with good ores underground, I am not gonna be happy if I have to navigate my way back manually. This isn't Terraria anymore, stop imposing such stupid, useless ass restrictions on us! If you do, then make that shit optional! OPTIONAL! VIA A CHECKBOX, THAT WAY YOUR IDIOTIC IDEAS THAT WILL BE NOVEL THE FIRST FEW TIMES WON'T HURT NEWER PLAYERS GETTING INTO THE GAME, OR PEOPLE WITH LIMITED SCHEDULES!

    I probably shouldn't post after being woken up several hours too early to deal with crap at home, but I'm getting sick and tired of people trying to force survival-game-based difficulty down the throats of everyone else. I've got a metric ton of games I can start up if I want a hardcore experience, and let me tell you, this game will never be able to properly fill that niche. If you want to fill that niche, then go find a different game.
    Ouji and Tymon like this.
  11. Garatgh Deloi

    Garatgh Deloi Master Astronaut

    You cant make everyone happy. Most people i know prefear challenging gameplay (its more rewarding if you have to work for it) and since they disabled beamups (underground) to begin with chucklefish seems to be in agreement.

    If you want a casual experience theres plenty more games then the ones that are hardcore (even partly). So perhaps it would make more sense for you to "find a different game" rather then the ones that want this one a bit more challenging? Since you would have many more options to choose from.
  12. Zuvaii

    Zuvaii Heliosphere

    Oh my god, you have no idea how wrong you are. I want a challenge, absolutely, but half of these people wouldn't know proper challenge if it ran up and kicked them square in the balls, repeatedly.

    Oh look, it's one of my favorite Extra Credits videos showing up in this forum again!

    I have been playing games for 25 years now and I turned 30 last month, I've seen the difficulty of games change over the years from something meant to encourage spending more quarters on the arcade machines to developers trying to manage where to place the health and armor pick-ups on games that encouraged fast movement, to hoping you had the right party set-up to tackle optional bosses in the quickest amount of time like against Alpha Weltall in Xenogears, to the Berserker, Arch-Mages, and the Goo King (gotta steal that apple!) in Breath of Fire 3, to beating the Supreme Hunter's second phase with the timer popping up, to beating Gwyn, Lord of Cinder, without cheesing his weakness to parries.

    It's not that I hate challenge, it's that I prefer an ideal amount of risk vs reward in a game. You want to add tents as a save point or something in the game, so I have to ask you, what does that accomplish in a game with spaceships, matter manipulators, RAWKET LAUNCHERS, and mechs? I'm genuinely asking you, what does it add to the game? How does it improve the game for everyone who plays? That is a question most developers should ask themselves when adding a feature to a game.
    ZallCaTor, Ouji and Heartstrings like this.
  13. Garatgh Deloi

    Garatgh Deloi Master Astronaut

    Perhaps you should rewatch that video? It dosent give a single argument to why you shouldent walk out of caves you explore, it dosent fall into any of the points that are "punishing instead of difficult".

    A challenging situation where you have to plan ahead is fun (in my humble opinion, i know theres people that disagree, thus you cant please everyone), going cave exploring and mining but at the same time plan ahead (Bringing those healing items, lights, materials to make path's back to the surface) and dont be greedy (mining too deep) is in my opinion aloot more fun then going mining and then saying "fuck it" and teleporting back.

    Your prefeared system where people just teleport up takes away from the experience, not the other way around.

    And just incase your next argument would be something along the lines of "but you can still do that even it its not enforced", people dont work that way. If you give people a easy accessible way to exploit/cheat in a game they will likely do it even if they end up finding it boring and not fun, (i honestly have no idea why, but i have seen plenty of examples of it).
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2014
  14. Zuvaii

    Zuvaii Heliosphere

    You know what? I fucking give up, if CF wants to make Starbound all kinds of hardcore through tedious means (again, what does the average player gain when made to manually walk out of caves and be forced to use tents?) and fail spectacularly at it. If Starbound ends up being good, fine, awesome, mods will make it better, but if it sucks and mods can't, then I'll just uninstall and quietly leave the forums entirely, like I've done for other games in the past. I'm not dealing with arguing with people like Lintton, darklight, etc again, I'm just gonna save myself the headache and not bother responding, it's worse than trying to debate the civil war factions on a Skyrim board, there's no convincing people on the opposing sides, so I'll just not even bother.
    Tymon likes this.
  15. LeonardMeagher2

    LeonardMeagher2 Void-Bound Voyager

    My friends, and I, have abused cheats and work arounds before, just because we could, it was hard not to.
    I'd like not having the option to beam up, I think a solution to this problem, could be when difficulty gets implemented properly.

    Maybe selecting casual, would allow you to beam up from where ever you are, that makes sense, you're not playing it to be trapped in a cave when all you wanted to do was explore the caves of the planets in your systems.

    I think it would be better suited as a feature of difficulty, than an overall option, because I'd like to only be able to change it, by some very non-trivial method.
    I agree though, survival might not be the main focus of this game, at least not for everyone.
    conanthealien likes this.
  16. Zuvaii

    Zuvaii Heliosphere

    This won't happen. The idea is somewhat sound for single player, but since the code is used for multi-player as well, there'd be little stopping someone from removing or adding blocks to where you logged out (as save+exit is the main way to warp out of a cave), meaning you might log back in in a pool of lava if someone is feeling like an asshole. So, for the sake of simplicity, CF made it so logging out always places you back on your ship, it's the one persistent cell that won't change aside from upgrades.

    Also, when I say optional, I don't mean something you can toggle on and off willy nilly, no, I mean a checkbox at character creation that flags the character for that specific option for as long as that character exists. Each optional setting (likely a second window via a next button) would explain just what it alters, so you can make an informed decision. Tacking it onto a difficulty setting is simply taking the lazy way out and appeasing only a few at the risk of upsetting many others, and that's not a risk CF can take at this point. I still wish Tiy would undo the name changes to difficulty and change it back to Normal/Hardcore/Permadeath. Losing only pixels on death is hardly casual. When I think casual, I mean crap like no fatal fall damage, regenerating health always active, no meteor showers ever, lava only gives the burning debuff instead of the horrific melting one, double ores or such on pick-up. You know, casual stuff.

    Instead of focusing on crap like tents being needed to save and log out or whatever, is removing the pick-axes, chopping axes, hos, etc entirely and replace them with suitable scientific-sounding stuff. CF can encourage the use of the Matter Manipulator in a positive manner by making it upgradable from the start to be better at mining and chopping, and to create a kind of device that will till the tiles like the ho does in a progressively longer line when starting out and eventually replaced by something you can craft that acts as a portable greenhouse that you place on the ground, a table, etc. Granted, this in particular is best left for another thread, maybe I should make a post in the suggestions sub-forum about potential optional flags for added risk vs reward and even plain old risk for the self-imposed challenge lovers, might combine it with my idea for Uber Bosses.

    Back onto the beaming up thing, even for single player it might be required since every time you beam down/load up the game, the cells/planet has to be reloaded and the random nature of enemy placement might suddenly put a nasty miniboss right next to your tent upon logging back in, so being forced to load into the safe ship and beam back down is probably not just for convience for the player, but also for the game itself so it doesn't have to load lava/acid/trees/potential enemies, all that at once when you log your character in. In computer terms, it's making you start up the computer with the basics and the alternative is a bunch of stuff that bloats your start-up process and slows you down for no good reason.
  17. LeonardMeagher2

    LeonardMeagher2 Void-Bound Voyager

    I think your idea of "Casual" is closer to "creative" mode, I wouldn't expect a casual mode to remove core elements from a game, but only the elements that might make it too challenging to play, where I'd need to relearn skills if I don't play that often. As of now, casual is pretty casual.
    I think it being a feature of difficulty, is a more convenient method than another view of options, it's complexity over ease of use.
    Having it so you always beam back up in multiplayer wouldn't be a big deal for anyone I think, and I don't think it'd be hard to have a little multiplayer specific code in the game.

    I think you're talking about more reward, and nearly no risk, which is again like a creative mode. Not saying I'm opposed to that idea, but I still think it's a difficulty option.

    I don't think it'd be hard to add some kind of radius around player spawn disabling enemy spawn. and I'm fairly certain they do load the world when you enter your ship since the load time when I beam down is almost nothing. Also assuming beaming back into a ship is "convenience for the player" is where I think we disagree in general.

    Through all of this, I'm not saying you don't have correct points, but I can only partially agree. I think we both agree that we need to have some kind of option to disable the save+exit beaming, but I think we disagree on how it should be done, and what play style it should favor.

    I honestly think the difficulty option makes the most sense since, what we're talking about is difficulty of play.
    Heartstrings likes this.
  18. Tymon

    Tymon Cosmic Narwhal

    I don't think their idea of casual mode is like creative mode at all. creative mode means everything is handed to you, you're invincible, and you kill everything in one hit. Their idea of casual mode still means you can die, and you'd still have to find your gear/items etc. You really should look into what 'creative' mode is on minecraft, or the creative mode mod on here before you try to compare creative mode to anything.
  19. Lintton

    Lintton Guest

    Um, I don't understand. Why is digging down not so bad, but digging up space wizardry? If anything it should be easier and less resource intensive, as you aren't searching for hidden ores, but altitude. Not everyone hits that lucky titanium vein, but everyone knows where the sky is.

    Part of how exploration works is having an understanding of the routes and direction you have taken. That way, if you need to backtrack, it can be done safely and quickly.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 10, 2014
  20. M_Sipher

    M_Sipher Oxygen Tank

    Also... the tunnels you made to go down? They're still there to go back up though. I virtually NEVER dig a new shaft back to the surface unless I'm in a layer of really soft material.
    Heartstrings and bluecollarart like this.

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