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What happened to our playerbase?

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by PJRamaglia, Jul 24, 2014.

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  1. PJRamaglia

    PJRamaglia Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    So I just stumbled upon this interesting website called:


    Decided to look up Starbound and was presented with the following information in the attached picture.

    Did Starbound already become one of those games with a "cult following?" :confused:

  2. El Presidente

    El Presidente Void-Bound Voyager

    Rip in piss.
  3. I'd say it's not surprising with the lack of updates to the stable build (assuming people don't want to deal with unstable and less with nightly).

    I don't play as often as I'd like to, but I want to play 1.0 very bad, and I'm sure there are many in the trees waiting for the next big stable release, Chucklefish probably senses it too, and maybe that's why they're taking precautions to get the game to a state where the people who haven't picked up and played in a while will be floored.

    I played a nightly build a few days ago, and I've gotta say, it feels like a different game in so many aspects, but for all the right reasons.

    So mostly I think people are waiting for the stable release.
    M C, DaJoe85, Dust and 8 others like this.
  4. incugus

    incugus Void-Bound Voyager

    Game offers no actual gameplay at all, its literal sandbox , no way of promoting even self objectives as the "game" has no threats to the player or ways to challenge him.
    I'm still waiting to see if at some point in the distant future Starbound becomes a game, right now its a "Proof of Concept" a very alpha build of what the game could be. But it will only be a game if they update real gameplay and mechanics to the game.

    Even early minecraft was more rewarding to play, Starbound literally has you walking on the surface of planets , with empty undergruonds and nothing to explore, except repeating and boring "locations" with no backstory or anything to discover on them, no items, nothing spectacular, just random "coins" (or whatever they were called) and very very bad swords and hammers on a prison for example.

    The only cool thing was the flying airship, it felt different, the rest were bland and boring, that's why noone is playing it except very few people that are attracted to the game in this state, something i can't understand.
    M C, drakd, c2h5oc2h5 and 7 others like this.
  5. yclatious

    yclatious Guest

    Everyone that abandoned us will come back when the Update hits us,so not to worry man,they will be back,evenntualy.

    I dont play Starbound too much recenntly,mostly due to some of my Older games being neglected for too Long,but me and everyone and their mothers will be playing this game again after the update,dont you worry:)

    I just hope they change the bull Death Penalty,all I want out of this 1.0,tbh.
    PJRamaglia likes this.
  6. ReverendBonobo

    ReverendBonobo Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    What he said. The next stable version will be a big update, so you can expect to see a big leap in the player numbers, which will trail off then jump back up at the next update, then trail off ...

    I haven't played in a few months, because there's not much more for me to do in the game. I'm checking the forums every day or three to see how close we are to that big update.

  7. I think the biggest thing that will contribute to a larger sustained player base will be a more stable server side. Tiy's 1.0 features + more stable server will make clans happier, and when developer mode ships? I'll be playing this game like it was Ultima Online back in prime time.
    Serenity likes this.
  8. PJRamaglia

    PJRamaglia Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Well that's a bit of relief then :D

    I have 238 hours logged and I too have taken a break from Starbound in the meantime. Definitely looking forwarding to some of the new content that's coming. Thank you again for the reassuring remarks.

  9. I'm just a moderator and those are just my opinions, but I've been comfortable with the wait, and the updates (to me) have been sufficient, plus nightly build is pretty cool.
    Serenity and yclatious like this.
  10. yclatious

    yclatious Guest

    Too bad not everyone is like you and me...
    Steam Comunity...
    Burly_Jim, DaJoe85, lividust and 2 others like this.
  11. Lets not bash the steam community. Everyone has the right to feel happy or upset or anything in between about the game, and there are people in this very forum who aren't as happy as me or @yclatious . I don't really like separating the forums like that, we're all posting about the game for one reason or another so we're all a part of the Starbound community. That probably sounded rehearsed but that's how I actually feel.
    Burly_Jim likes this.
  12. yclatious

    yclatious Guest

    Just kiding round,I promisse;)

    Hey,I feel they also have a right to word their complaints,yet to sumarise my whole experience,just a lot of people geting brainwashed into believeing stuff that aint true,being irrationaly angry at Tiy,Molly,chucklefish,2013 ckinging like its a Money Valve,so much bad stuff...
    Just kinda :nope:

    But whatevs,ill respect em.
  13. Kettie

    Kettie Title Not Found

    I'm lurking in wait for an update. I check the forums almost every day but haven't posted or played in months. There are probably many like me lurking around :nod:
  14. hodder356

    hodder356 Void-Bound Voyager

    This game will go down in history as one of the biggest let downs ever, even if they make the game what they say it can be, Its still gonna be years from now. Do they really expect people to stay interested that long? The head honcho at chucklefish needs to be fired, so they can finish this game already with someone who knows how to put out a proper game in a timely manner. They should probably just let Redigit and the Terraria team take over lol, they know how to make a game!
    Hefeweizen likes this.
  15. warcore

    warcore Existential Complex

    just putting in my opinion here, I wouldn't be surprised if this had to do with the fact that the steam forums is full of posts about a starbound "conspiracy" for example the top "helpful" review talks about how he doesn't like the "pixel" prices then goes on for a good ways down depicting them as some kind of "WarZ" developer and of course he says that the quote "Fanboys" opinions don't count =)
    yclatious likes this.
  16. Dzelda

    Dzelda Parsec Taste Tester

    What happened to the playerbase you ask?

    I ate them. Deelicious! :)
    Burly_Jim likes this.
  17. nofo

    nofo Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Hilarious. I'm sure this reaction is entirely unjustified.
    Mood likes this.
  18. warcore

    warcore Existential Complex

    don't you hate how hes right tho =)
  19. nofo

    nofo Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    haha he certainly is.
  20. Meanwhile Terraria is in the top 20 daily with at least 15k a day traffic and it didn't get updated for over a year, I check out those charts daily.

    I'm pretty positive the lack of updates has crippled Starbounds player base, I'm sure as soon as stable updates begin to come out again the player base will rise significantly.
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