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Feedback What happened? (Everything, sort of)

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by DJFlare84, Jul 30, 2016.

  1. MrStrangerPL

    MrStrangerPL Pangalactic Porcupine

    Hey. First patch is coming. It won't fix masive dumbing down of basically everything, but hey. At least we'll be able to fish. For those who don't want to farm, I guess it's a neat idea.
  2. phichikapparho

    phichikapparho Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Yaaaay.....? Fishing... something else I didn't really care about.

    But really, the game isn't a total abortion. I just wish I hadn't ever played it before the 1.0 because I inevitably end up missing things from some of the previous builds. And if I hadn't known about them before I would be much less salty about things.

    It's playable, but I'm having much more fun with frackin universe than the standard vanilla game. There were things taken out that should never have been taken out. The game seemed like it had so much more variety before. Maybe that's not entirely correct but it sure felt that way.

    Rest easy my friends, there is a game coming out in about 12 hours on the ps4 that will almost surely scratch this procedurally generated itch that I have developed. And according to the day one update...update they will also be adding in pets and base building I'm future updates. So starbound won't really have anything this new one doesn't. Other than the ability to play separate races.... not like playing different races in starbound really impacts gameplay whatsoever, but it's the only nod I seem able to give at this time.

    I really hope in a month or two when I look back at this game some of these issues have been smoothed out or fixed. Or even outright reversed to what it was before. It's not a terrible game; it really isn't. But pulling the rug out from under your "alpha/beta testers" and completely changing and removing things last minute... is not very well received.

    As you have quite obviously seen.
    MrStrangerPL, Treadlight and Pingeh like this.
  3. Treadlight

    Treadlight Existential Complex

    I'm one of those people who barely touched it before 1.0, and despite following the devlog, I was not entirely aware of what was missing. When I played, I got the same feeling of existential pointlessness I get from Minecraft; there is something seriously wrong with the game's very structure to be so disengaging.
    No Man's Sky better not have these same problems...
    Waffle-Chan likes this.
  4. pop-yotheweird

    pop-yotheweird Ketchup Robot

    it has 18 quintillion planets, I can't imagine it being not boring. like, one of the only reasons I want to play it is so I can zip through space, maybe shoot some stuff with my omega space ship, and name planets silly names because I can. it's my planet, don't judge me.
    Seredoc likes this.
  5. LilyV3

    LilyV3 Master Astronaut

    not sure if NMS will deliver good gameplay. I hope it, yet not sure. It depends how good the sandbox in it is and how much it will stay challanging to keep people busy. When it is similar repetitive as SB, then all those quintillions of planets are going to be pointless anyways.

    But I really hope NMS does it better.
    Treadlight likes this.
  6. aerionop

    aerionop Big Damn Hero

    It's quite off-topic (I guess?), but NMS seems to have less content than Starbound. Only in 3D.

    Yep, the same small number of unique "random" assets, which are slapped together for every single planet you visit, with hue/lighting color moved around a bit. Difference is that you can't even do the only thing Starbound has to offer which seems marginally polished: the building. It doesn't have over 4000 furniture/building materials, and it sure as hell doesn't have anything to do past the 20-30-ish hour mark when you find your way to the core of the galaxy.

    Thank funk I'm too poor to throw my money away on anything that hasn't been out for a while; good decisions are easy to make when other people got burned before you.
  7. Silverforte

    Silverforte Spaceman Spiff

    I don't get contact damage. If I remember correctly, didn't they make a big deal in one of the dev blog posts on the old site about removing it and having enemies hurt you only when they performed an attack? Why did they retcon that change? It also confuses and bores me that neutral NPCs have to target you FIRST before you can attack them. I used to play the villain and wipe out innocent towns and villages. I can't do this now. I'm forced to be a goodie two-shoes even on my server where my character is supposed to be a bad guy and everyone is meant to stop me.
    Treadlight likes this.
  8. aerionop

    aerionop Big Damn Hero

    Try poison, or lava. If you can't hurt them directly, drown them in the blood of the earth.
  9. Xanirus

    Xanirus Ketchup Robot

    Not to mention that despite being touted as a single player game, you are indeed in the same online universe as other players and last I checked there are absolutely no tools to find your friends whatsoever.

    EDIT: Welp...nevermind.

    Last edited: Aug 9, 2016
  10. LilyV3

    LilyV3 Master Astronaut

    Oh Planet Explorers got an update yesterday, while it is on a single planet only it just showed me what SB lacks.

    a proper landscape generator, you see great and unique things in PE, while SB generates the same sometimes more sometimes less wavy landscapes. There are no cool cliffs or super deep holes. There are no larger lakes on non oceanic planets. It is just so plain and repetitive. And for some reasons every planet seems to have major caves and stuff. that makes all the things that exist still lacking a lot of special things.
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2016
    TheFloranChef and Treadlight like this.
  11. Treadlight

    Treadlight Existential Complex

    I'm pretty sure there's several blog posts talking about how "deep" they wanted the combat to be, each enthusiastically stating that there would be no contact damage.
  12. Shaadaris

    Shaadaris Giant Laser Beams

    Yes. And they made steps toward it with varied monster attacks.
    Then contact damage happened.
    Then they removed the varied monster attacks.

    They had to rewrite the monster AI and apparently that made a lot of the old attacks impossible to recreate, but it doesn't excuse the lack of anything other than "charge, jump, or lunge at".
    Combat against anything that isn't a boss is pretty bleh.
    Edit: Or other humanoids. Those can be sort of interesting.
    Treadlight likes this.
  13. DJFlare84

    DJFlare84 Spaceman Spiff

    Damn, really? I was kinda lookin' forward to trying out NMS myself...
  14. Corraidhín

    Corraidhín Supernova

    I just did some time travel and found this...


    Looks pretty nice, wonder what happened to it.
    Waffle-Chan likes this.
  15. Shaadaris

    Shaadaris Giant Laser Beams

    I assume it was Penguinfied, as it bears a good resemblance to the rocket penguins from the Dreadwing battle.
  16. Corraidhín

    Corraidhín Supernova

    Hmm... I think you may be right, it does look like it now that you mention it.
  17. Voyager

    Voyager Spaceman Spiff

    With 165 hours in I am just playing for a couple of achievements. While the colors and the variety of plant life is great, the monsters you see on every world are just annoying.
    Who thought it would be cool to have the same one-eyed, rock-shaped creature on every planet? The kind that can be easily killed, but you always miss because they just sit there?
    There are a half dozen of these 'you see them on every planet' monsters and they really detract from any sort of realism or adventure. I don't know how many times I tried to express to the devs on this forum that there should not be the same thing on every planet over the last four years. It was one of my personal missions to try to get a unique monster creation engine here.
    Oh, well - I guess it was too difficult to do? But not to add 1000's of outfits... I mean that is this game: find new vanity sets...forever...
    Lord Sinclair likes this.
  18. Treadlight

    Treadlight Existential Complex

    Well there are randomly generated monsters, but they're hard to come by and all behave in exactly the same way.
    Alright, I've been holding back talking about the old blog posts for fear of them being taken down, but I guess it's fine now. If they take it down now, that will bring them nothing but bad PR and fan resentment.

    Back in 2013, Tiy announced that Logan Cunningham was going to narrate the opening cutscenes for each race. Half a month later, in this blog post Tiy teases this video of the original Human intro. A couple of days later, and now there's also a post with a WIP Avian intro here. As a bonus, Omni shared the first "trailer" we ever got here. I won't gather them all up right now, but I also noticed a lot of unused Glitch helmets in some of the blog posts for some reason.

    I remember it like it was yesterday 3+ years ago...
    Waffle-Chan likes this.
  19. Corraidhín

    Corraidhín Supernova

    Yeah I spent about 1 hour digging up old posts and... there was a lot of good stuff, content ideas and interesting speculation from the community back before this game was even alpha, given what you just said that only adds up to the whole ...

    "what happened?"
  20. Treadlight

    Treadlight Existential Complex

    I just remembered I should probably link the blog post I had in mind when mentioning the combat earlier. I won't go and fetch the rest right now, but I might later.

    EDIT: For anyone curious, the devlog begins with this post.
    Corraidhín likes this.

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