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What do you think the next race will be?

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Tomato Master, Jul 16, 2014.

  1. Tamorr

    Tamorr Supernova

    I am confused... When was this mentioned? Where? so confused, did I miss something?

    I would love an insectoid race... or lizard race would be fine....
  2. Rennyj

    Rennyj Void-Bound Voyager

    In the most recent update from Tiy, he showed the new portals. On the portal there is faces of all the seven races. Except where the 8th one should be, there is a hole. That's why people are guessing what fills in that hole
    Tamorr likes this.
  3. Tomato Master

    Tomato Master Noob Simulator 2014

    I still think that a race based on another element should be added. Like earth or wind or electricity.
  4. Rennyj

    Rennyj Void-Bound Voyager

    OR FRUIT!!!
    Xefs and Bonabopn like this.
  5. Bonabopn

    Bonabopn Fluffiest Squirrel

    Novakids aren't fire though, they're plasma.
    Fruit is my favourite element c:
  6. Tomato Master

    Tomato Master Noob Simulator 2014

    I never actually said they were fire :p
  7. Crystan

    Crystan Maverick Hunter

  8. Tomato Master

    Tomato Master Noob Simulator 2014

    Lecic and Crystan like this.
  9. Tamorr

    Tamorr Supernova

    oh... guess I'll have to take a look again. Didn't really notice that. ><

    Thank you. :)
  10. Rennyj

    Rennyj Void-Bound Voyager

    No problem! :)
  11. MysticMalevolence

    MysticMalevolence Oxygen Tank

    Those aren't elements.
    Periodic Table.jpg
    It's settled. We're getting people made entirely of Francium. They're armor ability will be the inability to enter water.
    Xefs, Zebe and Starsly like this.
  12. Tomato Master

    Tomato Master Noob Simulator 2014

    We aren't talking about real life though. Many games consider fire, earth, wind, and water elements.
  13. Akado

    Akado Oxygen Tank

    Remember, Bruce Willis taught us that the fifth element is Love. Maybe that is the new race! Novakids are beings of pure energy, and Kawaiikids are beings of pure love!
    Lecic, Zebe and Starsly like this.
  14. Bonabopn

    Bonabopn Fluffiest Squirrel

    Earlier in the thread, people said it was unlikely because why would they put themselves on equal footing with the others? They'd put themselves at the top.
  15. TenshiCZ

    TenshiCZ Star Wrangler

    Well i just hope it wont be Bronies :D
  16. Tomato Master

    Tomato Master Noob Simulator 2014

    Eugh, Bronies. Thank god it probably wont be them...
  17. FLOknows

    FLOknows Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Maybe those teletubby/bunny things you find on desert planets?
  18. beari78

    beari78 Guest

    Probably Horses, Agarans, Rainbow Apex, Anodynes, or one of the most popular modded race. OBVIOUSLY THE PEGLACI THEY ARE FASHIONABLUHH @Djinn

    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 18, 2014
  19. linkthegamer

    linkthegamer Master Astronaut

    That would be awkward for the Starbound Novakids considering the Anodynes are 1/2 their inspiration.

    "I feel like I know you from somewhere partner."
    Zebe likes this.
  20. Adallamus

    Adallamus Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I'm so into the oil dudes. We don't have proper mobsters and the development people did on that specific race is awesome.
    beari78 likes this.

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