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What are your favourite Sci-fi melee weapons?

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Tiy, Oct 21, 2012.

  1. ohaisherlock

    ohaisherlock Void-Bound Voyager

    Wont say wich game but...


    Kind of "digisctructed".... you know what i mean.

    I think fits better than any other beam or laser swords.
    Arretez and Mr. Electric Ocean like this.
  2. LazerEagle1

    LazerEagle1 Master Astronaut

    Personally I like Torch Swords. Like, a torch that shoots out a concentrated flame which is wind-resistant and short, which can be used to slash at things.
  3. Firehammer

    Firehammer Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    The Butter Knife it slashes at the speed of normal force and can spread with the atmost softness shame current tech will never accompish such a feat
    Arretez likes this.
  4. DeusExel

    DeusExel Big Damn Hero

    Hehe Gunlaces and stuff^^... Monster had some really nice weapon ideas.
  5. Gunslinger

    Gunslinger Existential Complex

    Modern melee weapons like police tonfas, billyclubs, expandable batons. Machetes, Kama & Kukri.
    Futuristic weapons like laser swords, whips from alien materials. Power gloves and sledgehammers, chainsaw swords.
    Werd things like organic weapons ( an intelligent sword with an eye that gives you hints and reminds you of your health status), Wolverine-style claws that are actually part of the person, insect repellent spray or a cat that you can swing.
    I think that the majority of suggested sci-fi weopons is way over the top. I don't like it if I can't see the weapon because of all the SpecialFX. While a stun stick is absolutely realistic, an axe that fires soundwaves towards the enemy is .... erm....well, not a melee weapon anymore and would make more sense if the soundwaves were fired from a gun.
  6. Corillo

    Corillo No. 10,000

    What about some "Swingy" polearm weapons? Like a Halberd, Glaive or Naginata style? (Feel free to add "Phase"/"Laser"/[Enter Sci-fi effect here] : P)
  7. Rankomonaut

    Rankomonaut Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    - Staffs would be nice. Kind of Aikido close-quarters combat style ^^
    Maybe with only the tip being able to deal the highest damage to foes (the closer to player the less the dmg output), or else that weapon would be likely op. (Depending on its reach.)

    - Gloves or Claws, as seen in Darksiders II ^^
    Dealing small amounts of dmg to nearby foes at an insane (or utterly sane) speed. Not much like a powerful weapon, but its combat/acrobatic style would look quite kewl in pixels ;D

    - Whips, with no Indiana Jones™ reference here ^^
    Want to pick out one enemy out of a mass? Probably the weakest or just the nearest? Swing the whip and pull it to you, or send it flying behind you. Dominate them all! (;

    - And I just like Firehammers Butter Knife.
    Even butter won't be safe...
  8. Voyager

    Voyager Spaceman Spiff

    A holographic fist that reached out and ...does nothing!
  9. Roxie Stables

    Roxie Stables Parsec Taste Tester

    Hmmm....Seems like a item that would be listed in the "What useless items do you want In game Thread"
    Though not sure if it's still alive.
  10. FreshSheet

    FreshSheet Pangalactic Porcupine

    Gloves that will turn your hands into razor sharp penguin wings...
  11. Ichthyodactyl

    Ichthyodactyl Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Power gloves, while cliche, could be lots of fun in a game like this. I would also like to see polearms, generally disatisfied with the way they are handled in other games. Requisite super hammer weapon and 'light-based sabre' IMO. Melee weapons don't get alot of attention in main-stream sci-fi. It's always "this shocks people, this burns people, this is made of light, this increases kinetic power", something original would be really nice, but don't really have a good idea. :S
  12. HappyVader

    HappyVader Big Damn Hero

    I didn't find this anywhere in this topic...so here's my suggestion:


    Home Planet is destroyed and you have to run around the stars? I can only hope there was an NPC that at least reminded our hero/heroine to bring their towel. Great for other things, too. Becomes more lethal when wet.

    Bonus: Unique sound effect when used while wet. A smart, cracking *SLAP*

    EDIT: Picture added because addition is picturesque

    EDIT (Part 2): First link was broken, here's a new one ;)
    Waffolani, Beloreon, DeusExel and 4 others like this.
  13. Gunslinger

    Gunslinger Existential Complex

    Why didn't I think about this? EVERYTHING about your suggestion is perfect. I can't give you more than one like for this post, but I'm just going to go ahead and give you another 2 likes somewhere else.
  14. HappyVader

    HappyVader Big Damn Hero

    Hahaha, thank you! :rofl:

    I believe I had an epiphany, yesterday, and acted on it :giggle:
  15. Psion

    Psion Zero Gravity Genie

    How is it that I did not think of this? Awesome stuff man.
  16. Minoser

    Minoser Void-Bound Voyager

    XRiZUX, Gravik and Axe Garian like this.
  17. Biscuit Sawce

    Biscuit Sawce Pangalactic Porcupine

    The Third Degree equipped by the TF2 Pyro looks snazzy :) And it incinerates the enemies you kill to add style :D
    Axe Garian likes this.
  18. Melissia

    Melissia Ketchup Robot

    Ugh. At least you could use the slightly less stupid gunblade from FFXIII (possibly teh only thing good to come from that game).
  19. Adallamus

    Adallamus Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Everything that you can punch things with. Fist-type weapons are my favorite, in terms of melee. Brass knuckles, Katars (Punching daggers), Claws, and the like. I'm also a fan of scythes, although they're difficult in a 2D medium.
    Katorone and Gravik like this.
  20. Katorone

    Katorone Giant Laser Beams

    +1 for scythes.
    Electric0Eye likes this.

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