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What are your favourite Sci-fi melee weapons?

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Tiy, Oct 21, 2012.

  1. BurningMercury

    BurningMercury Title Not Found

    not sure if its been mentioned yet but a really nasty one from 40k the eldar harlequin's kiss, a gauntlet than when punched into someone/thing extrudes a monofilament of immense tensile strength and sharpness that puree's you from the inside. nasty! :cool:
  2. Mendatt

    Mendatt Space Spelunker

    Someone else from the SCA! Awesome.
    Unfortunately, there are very few games with realistic combat. It's just hard to get to work right, and often not as fun as it is in real life. And couldn't spears in terraria strike anywhere? You just couldn't swing them. And you can't really swing spears in real life, either. They're too long for it, for one thing, and the blades, if they can be called that, are too short to bite deeply. (Also, unless I'm mistaken, actual boffer spears only have thrusting tips, although polearms can slash. I wouldn't know. I'm a two-sword guy.)

    Oh, and just in case anyone was wondering, florentine means fighting with two swords.
  3. Fauznaut

    Fauznaut Big Damn Hero

    Bumper swords from fallout. Those were sweet.
  4. Regal Kain

    Regal Kain Space Kumquat

    It really depends on the spear, the style of "spear" I suppose pole-arm would be slight better, I prefer is this.
    Though albeit, this type of spear is specialized. Another type.
    While not nearly as effective as the first, you'd be amazed at how effective that tip is as a swinging instrument.

    As far as "swinging" a spear in real life, it's not a swing in the sense that many think of it as, it's a sweeping motion, where in the tip of your spear is aimed to sweep across the enemy's body, generally if you do this right, you can tear a sizeable hole in anything. Then again, this may be because I'mma fat guy, so my ability to wield very heavy weapons with relative ease, catches alot of people off guard. I was actually asked to change my weapons in a boffer tournament because I "dual-wield" or florentine, with bastard swords, or hand and a half swords. Alot of people argue "you can't be strong enough to effectively use two heavy weapons like that." the arguement doesn't last long when I'm given two bastard swords to prove it, the way in which I fight and use my own body's momentum, and the momentum of the weapons, makes it rather effective. So for me "swinging" a spear, in 180 degree arcs rapidly, isn't all that hard or challenging for me. So to me it'd seem normal. But that's my rant. :)
    Axe Garian likes this.
  5. Fallen

    Fallen Void-Bound Voyager

    I guess you could call it that xD it's got no long range though
  6. Alternatum

    Alternatum Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Not sure if someone has already said this, but I really liked the blades that came from your augmented arms when you performed a lethal take-down in Deus Ex: Human Revolution. So yeah...blades from mechanically augmented arms.
  7. Shock

    Shock Spaceman Spiff

    Claws in any game are an all-time absolute win, some sort of sci-fi version would be awesome, like what Noc said.
  8. Psion

    Psion Zero Gravity Genie

    If they haven't been mentioned already, the following or a reasonable stand-in for them:
    - Ratchet's Omni-Wrench.
    - A pickax that uses hardlight to project its blades. Stupidly impractical but cool
    - An industrial sledgehammer working off the same principles as the Fallout Super Sledge or the 40k Thunderhammer. Boring but practical
    - Personal Mining Drill like the drills from Terraria.
    - A giant Swiss Army Knife. Because why not? Can be used as a decent tool as well as a weapon.
  9. Axe Garian

    Axe Garian Oxygen Tank

    x2 for us Robots to combine with our +Mining Bonus via Dual Wield! :up:
  10. Roxie Stables

    Roxie Stables Parsec Taste Tester

    -Didn't read the entire thread and know it's very possible someone else posted it-​
    Well for me personally I would love to have poison daggers. It would go very well with my rouge-like play style and it would help with hit-and-run tactics in multiplayer pvp. It can have some generic do x damage for x amount of time.​
  11. Psion

    Psion Zero Gravity Genie

    Nah, give me a giant robo-Swiss Army Knife. :p
  12. Gravik

    Gravik Existential Complex

    The all powerful combat spork
  13. slaticus

    slaticus Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Dual wielding bastard swords would make for some really difficult combat. You would almost have to be a lone wolf style fighter, as the length of the blade would prevent close style formations, like the ones the Romans used.

    So basically, great for being a hero or for small engagements, but not for large scale military maneuvers.
  14. Melissia

    Melissia Ketchup Robot

    I rather like power weapons from 40k-- power swords, power axes, the Eldar spears (forgot their name), Thunder Hammers, Klaws and Power Fists (huge claws and gauntlets wreathed in energy, capable of tearing apart tanks) .... and it's such a basic concept that it isn't even fair to say it's a rip-off, considering it's basically sci-fi-fying fantasy weapons.

    And they usually (with a few rare exceptions) are based around a core weapon, so it could even be an upgrade to medieval weapons in-game, too.
  15. Regal Kain

    Regal Kain Space Kumquat

    Yeah haha, I'm not really keen on militairy formations though. Generally alot of what I do is sparring 1v1 or 1v2 etc so I'm used to being solo. And since in Starbound I probably will be as well, since I'm usually the explorer/miner in games like this with my friends, it'll work great! :)
    Axe Garian likes this.
  16. If it doesn't have to be sci-fi... a giant Tiy that you found floating in space would be cool
  17. Arretez

    Arretez Spaceman Spiff

    The beam katana from No More Heroes, the AMP from Infamous, and Vexx's claws from Vexx.
  18. Psion

    Psion Zero Gravity Genie

    Then again, given how most Starbound games will feature either small groups or solo players, that might not be so much of a problem.
  19. CosmicStar

    CosmicStar Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Favourite sci-fi melee eh? Hm... I think they'll be:

    1. The MMI-710 "Excaliber" Anti-ship sword

    2. Beam/Light sabers

    3. Thunder hammer from WH40k
  20. Marlinka

    Marlinka Aquatic Astronaut

    Off the topic of my head, the power fists in Fallout were pretty cool. And if it counts, the switch axes in monster hunter were pretty neat as a concept (a melee weapon that switches into another weapon). They were so chunky and I recall little details with the gears and how they actually shifted around. They've got new ones now that order around tiny pets, and a new gear one with and shield and sword that combine into an axe.

    Otherwise I don't recall a lot of fantasy weapons that were melee apart from things like Star Trek with the blades the Klingons used, that sort of thing.

    Oh and drills. Drills are always pretty neat. I believe swordcraft had them as a main weapon you could use. Was quite fun.

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