We're back

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by Tiy, Jan 5, 2015.

  1. kanticat

    kanticat Void-Bound Voyager

    Wow, actually pretty impressed. Bought this game a couple weeks ago, and started reading the forums thoroughly about a week ago.
    You addressed pretty much every big issue I've seen with this game so far... to like... surprising accuracy.
    This post makes me feel better now that I know for sure you guys are actually listening :)
  2. Artay001

    Artay001 Pangalactic Porcupine

    Great job, Chucklefish! Happy New Year! Pretty much anything I would add to the conversation has been added. The threat of starving/freezing being exciting, having a reason to colonize planets, too few/not enough variety in quests, etc. Keep up the good work and have a fantastic and productive 2015!
  3. Silver200x

    Silver200x Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I hope the Team Had a Good Holiday, All Sounds Great Stuff, Forbidden Waffles, its not a bug, its just the way it works, what i have found annoying is, and i dont know if this can be stopped, but someone can join a multiplayer server, steal stuff, log out and use it in there single player mode never to return, with the stolen goods.

    there should be a locking mechanism for all storages. 4 modes private, public , group and friends only.

    nice work with the main mission and boss quests, I enjoyed them, but once you run thru once and know what to expect they are easy to do tho AI improvements i presume for future updates.
    Broodie likes this.
  4. Maku

    Maku Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Please make the Bookmarksystem so we can rename Planets/Sol Systems!
    TheFloranChef likes this.
  5. Scival

    Scival Oxygen Tank

    Sol is a proper noun... it's the name of OUR star.
  6. Rexxar_F3

    Rexxar_F3 Space Spelunker

    Welcome back!:). It's more than obvious to me that you are aware of the problems and that you'll listen to the comunity if you aren't, so really you only need time and hard work to get this game to be the gem that has the potential of beeing ;).

    Also, i hope that when you rework the temperature and hunger it'll be in all the difficulty levels, i liked to have to scatter outposts all around the cold planets to take shelter. Have a nice day!
  7. Evilfudge

    Evilfudge Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I hope the team had a wonderful time with friends and families on the holidays, you guys deserve a little break ;).

    Awesome job with addressing the problems, props to listening to the voice of the people! Only one more thing that needs to be nerfed is probably the tech system which doesn't seem as customizable as it used to be. Hope the team notices the issue.
  8. StarKaiser

    StarKaiser Big Damn Hero

    about time you got back :p and are waiting to see this starbound coming to consoles this year after PC release official first re-make of the game :)
  9. Fred Meat

    Fred Meat Subatomic Cosmonaut

    A few people have already said that the lighting you use to mine (i.e torches) sucks. I totally agree. Torches aren't only medieval, which is fine for A while (and for Glitch) but not for high tech adventurers who own robotic crafting tables, plasma rifles and tech suits. I think there should be an item or tech that is a headlamp. It's like the torch except hands free, and you can still direct the beam.
    Another idea would be for a light-casting MM upgrade. I don't have all the upgrades yet, but I don't think this is one of them.
  10. Barl0we

    Barl0we Phantasmal Quasar

    Welcome back, hope you all had a nice Christmas break!

    I had decided to wait for the stable patch before checking everything out, but I just couldn't wait...So now I've started my Novakid, and am getting back into the swing of things :D

    I really enjoy the changes so far! I can't wait to get further, and see the progress you guys have gotten :)
  11. Gypsyhunter

    Gypsyhunter Big Damn Hero

    Wow this all sounds really great! Looking forward to seeing what your team cooks up! Thanks for the update :)
  12. Percival

    Percival Phantasmal Quasar

    @Tiy I'm personally happy with many of the changes you've made so far. Can't wait to see your implementation of more systems and adventure paths in the future, but there's one problem I've had, and brought up a number of times without it ever being mentioned.

    On my computer, which I'll admit is not the best but does run the most recent games smoothly at medium settings, planets with large dungeons and especially the Apex testing facilities, I drop down to single digit FPS, and it's practically unplayable on those planets. Any word on when those electro-spikes will stop being horrible, buzzing lag engines?

    That and the slow loading of chunks when trying to circumnavigate a planet. That's typically the first thing I do when I beam down to a planet, because I enjoy seeing all the surface has to offer. Gathering resources, chests, and planting my flag on the farside of the world. Having to wait upwards of 30 seconds for a rectangle to load in so I can progress, only to meet another missing chunk for a similar time a screen over really breaks up the feeling of adventure.
  13. Idlemind

    Idlemind Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I'm a nice guy and got good karma on this forum.. this is probably my only negative post ever on this site but I gotta say it (and I love you guys and the fans)..


    "Strive for excellence, not perfection."

    In a lot of ways the game is already better than the competition, granted some things need to be tidied up - but redesigned from scratch? (I was more than satisfied with the basic temperature and hunger requirements - now that they are buffs or gone or whatever it's more arcade less "survival" imho).

    Terraria didn't even have a mission system and I still logged in over 300 hours.

    Just saying don't get drowned in the minutiae... and some ideas may be better off reserved for Starbound 2.

    I know you want the game to be the best possible but I just get the vibe from the news feed that there is some OCD going on and the hands will never be clean enough ;)

    On the other hand if 1.0 is released before I am in the ground and it's a masterpiece then I will have felt pretty silly for posting this ;)
    Dyre, randon, Lemuria and 1 other person like this.
  14. Disco2

    Disco2 Existential Complex

    Thanks for the update on whats going on.
    Axe Garian likes this.
  15. meepcrux

    meepcrux Void-Bound Voyager

    Don't remove hunger it makes cooking and farming useless. Also let cold be in later Sectors, when the game should get harder
    Sese, sid3aff3ct and Darklight like this.
  16. Exxil3d

    Exxil3d Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    something which would be nice for people trying less combat-oriented gameplay progressions are things like pacification fields that render combat either useless or make it unable to happen at all inside the field, or some sort of stealth suit tech that makes you invisible to monsters (though to balance it would pacify you as well)
  17. ThaOneDon

    ThaOneDon Parsec Taste Tester

    Good Work. ;) Looking forward to Stable.

    Aramil33 likes this.
  18. Velken

    Velken Void-Bound Voyager

    Hey, just a simple idea: let the community build some quests to the game, like a contest, so, people have fun, and you get some work done.
    Btw,happy new year (a bit late)
    Idlemind likes this.
  19. DarthTrethon

    DarthTrethon Spaceman Spiff

    Yeeeeeees!!!! Bases are going to be fully supported without us needing to deal with mods for teleportation to get there!!! Excitement is impossible to contain!!! I had so many thoughts on building super awesome secret bases and the even better thing is that with the ability to teleport directly to a base I really don't need it to be in any way accessible from above ground. I'm also very excited to hear there will be different progression paths through the game, I hope you guys will write some more on all the possible progression paths once implemented before the game launches.
    Axe Garian likes this.
  20. Sethusk

    Sethusk Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I'm pretty happy about the temp/hunger being gone. I'd rather it be something you can turn on or off or a difficulty level option. Sometimes you want to just hang out in game without having to worry about stuff. Everything else sounds great too.

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