Weekly Update 11/15

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by mollygos, Nov 16, 2013.

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  1. TheKeyLimit

    TheKeyLimit Phantasmal Quasar

    Can we yell DEATH TO THE HEATHENS! Too?
  2. Vanishing

    Vanishing Zero Gravity Genie

    So, basically in a nutshell: no beta, nor estimate of beta release date.
  3. BIackhat

    BIackhat Orbital Explorer

    and you say this fire will spread indefinitely?
  4. Alhazzared

    Alhazzared Orbital Explorer

    This weekly update has just as much as daily updates just with stupid gifs

    God damn.

    Good thing I lost my hype a month ago.
  5. Trowzers

    Trowzers Existential Complex

    That fireburst is pretty sweet. I can imagine that scaring the brass bananas out of me if it was a dungeon trap!
  6. wavefunction.e

    wavefunction.e Space Penguin Leader

    Tiy Mentioned in his post on the beta ("how the Beta is going to work") for the second stage, Automaton, "DO NOT take part in this stage if:
    - You want to play through the main quest line"
    I think they already have a 'Tutorial' kind of quest too.
    Hope that helps:)
    Axe Garian likes this.
  7. BrakSampson

    BrakSampson Big Damn Hero

    Kinda disappointed with the whole weekly update deal. I was under the impression that we would be getting one large update rather than 4-5 small ones throughout the week. Looks like now we just get one a week that is little more than what the daily updates were.

    All I really want to know is which one of these six weeks to expect the beta. I would have thought that in 7 months, we could have gotten just ONE refinement one the estimate of "2013".
  8. bbq1040

    bbq1040 Big Damn Hero

    I wasn't talking about the beta release but hat's probably true. However now that they have the weekly thing started it would make sense for them to keep to the weekly routine, including the announcement for beta. But the site is still going to be a ghost town until next week. I find that posting pictures without any information gets people talking a lot more than if you give context. People won't have much to discuss because we already know what is going on in the pictures. Wouldn't it be more fun if we had just gotten that picture of the monkey in a cage? Wouldn't it be better if we got a screen shot each day? That would take less than a minute to post, less than a longer weekly update. If they still want to give a little blurb about progress every week that's fine but as they say a picture is worth a thousand words.
  9. wavefunction.e

    wavefunction.e Space Penguin Leader

    Well, At least now I have a Good reason for checking the site everyday:laugh:
  10. Haec_Esne_Legas

    Haec_Esne_Legas Tentacle Wrangler

    Soooo, now we wait until next Friday for the possibility to play the game we've had paid for for 6ish months?

    You have paid a great deal less then you would have to after its release. You paid for early access and to help a small indie team with their dreams. Without people like us odds are games like this would not exist.
  11. TroyK

    TroyK 2.7182818284590...

    Earthboundtothestars likes this.
  12. ZangooseSlash

    ZangooseSlash Black Hole Surfer

    Wait, this is a weekly update?
    A bit underwhelming.
  13. Shhmio

    Shhmio Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Well this weekly update was pretty weak in my opinion e.e.. besides that woohoo can't wait for beta..
  14. Mercer

    Mercer Aquatic Astronaut

    I wanna mainline this update.
  15. Chompy

    Chompy Cosmic Narwhal

    Yay! Fire looks nice. Same as the cultists. And everything.
    Particularly fire. Because it's fire and it burns things. :giggle:
    Axe Garian likes this.
  16. ZangooseSlash

    ZangooseSlash Black Hole Surfer

    A mention of beta progress would be nice, example
    We have this much to finish
    we may be able to give a rough estimate by:

    you know.

    but we got another random npc story(meh), and about a day's worth of news
  17. Silver4Espeon

    Silver4Espeon Void-Bound Voyager

    Wow, things are coming along awesome! Fire and random encounters and mechas, oh my! If my beta-filled possibly prophetic dream last night is any indication, the beta should even be out soon! (Then again, maybe not. Things were a little weird in my dream. For instance, I doubt any of the bosses in the real game use the square root of butter as their main weapon.)
    MSJesterkid, Axe Garian and Kittails like this.
  18. wavefunction.e

    wavefunction.e Space Penguin Leader

    Aside from the Awesome Rainbow hair:DD, he kind of reminds me of the main character in the first Breath of Fire game.
  19. ddawg77

    ddawg77 Void-Bound Voyager

    Fire is looking great! :sneaky:
    Axe Garian likes this.
  20. TroyK

    TroyK 2.7182818284590...

    As said before, They appear to be working out the bug fixes, they are done with most of the "exiting stuff." :( Its hard to make a substantial post when all you are working on is bug fixes unless you would rather hear about that.
    Svarr Chanston, Axe Garian and Chompy like this.
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