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Pixel Weekly Pixel-Off

Discussion in 'Art' started by pigrocket, Feb 2, 2013.

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  1. Sir yes sir!
    WoxandWarf and pigrocket like this.
  2. FreshSheet

    FreshSheet Pangalactic Porcupine

    Ladies. Gentlemen. My humble entry.
    fish v2.png
    Edit: Resized for more viewing pleasure: fish v2 resized.png
    Mopy, Mianso and blind sniper like this.
  3. I'm not gonna lie, I was thinking about doing a fish Poovatar lol. Also, I hope Dragonith doesn't think I've forgotten about the art. I have an idea that involves my SB characters, but I want to make sure that I create the character that I will use for sure!
  4. Heheh, no worries. Take your time. Just don't try to overwhelm me. :rofl:
  5. Jokes aside, I don't think it will, but I can always simplify the idea if it's too much. :)
  6. And I'm just sitting here making some measly emotes... [​IMG]
  7. omnomosaurus

    omnomosaurus Orbital Explorer

  8. FreshSheet

    FreshSheet Pangalactic Porcupine

    He looks so sad :(
  9. Tojo

    Tojo Existential Complex

    wait so whats the theme?
  10. FreshSheet

    FreshSheet Pangalactic Porcupine

    Fishies. It's in the OP, like every week.
  11. Beautiful Creature
    Rainbow submerged in water
    Swims in the ocean


    A little bit bigger now...

    Seajun_, Tojo, Dragonith and 4 others like this.
  12. One thing that I love about your art is the shading and texture! C'est tres beaux. [​IMG]
    Mopy likes this.
  13. Je vous remercie! J'aime créer de l'art!
  14. centor111

    centor111 Cosmic Narwhal

    Translation: it is very beautiful
    I know many languages
    WoxandWarf and Mopy like this.
  15. Or you just use Google Translate. [​IMG]
    WoxandWarf and Mopy like this.
  16. I know I did :)
    WoxandWarf likes this.
  17. That explains why you used "Je vous remercie" for thank you instead of simply "Merci". Oh, google.
  18. I can't tell which is more beautiful: the haiku or the fish.
    blind sniper, WoxandWarf and Mopy like this.
  19. centor111

    centor111 Cosmic Narwhal

    Never......... I only just started French last term and I luckily covered that.
    But by you saying that I used g00g1e translate, tu traverse la ligne magique
  20. Pardon, monsieur ou madame, j'ai ne su pas!
    Also, we are getting kinda off-topic. Where da pixels at?
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