Weapon Customization

Discussion in 'Gear and Items' started by Daitenshi, Feb 22, 2012.

  1. Yanazake

    Yanazake Space Kumquat

    I disagree with this. I think it should be the other way around. You know, legendary technology can't be crafted, only found, [and maybe tweaked/improved] like artifacts. Makes exploration more worth it.
    Pseudoboss and linkthegamer like this.
  2. ZeroFiveNosh

    ZeroFiveNosh Void-Bound Voyager

    Well im half and half . To me if te best weapons need to be found why waste time trying to craft them. I think that rare materals to make rare weapons is the best choice, that gets you exploring more. If you open a chest just from digging mid game and it has the "OMG I OWN THIS WORLD" gun in it, why waste time trying to dig up ore and junk to make any other weapon than this one? (not a retorically) Im worried that people who play for more of the combat will be more less interested in exploring cave and stuff if they can just find better things.
  3. Pseudoboss

    Pseudoboss Spaceman Spiff

    Well, crafted will be mid-range items. They'll be better than most weapons dropped by normal mobs, but worse than weapons given as a dungeon/boss reward. Crafted items will also usually be more along the lines of grappling hooks and jetpacks, both of which are totally awesome. Also, occasionally you will get an item that's better than your boss gear for the same tier. Crafted items would also be essentials like torches and doors.
  4. ZeroFiveNosh

    ZeroFiveNosh Void-Bound Voyager

    Yea but that what im worried about. In Terraria Boss dropped the good materials not the good weapons. If crafted items (just equips not building stuff) is better then why was time trying to craft better equips if you will just find better stuff? But then again...If they had weapons skins i guess it really won't matter lol. Never considered that =D
  5. Resolve

    Resolve Yeah, You!

    I like alot of this, but i am afraid like psuedoboss had his worries....
    :gooby: pls
  6. Gormogon

    Gormogon Void-Bound Voyager

    Nothing annoyed me more in borderlands than finding an awesome pistol, but with some stupid scope that i could never remove. And rarer items were more likely to have bells and whistles, like scopes. So i ended up being forced to use common level weapons. Procedural generation has it's pitfalls.
    Vahi5 likes this.
  7. gallowsRenegade

    gallowsRenegade Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Another thing to think about with the weapon damage type would be how much it does and for how long. So if I have a fire sword that does a base damage of 15, the flames from the sword might do 5-8 damage per half second for 3.5 seconds. Or if the sword has a jagged edge, it would go through the enemy slower, but allow damage type and status do to more/ last longer.
  8. I think it would be cool if weapons could have a secondary ability with a cooldown or something, like a sniper could shoot an explosive round, or a machine gun could shoot a spread of bullets (or a big one). To balance this, these could be unrecoverable, as in they're built into guns you find, and you would have to just mod the weapon you find it on instead of moving it to a different one.
  9. Wall of Steel

    Wall of Steel Big Damn Hero

    I would love to see this!
  10. Alxetora

    Alxetora Phantasmal Quasar

    Had a few more ideas to contribute, given I didn't miss any that were previously posted. (Forgive me, i've only read the front page.)

    • Reciever (Upper/whole thing), would give the weapon a general look and frame to plug your parts into. Multiple reciever parts could be used to give the weapon a more personal shape.
    • Targeting laser
    • Muzzle brake - This would do something to accuracy or velocity, I'm not quite sure.
    • Special scopes - Thermal, nightvision. Both have an AoE-cone projected from the scope, the thermal would highlight enemies and the NV would brighten an area in that cone, much like a flashlight, but prevent enemies from reacting to the scope as it doesn't physically project a beam of light. This could also mask your presence in multiplayer PVP.
    • Munitions-based magazines of multiple sizes, would fit recievers and be sorted by class. Example: 5.56 and 7.62 would fit automatic rifles, .50 cal and .338 would fit sniper rifles. Certain weapons would only have certain munitions available, such as an AR having incendiary and explosive rounds while a sniper rifle would have high-velocity and armor-piercing rounds. Certain ammo would require a specific barrel/chamber modification to be used.
    • Grenade launchers and underbarrel shotguns - Would be automatically bound to your other hand and require their own ammunition source to function.
    • Blade modification - I was mostly just thinking things like superheated and electrified blades, and beam-swords (lightsabers but even better) and such. Powered chainsword-blades would be cool as well, perhaps you could choose between serrated and razor-styled blade edges.
  11. space ranger

    space ranger Void-Bound Voyager

    maybe you could mix the power and the effect of the grenade/explosive you could mix the EMP and say a shrapnel grenade

    also i'd like to add that it would be cool if there would be a chance that you the weapon construct would not work or something eg sniper accuracy with a shotgun close range that would not work, or forms of energy weapons cannot be mixed eg plasma and laser. also it could have something unexpected that would happen for example again you would mix some form of energy and you would randomly create a new energy type. also it would be really sick if you had a tech tree that would limit you and you would have to analyse different tier and type of weapons to progress and THEN be able to mix and match and make some new badass form of a gun
  12. Thorjelly

    Thorjelly Tentacle Wrangler

    Yes, please add this. But also it's so sad finding a neat unique weapon and having it get outdated so fast. Being able to upgrade items would be wonderful, in addition to customization.
  13. NikoZarh

    NikoZarh Void-Bound Voyager

    what bout this type of crafting:
    Player constructs ammobench and weaponry(maybe armor also)
    we got schemes with slots - that we filled with materials:
    each type of material has different parameters: more armor penetration or damage.
    in ammo it could be flammable - if we use tar block in arrow head filling
    in armor it coul give additional protection from cold.

    something like this.

    Sorry for my grammar. Thanks for your attention=)
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2013
  14. uberninja

    uberninja Orbital Explorer

    i would love to be able to craft bomb and grenades are maybe like craft grenade casings and then at a weapons workstation chose what type of grenade it is like incendiaries, high explosion, emp, toxic etc.
  15. cvnvnasdf

    cvnvnasdf Industrial Terraformer

    I want to make a pretty long suggestion.. To this suggestion. *nervous chuckle*

    From those things with unique stuff *I found a sword that shoots bubbles* on it! Like, the blade is unique, or a unique barrel.

    I also want, weapons, that has cool effects. Like the ones in Borderlands 2 if you're talking about guns. Bouncy projectiles or something. THAT would create an IMMENSE amount of creativity added in the game. I'd be spending a lot of time searching for weapons, and make weapons out of.. Weapons. *short, intensively nervous chuckle* Stuff like, "when you hold this thing, you'll run faster and the weapon on your other hand gets stronger" or "summons a star that falls from the sky everytime you shoot *well, someone misses THAT game".

    Of course, like you said, it comes with drawbacks. The first, and always, is that special effects are rare. And should be made rarer. Also, it should be made so that the weapon has a maximum of 2 effects, a passive buff "when you hold this thing, you'll run faster and the weapon on your other hand gets stronger" and an active buff "summons a star that falls from the sky everytime you shoot". Third, the balance system comes ERE. A weapon that has 2 effects will receive massive amounts of drawbacks, like slow firing speed, inaccuracy, and high energy costs.. Or in the case of passive buffs, drains energy. Lastly, the crafting will require COPIOUS amounts of pixels. Like, a lot. Something that you would put dedication in, something that you want to invest in, something that you REALLY want to waste all that money, just to make the perfect weapon. I'm not just talking to special effects weapons. I'm talking about ALL weapons (but weapons with no effects should have affordable amounts of pixels, like 500, and if it has 2 effects, it becomes, say, 10000? That's expensive for me, I don't know about you guys. Never left the Alpha sector :c)

    Because weapons with cool effects requires pixels, it is something you shouldn't get early. You don't want to grind for minutes/hours to make a weapon that'll last a sector, right? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. For me. It's a free world -universe- after all.

    tl;dr Special weapon effects that make cool stuff when you hold/fire/slash with it, a lot of drawbacks comes with it.

    Not much to say here. I want to suggest something though.

    The rarity of the parts will determine the rarity of the finished product.

    "Pfffft so what? High rarity ain't meaning NOTHING to me! Look at Dead Island..."
    Whoa. Easy there tiger. You haven't heard the OTHER suggestion -to this suggestion- relating to that ONE suggestion I suggested about rarity. I overused suggest, did I? I bet you didn't complain about the number of suggestions made in this game? *faking throat clearing* Aaanyways, there is something about the -10 to 10 value, where the value must stay at 0 for it to be balanced, and to make it 0 you must get a good and bad thing(s) about the weapon, or make it do absolutely nothing but shoot or slash.

    Now, its a fine concept, I love it, but something fine CAN get better, wouldn't it? At least, I think it will.
    First of all, expand the value to -15 to 15. That way there is more variation to the weapon. Secondly, the higher the rarity, the higher the value the weapon can achieve in order to make it "balanced". Say, a white weapon has a balance value of -1, green 0, blue 1, purple 3. And pixel cost. As always. Higher rarity = higher cost.

    tl;dr Parts determine weapon rarity and therefore quality and pixel cost.

    Dye the parts individually!

    *paper rustling* not much to say here. That's pretty much it.

    *paper rustling* let's see here we have...


    • Speed
    • Jump
    • Glow
    • Regeneration
    • Strength
    • Max Health
    • Mining speed
    • Fire resistance
    • Defense
    • Iron feet - Fall damage reduction
    • Water walking

    • Seizures - I can't explain it, but I'm sure you know how it works
    • On drugs (this may be inappropriate) - Screen goes greenish, hallucinations
    • Tipsy (also inappropriate, but c'mon, Terraria has it) - Screen goes all fuzzy
    • Nausea - Minecraft-styled woozy screen
    • Frostburn - DoT, severe temperature drop
    • Frozen - Immobilized, severe temperature drop
    • Chilled - Slower movement, temperature drop
    • Slag (or another name, wouldn't want to get sued by Gearbox) - what's this? Certainly you haven't played Borderlands 2. When an enemy is inflicted by slag, all non-slag weapons deal more damage. gr8 4 2wielding
    • Electrocuted - DoT, severe movement slowdown

    shock fire acid slag or something else these are all from borderlands 2 if not the first one didnt play the first
    light dark frost poisoned etc these arent from borderlands 2

    this section sucks doesnt it it doesnt even have proper sentences nor punctuations lol

    Personally, I'm not interested in suggesting parts, all of those is enough for me.


    I think that's it, for now. This is a very long post for me.
  16. TheLordOfJoe

    TheLordOfJoe Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I have an idea for attachments, like a mounted gun, on the gun.(Shotgun/ grenade/ maybe even flashlight! ) Also laser precision!
  17. AndIMustMask

    AndIMustMask Tentacle Wrangler

    i'm liking your idea. a comment on the balance thing: as long as the customized weapons are within spitting distance in terms of damage/status length of their tier or the tier of most of the parts that make it, it shouldn't be an issue--your custom weapon might be cool and powerful NOW, but when you get to the next sector it'll fall behind some of the newer options, giving you the chance to collect more weapons/parts to make your weapon better (and raise its overall tier).

    i'd love to see laser sights for guns and an arcing sight for bows (i have lots of trouble aiming with them for some reason, despite knowing that it drops after a distance) to help player accurracy.

    I'd also say to keep melee and ranged weapons in the same ballpark of parts available to customize, both for simplicity and equality (your lists has a lot more going for the ranged as-is, but i understand those are just examples). there's also the guard for swordy things, and you could have some other term for it with hammers/spears/etc what don't have it--wraps or reinforcements, perhaps?

    something like:
    -stock (frame, for bows) / barrel (bowstring for bows) / sight / accessory / accessory for ranged weapons
    -grip / contact (since blade doesnt quite fit with hammers being there) / guard (or wrap/reinforce) / accessory / accessory

    things like cosmetic effects or passive buffs would go in the accessory slots.

    you could also have each upgrade be based on tier for their strength/effects, like having burn 1, 2, etc. with each causing more damage over time, for a longer time, but you'd have to find a burning weapon of that tier's number to get that particular part.

    though now i'm wondering how to customize armor (beyond simple cosmetics) to compete with the more flexible weapons that might come about from this. fur lining and similar stuff for cold resistance, reinforced plating for better defence, resistance to statuses or reduction of status length (i could see poison being particularly helpful on tentacle planets and the like), resistance to damage types (melee or ranged), etc.
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2013
  18. crazygamer2255

    crazygamer2255 Phantasmal Quasar

  19. Jarda

    Jarda Space Hobo

  20. DiscoJacob

    DiscoJacob Aquatic Astronaut

    Honestly, just the thought of having the already amazing flashlight attached to an assault rifle or other kind of gun just sounds amazing
    Pseudoboss and Ado like this.

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