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Vector Squared -- Starbound Community News, Issue #23

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by nababoo, Apr 15, 2013.

  1. Omega Shadowcry

    Omega Shadowcry Cosmic Narwhal

    Sorry about that.
    I'm still taking suggestions for that thread, so if anyone wants to give some ideas, feel welcome to do so!
    nababoo likes this.
  2. Props to Jonesy for sneaking a safety dance in there :rofl:

    Excellent issue as always.
    nababoo and Jonesy like this.
  3. Jonesy

    Jonesy Sarif's Attack Kangaroo Forum Moderator

    Just spreading the pre-order cheer. ;)
    nababoo and Awesomized like this.
  4. Camz

    Camz Existential Complex

    Thanks shardival! That's very thoughtfull off you to do that... here have a cookie on me :cookie: .
    nababoo and shardival like this.
  5. Nicely done Cousin :proper:
    nababoo and Keeper like this.
  6. Dragohole

    Dragohole Orbital Explorer

    Beaumort <3

    That pic is amazing!
  7. Beaumort

    Beaumort Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Thanks for that feature and that amazing issue !

    I'm raising my coffee for you right now !
    Jonesy, ReverseShadow and Keeper like this.
  8. R3MI

    R3MI Phantasmal Quasar

    Another awesome issue as always keep up the good work guys! Congrats on the mention in the chronicle btw you deserve it for all the hard work you guys put in! :)
    nababoo and Keeper like this.
  9. Turtlesflight

    Turtlesflight Void-Bound Voyager

    This news is good and all, but where are those pictures I asked of that masked menace, Spider-Man! PARKER!! [​IMG]
  10. Prespic

    Prespic Void-Bound Voyager

    The developers also confirmed the presence of multiple penguin animations for differing amounts of money given, which was further reinforced by the collection of fine images.

    end quote

    they remmeber me the prinnys
    Ravenous Space Rat likes this.
  11. Xiss

    Xiss Aquatic Astronaut

    one question: when ya reach 750 000$ wut happens?????:confused:
  12. We get fossils added into the game before release! :)
    nababoo likes this.
  13. venum4k

    venum4k Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I wanna find out what's after fossils >:wut:
    nababoo likes this.
  14. Omega Shadowcry

    Omega Shadowcry Cosmic Narwhal

    Is it....

  15. Asuka Langley

    Asuka Langley Tentacle Wrangler

    Why is there a drawing of an Eva in here? Vector Squared.... Are you guys the mysterious organization behind the S2 component?
  16. Erm.... I know this is late but... just to clear soemthing up e_e

    The Anodyne's role in the Starbound-Novakid Suggestion isn't just because the Bietol-Novakid is based off the Anodynes. The Anodynes are also integrated in the Starbound-Novakids, along with the Bietol-Novakids.

    Basically, Anodyne + Bietol-Novakid = Starbound-Novakid

    That also means it's not just Anodyne model being used. They're also integrating Anodyne stuff into the lore as well.

    Here's a link to it
    nababoo and R3MI like this.
  17. Apologies. I'll fix that up...

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