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Vector Squared -- Community News! -- Issue #32

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by WackyWocky, Aug 28, 2013.

  1. As always,thanks for the new issue guys. Great job! I'm really excited to play around with techs in-game. If I made my own tech, I would create shoes that grew flowers where I stepped. Or, I would have a tech that disguised me as a tree to hide from hostile monsters or players.
    nababoo and Serenity like this.
  2. AlphaMongoose

    AlphaMongoose Ketchup Robot

    Excellent issue. Happy Cube returns!
    DeadlyLuvdisc, Serenity and nababoo like this.
  3. DeadlyLuvdisc

    DeadlyLuvdisc Oxygen Tank

    How about this: The Ace of Spades

    Visually, the object is a simple playing card with a bullet-hole shot through the middle. Such cards were the result of shows of skill in the old American West, essentially not unlike shooting arrows through apples that were balanced on a person's head in earlier times. However, this card is actually much more than what it seems.

    Made of special materials that generate an unusual electromagnetic field, this card can be worn in a person's hat band or under his/her helmet to slightly alter the mental state of the wearer. The energy field given off by the card stimulates areas of the brain to improve accuracy under situations where extreme focus is both required and absent-- In other words, it allows you to shoot from the hip during a duel at high noon and clip the narrow end of a tenpenny nail.

    The in-game effect would be that you automatically are guaranteed a critical hit for double damage if you manage to strike with the first shot you take after letting yourself slip into an idle animation. One moment you are standing still with your arms crossed, and the next moment you are standing ready and your target has a bullet between the eyes. It is the quintessential quick draw!

    It goes without saying that this is classic Novakid tech, but I've said it anyway. Good huntin', partner.
    Strife, AlphaMongoose, Artem and 5 others like this.
  4. Breakout

    Breakout Big Damn Hero

    Welcome back - Glad the team was able to get back together and publish a new issue!

    As for tech, this isn't original, but being able to send out some scout drones would be cool. While controlling them your character would be vulnerable, so you would want to run them in a safe place. Flying, submersible and ground based drones would be great.
  5. Miuub

    Miuub Phantasmal Quasar

  6. Artem

    Artem Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    That's a really nice idea. I'd love to wear that in-game :)
    Serenity likes this.
  7. DeadlyLuvdisc

    DeadlyLuvdisc Oxygen Tank

    Oh yeah, and if ranged weapons aren't your style, there could be a similar item for melee. Maybe something based on Iaijustu, the art of drawing, cutting, and sheathing the samurai sword. Naturally, it would be Hylotl tech that does the same thing as the Ace of Spades only for melee weapons.
    Miuub and nababoo like this.

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