[UNSTABLE] Updates March 14th, 2014

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by mollygos, Mar 14, 2014.

  1. Pinchy

    Pinchy Subatomic Cosmonaut

    The dreaded Admiral Car Insurance encounter!
  2. RonEmpire

    RonEmpire Yeah, You!

    The Ape coming out of that plant pod in the teaser picture, reminds me of that movie, Invasion of the Body Snatcher.

    Basically, aliens in the form of plants came to earth and replacing people with "pod people".
  3. Halon

    Halon Phantasmal Quasar

    Oh goody, mutant apex zombie spores:zombie:. Like the multiverse needed any more gross :boo: stuff:metroid:
  4. Xentonic

    Xentonic Subatomic Cosmonaut

  5. Gernund

    Gernund Void-Bound Voyager

    no one said in the steam libary!
  6. Earthboundtothestars

    Earthboundtothestars Void-Bound Voyager

    My thoughts exactly :3
  7. jeffhunter12

    jeffhunter12 Void-Bound Voyager

    all the kinds of weathers are great ^ ^ ground mist sounds nice and spooky :3
  8. SweFox

    SweFox Guest

    I guess no update today?
  9. Nathaniel Moxley

    Nathaniel Moxley Title Not Found


    If I serenade it, will it promise not to hurt me? 0.0
    Demoguy, Ignify, Ado and 2 others like this.
  10. pop-yotheweird

    pop-yotheweird Ketchup Robot

    it's only, like, 2pm here in Texas man.
  11. SweFox

    SweFox Guest

    It's 7:13pm in the UK
  12. pop-yotheweird

    pop-yotheweird Ketchup Robot

    WELL THEN you know CF always releasin' them updates at weird or otherwise lame times.
  13. Silvernis

    Silvernis Master Chief

    Play that pod a song. Pods love songs.
  14. Rune the Red Panda

    Rune the Red Panda Existential Complex

    How racist!
  15. Sartorius

    Sartorius Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Oh please, we're not even at the David Cronenberg Theshold of gross.
  16. Yeah, but currently a lot of our team is still in the US. Namely, our programmers. Specifically Kyren, who pushes out the updates. ;)

    There's never enough gross stuff. <3
  17. SweFox

    SweFox Guest

    Oh, well that's great to know, thanks a lot ^^.
    mollygos likes this.
  18. No problem! There's lotsa confusion, people think everyone's already based in the UK. :)
  19. SweFox

    SweFox Guest

    I guess I gotta get up in the night to update the server then :D!
  20. Hawk Novablast

    Hawk Novablast Black Hole Surfer

    Well then, that means the dreaded invasion of the Agaran's will begin in a few hours, better start getting prepared...

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