[UNSTABLE] Update March 19, 2014

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by mollygos, Mar 19, 2014.

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  1. jackey12211

    jackey12211 Orbital Explorer

  2. samasaurus6

    samasaurus6 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Hey, I think I've found a bug, but I'm not sure so could someone please help clarify?
    I was exploring a desert planet and found an area with plants and trees in it. I crafted an axe to chop the trees and soon realised I could chop down the plants too to get fibres.
    The problem is, after using my axe on a few plants, my sword would also break the plants to give fibres. And even weirder than that was it happens instantly when I swing the sword.
    I am using the unstable branch, so I thought I'd report this just in case it is a bug c:

  3. Type1Ninja

    Type1Ninja Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    I think that's actually intended. It's a pretty nice way to get plant fibres, at least on jungle planets. Just run around swinging a sword/shooting a gun and you accumulate plant fibres like you wouldn't believe.
  4. Gila

    Gila Big Damn Hero

    It isn't a bug
  5. nours77

    nours77 Sandwich Man

    why a naked man looking flowers mollygos ??
  6. Type1Ninja

    Type1Ninja Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    ... Well, I successfully broke everything. While trying to create 3 folders - Starbound, Starbound - Modded, and Starbound - Unstable, I seem to have broken the install system. The only thing I can play is modded, and I cannot actually INSTALL starbound anymore. If you need more information to help me fix, as me what you need to know.
  7. Your Buddy Bill

    Your Buddy Bill Existential Complex

    They don't do universe wipes when adding new planet types (i think; I'm pretty sure I added my BillBiome planet type without having to regenerate celestials now that they store some of the info elsewhere...)
  8. Your Buddy Bill

    Your Buddy Bill Existential Complex

    Not a bug; I believe you found an Oasis, and you can shred those plants like you can Jungle plants.
  9. Titanium

    Titanium Existential Complex

    I had no idea that chemotherapy also resulted in loss of clothing.
  10. Crabcakes

    Crabcakes Astral Cartographer

    Think of it as using your sword like a machete to chop vines, that is what you are doing. You can use a drill to do it too or shoot them and blow them up, the plants are just like the little eggs with pixels in them except you get plant fiber. They are most common on jungle planets. You can also find trees that will yield dozens of plant fiber when chopped down, those are very handy to take saplings from.
  11. Edroh

    Edroh Void-Bound Voyager

    I can't understand,but I always have the same problem:
    I go to singleplayer and choose my character, and then...
    In the log there is my Crash, but when the game chrashes, the report is much bigger than in the log!?
    I hope it can finaly fix it, because I never have played singleplayer yet! :(
    Please help!

    My sytem:
    "Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3210M CPU @ 2.50GHz 2.50GHz
    Installed RAM: 8,00 GB (7,89 GB usable)
    Systemtype: 64-Bit-operating system, x64-based processor
    Operating System: Windows 8.0
  12. D-16

    D-16 Spaceman Spiff

    does creating a new character work?

    got mods? try removing them one by one till you can start. i've also read somewhere an error like this came from the avali race mod?
    Edroh likes this.
  13. Edroh

    Edroh Void-Bound Voyager

    I don't have any of this mod, I removed my characters and created a new one (have saved the old characters in the txt), but it's not function!:(
    But thanks for your answer:up:
  14. D-16

    D-16 Spaceman Spiff

    sorry =\

    i tried.
  15. Dr Fushba

    Dr Fushba Cosmic Narwhal

    I think that man is an image of the 'space junk'
    Akuma2142 and Titanium like this.
  16. seanmc6167

    seanmc6167 Void-Bound Voyager

    I'm not sure how I can label my paste in 'pastebin' so that CF can see it >.<
  17. doobydude

    doobydude Space Spelunker

    please release new content for this game other than weather and greenhouses. like a new boss or new ore to mine to make new gear. or quests. something fun to make me play the game again. please please please please. this is such a good game, i just need a reason to play it again.
    Pingeh and BlueSmoke like this.
  18. Guldurs

    Guldurs Space Spelunker

    Flowers, wow. <going play something else.> You take the money and you have become lazy. Too bad, refund is not possible. At this rate, game will be released when I become a grandfather.
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2014
  19. Holgast

    Holgast Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Has anyone got the itemnames of the new greenhouse items?

    They are updating things almost every day. Of course they will be working on the minor stuff first, but the sector and gameplay overhaul is still going ahead. Since they have to change everything it will take a while.
    Were you really expecting everything to happen all at once? What were you expecting from buying into a game which is still in a very early state? The devs had said multiple times not to play this stage if you're looking for a complete game, this is for bug fixes and playtesting. If you really want extra stuff so badly, there are thousands of mods out now which add new things to the game. But this kind of impatient negativity is entirely not what the devs want to see after working their butts off to get new versions of the game out for us to have something to try out while they work on the big updates.

    Demoguy and Ravager like this.
  20. Liktorn

    Liktorn Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I'm so happy I joined this early in the development. With all the game changing daily updates, and the way it makes game play an awesome new experience... with hats, flowerbeds and weather that just blow my MIND...
    Pingeh, BlueSmoke and D-16 like this.
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