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Unified Starbound Coordinates Spreadsheet

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by gotenksnath, Dec 6, 2013.


Do you like this idea?

Poll closed Dec 27, 2013.
  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. Maybe

  4. TACOS!

  1. Czeska

    Czeska Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Thread, y u no pg 1?
  2. fredmay20

    fredmay20 Phantasmal Quasar

    That makes no sense....
  3. gotenksnath

    gotenksnath Star Wrangler

    Permission granted assuming you leave link to here and proper credit :)
  4. fredmay20

    fredmay20 Phantasmal Quasar

    Np, i'll make sure to put the link on wiki too ;)
  5. gotenksnath

    gotenksnath Star Wrangler

    Maybe for the wiki you should have a more specific list. Like only one coordinate for the pulse jump etc. And have my spreadsheet for those who want to explore more.
  6. fredmay20

    fredmay20 Phantasmal Quasar

    Sounds good! I'm kinda busy at the moment but ill get to it soon!
  7. gotenksnath

    gotenksnath Star Wrangler

    Update 12/13/2013 5:30 PM EST: Simply fixed the wording of the tutorial to match changes to the game since release.
  8. vrekstok

    vrekstok Aquatic Astronaut

    I just sent a planet name and coords etc... But I've entered the wrong coords by accident :/ I sent it again, but with the right coordinates. I entered the name "vrekstok", and it was a Hi-Tech chest I've found. Could you maybe remove the first one, with the wrong coordinates?
  9. gotenksnath

    gotenksnath Star Wrangler

    Fixed :D
  10. Xeph

    Xeph Tentacle Wrangler

    Needs an update for Annoyed Koala
  11. eknor

    eknor Space Hobo

    Great work and idea gotenksnath!
    I've started playing Starbound a few days ago, used the spreadsheet to find some interesting world to explore and I've added my first coordinates today :)
  12. Salads

    Salads Void-Bound Voyager

    I really like the idea of this! :)

    A few Requests:

    Probably should encourage entries only for single finds, and if people find for example 5 things, they should make 5 different entries. This should help with filter clutter. If someone is looking for a "Violin", and another contributer made an entry for a "Violin" and "Biome", and the filter's name is "Instrument + Biome", people searching for only an instrument will not see that entry. (They would be looking in the "Instrument" filter, not the "Instrument + Biome" filter.)

    Could the game version filter be more up to date though? Maybe take out the "Other" option when submitting a new coordinate for the version and simply keeping up to date with the versions in the bubble list? (it'd be nice for this to be a drop down list if you decide to keep it updated) I have a little bit of difficulty adding a new entry trying to make the version name exactly the same, and I've seen other entries that spell "Beta V - Furious Koala" differently and as a result get seperated into another filter all by itself, making it unsearchable when using the usual version spelling. This would also help prevent troll version names, like i've seen in the spreadsheet. (I think you'll see when you open the filter)

    Also, do you think there could be a filter for specific items? (Not in the same filter as "Instrument", "Biomes", and such, but a new filter that appears/dissapears/changes depending on the Main Sturcture filter selected) When making an entry it's really up to the submitter to make it clear what item was found and sometimes it's worded so that it is hard to see immediately what item was actually found, making it more time consuming for someone searching for an item to find whatever they're looking for. Maybe either add an entire new column for the name of the item, or when submitting new coordinates there could be another box specifically for the item name that'll be added to the top of the description box with a couple of empty lines below it to seperate it from the directions to get it?

    Soz for text wall:chrono:
  13. DrBubba

    DrBubba Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I came here to say pretty much everything you said. Are you me?
  14. Terwin94

    Terwin94 Pangalactic Porcupine

    Probably not, but please if you suggest something, make sure it isn't a 2 month old thread. If you do please make sure what you are suggesting is even relevant. I can say that in a thread like this everyone has moved on and/or are using the big coordinate thread stickied on the front page.
  15. PulpySnowboy

    PulpySnowboy Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Really like your Google Doc implementation for inputting coordinates!
    It would be awesome if people started using this in "THE COORDINATES MEGATHREAD" that has been stickied.

  16. DrBubba

    DrBubba Subatomic Cosmonaut

    It wasn't two months old, I replied to a post that was less than 2 weeks old.

    Clearly, not "everyone" is using that thread because there are still people updating the spreadsheet, which is infinitely easier to use than scanning through individual posts hoping you find something that helps.

    As I said, all the things Salads suggested are valid and would make the spreadsheet more user-friendly.
  17. Terwin94

    Terwin94 Pangalactic Porcupine

    Control F. There. Spreadsheet filter right there for you and everyone else. And you replied in a 2 month old thread where no actual conversation has happened for 2 months. The only people who have posted were new members who can't read dates.
  18. DrBubba

    DrBubba Subatomic Cosmonaut

    If something this simple gets you this worked up, I can't imagine how you react when something serious happens. It's a thread on a forum. Get over it.

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