
Discussion in 'Side Quests' started by LethalShade, Mar 28, 2012.

  1. Dreams

    Dreams Star Wrangler

    Yes, but if you made say 20 accounts, you wouldn't want to be taught how to play the game 20 times.
  2. Pinkie Pie

    Pinkie Pie Cosmic Narwhal

    This ^

    I don't mind doing tutorials to learn how to play the game. What I do mind however, is being FORCED to do those tutorials over and over when I start a new game or make a new character.

    Some games have it where once you've done the tutorial once, when you start a new game you have the option to skip it. Which would be nice.
    bounding star and LethalShade like this.
  3. fishboyliam

    fishboyliam Cosmic Narwhal

    Best idea I've heard today!
  4. LulItsIan

    LulItsIan Pangalactic Porcupine

    Why not be given the option to skip the tutorial after you've done it once? o3o
  5. Dreams

    Dreams Star Wrangler

    Yeah, that's what we mean :)
    But then... how would they know we've already done it?
    Bum. Bum. Bum.
    But anyways, we should be able to 're-do' the tutorial, because if we stop playing for 2 years and forget everything, we can still refresh our brainses.
  6. LulItsIan

    LulItsIan Pangalactic Porcupine

    I'm sure they could find a way to code in a "Skip" button after somebody on your computer has done the tutorial :p
  7. HarlequinReaper

    HarlequinReaper Starship Captain

    hmmm, being that we are on a high tech ship, i believe if we go with the "computer askes you for a tutorial, (upon saying yes) you should enter a on screen game (simaler to the CoD: Black OPs Computer) that tutorials you the basic game mechs that you will expieriance through out the "real" world. :)
  8. EDIT: By AI I mean "the ship's computer"
    In general I think the AI should be like a quick help guide for you, as in you can ask it at any time for the keyboard commands and some basic info.
    I remember many games having a way to recognize if you did a tutorial at first, and regardless even if you can skip it at first, its your own dumb fault for not going through the tutorial. The AI should always be able to provide a short tutorial for you, even if you skipped it before.
    bounding star likes this.
  9. LethalShade

    LethalShade Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    No, I think more to a changing environment as in Portal.
  10. HarlequinReaper

    HarlequinReaper Starship Captain

    that works but i mean your person plays a game (tutorial) that portrays the actual things he needs to know. (as far as we would know, we'd be playing the actual tutorial, but would explain things in the "real" world
  11. Eddy Steel

    Eddy Steel Existential Complex

    God, I don't think anyone knows what I'm saying, The tutorial should be WORKED into the game so you never notice!
    bounding star likes this.
  12. Eddy Steel, do you mean like in Megaman X1, like the Sequelitis praised that it was a good tutorial?
    I don't think a sandbox game can really have that, because you would be forced to do a main story quest to get a tutorial like that, and you do it every time so it becomes obvious that its a tutorial. I think the tutorial should be separate from the game itself, because there is no real way to make sandbox-adventuring tutor you.
  13. Eddy Steel

    Eddy Steel Existential Complex

    Just because it's a sandbox doesn't mean it can't have an introduction.
    As I stated before, you should watch this and skip 3 + 1/2 minutes in to see what I'm talking about.
  14. MrAwesome

    MrAwesome Star Wrangler

    I'm with Eddy Steel, have a tutorial that is incorporated in the game. Maybe you take some quests that involve some kind of function you need to learn about the game, or something like that, but as he said not being "press X to Y"
    Eddy Steel likes this.
  15. Eddy Steel

    Eddy Steel Existential Complex

    Thank you so much, I'm glad somebody understands what I'm talking about! (Finally...)
  16. Whereas I recommend watching
    for an explanation of what I meant with the megaman comment.
    However, i still think the quests need to be skippable, because I don't WANT to do the same few quests EVERY time I start a new game. What is so difficult about letting the player decide if they want to be tutored or not? New players might grasp the controls without tutorials, and old players hate to have the old quests repeated. In general, if you don't need the tutorial, you shouldn't have to go through it no matter how subtle it is.
    While the first level of megaman is a tutorial, it is also a legitimate level and genuinely fun to play and it sets the story of the game.

    EDIT: Skip to about 6 minutes if you don't want to watch the stuff beforehand.

    I guess you could incorporate the tutorial into getting in the space shuttle to escape the planet that will be destroyed, but it should definitely be skippable after the first time.
  17. Eddy Steel

    Eddy Steel Existential Complex

    Play Portal, 80% of that was teaching you how to play the game for the end of the game, would you skip that?
  18. There is a difference between portal teaching you to use the portal gun and games like Terraria or Starbound teaching you to use the mouse.
    Portal is a linear game, with a linear endingpoint. It is heavy on story, and the portal gun is mostly used as a device to make puzzles more difficult and intriguing. They do not want to overwhelm you right away with the hardest puzzles.

    However, Starbound is a non-linear game. It doesn't always involve all the mechanics, and there is no need to withhold any of the basic controls from the player. Teaching the player how to play is something Starbound should do quickly and efficiently so it can get out of the way and let the player roam free.

    If you want to use other games as an example, take Skyrim or Oblivion.
    Remember the opening dungeon?
    If you made a new character, you had to go through that every. single. time.
    There is no variation, there is no difference on any character (the side you choose? Just aestethic.)
    THAT is what I was talking about. Skyrim is a sandbox with a plot. In a sandbox you DO NOT WANT to be constrained to a tutorial every time you feel like starting over.
    In Portal you don't start over to do something differently. It has hardly any replay value after clearing the puzzles. All you do when restarting Portal is experience the story over.
    HarlequinReaper likes this.
  19. Eddy Steel

    Eddy Steel Existential Complex

    Quests. Use quests to introduce overtime all of the mechanics.
  20. Again, skipping those quests.
    Do you even read my comments? I want to skip the parts I know already, or the ones that talk down to me. (A tutorial talks down to you by design).

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