Treasure Adventure World pre-orders are now LIVE!

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by Armagon, Sep 12, 2013.

  1. Benjabby

    Benjabby Title Not Found

    Unfortunately I cant afford it right now (sad face) but I will definitely vote on greenlight and spread the word :3
  2. TSRViper

    TSRViper Orbital Explorer

    Lots of negativity here folks, there are plenty of other games to keep us occupied while starbound is being developed. Venting at the devs won't speed things up. A lack of daily updates just means they're really busy working on the game!
  3. thestalker177

    thestalker177 Orbital Explorer

    Well that doesbt prouve anything.. Daily updates are just made to make us wait like the roadmap or stretch goals etc. There are alot of content added about "how to make the community wait". Think whatever you want about that, but a friend told me chucklefish has recently a deal with Sony, maybe Sony is paying chucklefish to wait until the Ps4 is out to release starbound, with nearly 2 million PRE ORDERS it's sure that's gonna be fast buck for Sony. I have no prouves about what I m saying, but I just duno what to think now.. (sry bad english)
    Donseluke and Johan like this.
  4. Namiwakiru

    Namiwakiru Black Hole Surfer

    I have a theory, it's kind of out there but bare with me here. It's almost as if Chucklefish was some kind of game publishing company...... I know, I know, seems unlikely and fairly fantastic if something like that were even possible.
  5. ShadetheDruid

    ShadetheDruid Pangalactic Porcupine

    Shhhh, don't you know that Starbound is the only good game around and all other games are crap in comparison! :saywhat:

    But seriously though, people really need to find something else to do than just melt into puddles of impatience waiting on a single game to come out, not just for their own sanity now, but also so they can kill some of the hype, because once the game comes out that hype is going to come back and bite them in the arse.
  6. Kirallia

    Kirallia Void-Bound Voyager

    mh.. Not my thing but I hope those who are into platform adventure games like that back it~ It's one of those games I might grab down the track to try But for now am looking forward to building a super mega complex on a planet far far away >.> with my friend as we survive the harshness of space and murder giant tentacle monsters.... >.> hmmmm.. Anyway Goodluck guys! I hope the developers get the response they were hoping for after that post~
  7. TSRViper

    TSRViper Orbital Explorer

    It wasn't intended to prove anything, simply an observation on my part. I've participated in a number of kick starter and early access games and I've yet to see one where complaining on the forums sped up the development cycle. Maybe your comment re Sony is right, maybe not. Simple fact is, we will never know regardless.
  8. seevenup

    seevenup Contact!

    and an other pre-order where u get nothing for it. And then u read 5 mounts later, that almost the hole dev team is moving in new houses. for me that looks strange

    here is a other KickStarter Projet :D
  9. djdeathrow

    djdeathrow Pangalactic Porcupine

    How about....NO !
    Damn it, we preordered already starbound, and we still waiting for REAL news, oh and perhaps the beta. and the last time you proposed to buy a game it was crappy as hell (Im talkin about wanderlust) and after 2 months multi server was empty.
    So, now im waiting the haters gonna dislike that post and telling me "you must be patient", uh yeah ? you know what ? i dont care ! We are waiting everyday to be told the same thing remixed in every way possible
    Formula of a new aabout Starbound: "little new + we are fixing bug + we are on surprise project "sometime" + [insert developper name] is working on something reaaaly new, stay put."
  10. EarthlyOdin

    EarthlyOdin Phantasmal Quasar

    Really glad to see other studios being supported by some cool guys but we already spent money on Starbound.
    Donseluke and Rin-Kin like this.
  11. Retrovet

    Retrovet Void-Bound Voyager

    I hate that my first post on the site is going to be negative but, thestalker177 has a point about the PlayStation 4/vita deal. Definitely stirred up some negative feelings harkening back to everything with the ouya release. I was lucky to get my system before they went on sale a week before they released it in stores...I have that feeling for this too. I mean I wonder if development has slowed because now done of the team is working to port it to ps4/vita. I mean that's awesome that chucklefish will be able to get their game to more people, but what about us are we waiting longer because of that? Did we help then out but pre ordering only to get slightly shafted?...did we help raise $1,814,233 so they could have the opportunity to port it? (again awesome that they can) I just hope that we don't get pushed back because of it, or even if it is the case that they'll be honest...
    Showbiz and seevenup like this.
  12. Baku Vicen

    Baku Vicen Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    As reading, walking, hanging out with friends... I agree with that. Anyway, Starbound is a very good project and the pyramids were not built in a year... or 2 ;)
  13. Amber Talamasca

    Amber Talamasca Pangalactic Porcupine

    I don't mind supporting the developers, and did get this too.. actually, i've been waiting for the pre-order.
    I don't mind waiting if the game eventually comes out, and i've had no indication yet that either game would not come out at all.
    And I'll support Stardew valley the same way when it enters pre-order. These games will be solid fun. And the anticipation kinda just adds to the excitement.
    Fangirl? prolly. Do i care? nope
    Solaeis, Sir Ginger Ale and Luna like this.
  14. maga

    maga Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Oh, look! Another off-topic post. Chucklefish. Don't do that. This is specifically and exclusively Starbound's blog. The links says it. The website says it. The thumbnail you get for it says it. At least make a different blog for things that aren't Starbound.

    no it doesn't. It just means they are too lazy to do anything to put on the blog.

    The pyramids involved pulling blocks, chiseling, measuring, painting, and sculpting. Starbound only involves painting & programming.
  15. Wolfbanes

    Wolfbanes Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Yeah, but in Starbound, I'm pretty sure the pyramids were made in less than a day.
  16. DarkMInds

    DarkMInds Void-Bound Voyager

    I laughed way harder than I should have at your video.
    DudeUA, Lord Hatty and seevenup like this.
  17. sinnin

    sinnin Void-Bound Voyager

    I'm somewhat surprised at the way people are reacting to a company supporting another game. its not that big of a deal lady's and gents, we got the update for the 11'th all you have to do is read the title of the 2nd post on their web site. As far as I'm aware they never promised a release date when they offered per-orders. They did the same thing the TAW people are trying to do, offer a way for them to get it to you faster,which is work full time on the game. Instead of bouncing it between another job, and everything else that happens in life. So lets calm down a bit.
  18. Landlaw

    Landlaw Scruffy Nerf-Herder

  19. Solarius

    Solarius Aquatic Astronaut

    I've already backed so many kickstarters, and starbound is the only one I haven't had any virtual product. Even Star Citizen gave the backers a hangar module. I'm not trying to force starbound devs to release a product I'm merely stating fact, and because of that fact I'm less likely to back any kickstarters. :/
    SumoMoses, Caidoz, jettared and 3 others like this.
  20. Paddon

    Paddon Title Not Found

    Agreed. (and how awesome is star citizen going to be? ;D Shame it's going to be a while.. :/)
    cwolf042 likes this.

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