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Todays Nightly: They started adding the Biome-Obstacles

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by LazerusKI, Nov 26, 2014.

  1. LazerusKI

    LazerusKI Phantasmal Quasar

    it was not really a "mod", but i can explain it for you^^
    first you need to unpack the assets, you can do that with the implemented unpacker. Its located in
    Steam\SteamApps\common\Starbound\win32 -> and there the "unpack_assets.bat"
    (i think its implemented, if not, just download it from here)
    When that is finished (takes a while), you will have the following folder
    inside there you find all the assets. you need to go into the folder "ai"
    there you have upgradeship1.aicommand - just edit it with a text editor.
    inside that file, you have

    "action" : "showTech",
    "techName" : [ "doublejumpTech", "dashTech" ]

    there you can jsut insert all the techs you want.
    the tech names are found either in the other upgradeship - files (2-8, while 2 and 3 have none), so just copy them and insert into the upgradeship1 file like described above.
    Other techs can be unlocked when you look into the techitem files located in here
    just copy the name that is in "itemName".

    if you have done that, just repack the assets
    i do that with a small .bat file, like the upack_assets.bat
    inside that file i use
    asset_packer.exe ..\assets\unpacked ..\assets\mod-packed.pak
    this creates the file mod-packed.pak in the asset files.
    then just rename your packed.pack to something else (since thats your origina), and rename your modified file to that name.
  2. Starbug

    Starbug Guest

    Hey Dylan, you rlly gotta check out the nightlies. There is overhauled combat and the liquid transporter and an entirely new race that isn't in the stable build!
  3. Mutant1988

    Mutant1988 Void-Bound Voyager

    Do consider reading what I was replying to.

    The "stuff" being added is the rest of the game.

    It's not being sold as a finished product (Yes, I did read what "Early Access" was) and won't be for quite some time yet. My point is - They need to finish it first (Code wise). Then they can start considering additions (Which implementation will be much easier for with a proper framework in place) post-release.
  4. Zuvaii

    Zuvaii Heliosphere

    Stuff like the bug catcher mentioned on the twitter? Stuff like that doesn't count. Nevermind how they're screwing players in the early game pretty hard. Dropping all ores on death isn't what I'd call fair for when you have next to no gear, and if the game crashes, or you blue screen, etc, then it's all gone when you log back in. Not to mention torches and lanterns being nerfed so hard by making their costs in materials pretty impractical. The changes won't hurt anyone once they've gotten the higher tier armors and hordes of ores/coal/wood/oil, but it sure will impact new character.
  5. Darklight

    Darklight Oxygen Tank

    Dropping all the ores has been fixed ages ago you know
  6. Rainbow Dash

    Rainbow Dash Oxygen Tank

    i woulnt say ages ago, maybe a week or two

    right now they added about 4 new biomes (a 5th one thats yet to be finished)
    the ocean biomes look amazing,
  7. M_Sipher

    M_Sipher Oxygen Tank

    I feel it need to be pointed out yet again that the game has not yet reached the stage where heavy playtesting and rebalancing happens to fine-tune the experience. Which means -among many things- the costs to make items are VERY, VERY likely to change, and change several times, before 1.0.

    The game is. Not. Finished. Stop acting like the snapshot we have now is How It Will Be Forever Unless We Scream A Lot.
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2014
  8. Vandrick

    Vandrick Phantasmal Quasar

    I'm pretty sure additions and code go hand in hand. In order to finish the code for the systems they have to "add" things in order to test said code. Also, with a dev team as large as theirs is now, there is a lot of time a dev or two is left waiting for another dev to finish or tweak code. While they are waiting, why wouldn't they start implementing and adding things to systems already up and running? Ya know, as opposed to sitting there doing nothing. When the team I was on was waiting for code updates from LG, we would spend time adding things using systems that were ready. At any rate, I really doubt there is ever a time the code isn't being worked on.

    I'm all for them taking all the time they need to add things to test their code. Even when all the code is finished, you still have to add the content before you release a game though. I've played too many games lately that where released before all their content was added. Definitely don't want the whole "you should have added this stuff before you released the game" stigma to follow CF around.
    M_Sipher and Darklight like this.
  9. Madzai

    Madzai Phantasmal Quasar

    I know, parroting is bad, but i simply couldn't resist.
    I feel it need to be pointed yet again that isn't that Devs said before release almost a year ago. Game was supposed to be "almost finished" by Devs worlds. So it is impossible to stop people from moaning and complaining again and again because those moans are justified. Current version isn't even qualified for "Progenitor stage" because where were no mentions about reworking of huge chunk of the game core stuff in it. And i'm still waiting for any of:
    because that was the reason i bought SB. If i wanted (and i actually want it too) "Terraia in space",SB is turning right now, i'd choose another project.
    Starbug likes this.
  10. Darklight

    Darklight Oxygen Tank

    The space station concept was modified ages ago because it wasn't feasible. You're just going to have to accept that and move on
    Heartstrings likes this.
  11. Madzai

    Madzai Phantasmal Quasar

    Yeah, i know the whole story, about how original idea changed, how they tried to make them some kind of Hubs for Players interactions sector X and so on. I can swallow that, but the problem about how game is missing almost everything that lured (in non-negative meaning) me in is still present. And to me it's not "it wasn't feasible" but "we failed to make it feasible". But it's just my opinion and i'm not going to push it.
  12. DukeOfRiven

    DukeOfRiven Giant Laser Beams

    And Virgin Galactic was supposed to start flying people to space by the end of the year.

    Making things is hard. Making things on a fixed deadline is harder. Making promises that can't be kept is a touch vexing but, you know, in the last 1020 days since Starbound was announced not everything went according to plan - a plan whose whose first task, I point out, was Successfully Complete a Kickstarter , something that they had almost no control over and no guarantee was ever possible. Everything else since that point has been, in some sense, miraculous. I would happily take any number of delays to get a game that - although it might not be exactly what was promised initially - was made with love, care, and attention to detail rather than ever having to live through the crushing disappointment of Spore or Spacebase DS-9 again.

    Here's another way to put it: I loved somebody once, and everything they promised in 2010 i wanted: their charm, their beauty, their idea of what the future would be with me, and us together. I spent a lot of time on that person, a lot of money and emotional investment - and you know what? It didn't matter. The things that drew me in went away, and I no longer loved, or even liked, what I had once done so.

    That's the awful thing about time. It changes things, and not always for the better. if i come off as patronizing i apologize, I do not mean to condescend. It is simply my belief that if you don't love something anymore, if you're no longer attracted to it, be it a person, or a game, then the best thing you can do is to put that thing behind you and move on. Dwelling on a lover's broken promises will never make you happy; brooding on a video game's will never bring you peace.
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2014
    Lintton and Darklight like this.
  13. Starbug

    Starbug Guest

    Belief that what? You were on a roll there, and it petered out :( .. You can't leave us all on the edge of our seats at the climax.

    Twas a cool story of love and loss anyway.
    Pingeh likes this.
  14. LazerusKI

    LazerusKI Phantasmal Quasar

    was in todays patch...unfinished, but the folders are there :)
    Uzkniso likes this.
  15. Snappyr

    Snappyr Big Damn Hero


    Anyway, are these biome-obstacles absolutely impassable without proper gears? I hope we can somehow thread these dangerous biomes even when we are not fully equipped for it. It does feel a bit forced and linear if that's not the case.

    In Terraria, we can carefully creep through the Underworld biome even without any fire-resistance gears or potions, but simple mistakes mean severe loss of health or instant death. This doesn't mean I want Starbound's high-level biomes to be as easy as Terraria's underworld though. I simply want some room for occasional challenge, and hilariously horrible demises.
  16. DukeOfRiven

    DukeOfRiven Giant Laser Beams

    I was wondering where that particular line of cut and paste went. at the end! Who knew? You, obviously. Me, not so much.

    If nothing else, I commend you on your brevity.
  17. Zuvaii

    Zuvaii Heliosphere

    Dude, Virgin Galactic? That is a super low-blow. They won't be achieving that goal because of a terrible tragedy that resulted in the loss of life, don't you dare go comparing it to Starbound's delay issues in the slightest.
  18. DukeOfRiven

    DukeOfRiven Giant Laser Beams

    Even if nobody died, the goal still was not going to be met.* They've never reached space, and experts have been crying out for months that the plane doesn't work, that their experimental engine doesn't work, that the whole concept doesn't work. While the death of someone was sad, it was only a tragedy in the Greek sense - it derived precisely from hubris and was completely predictable.**

    Admittedly, comparing the horribly deluded, overly-optimistic dreams of a billionaire to the actual, functioning product of Starbound that needs some polishing is a bit of a stretch.

    * http://watchdog.org/173066/virgin-galactic-nm/

    "Earlier this year, Branson said he expected the first liftoff by September. He changed it to the end of 2014, planning a maiden voyage for Christmas.

    But Sept. 9, while appearing on late-night television with David Letterman, Branson put off the launch yet again.

    “I’ll be on the first flight from New Mexico,” Branson told Letterman. When asked when, he said, “February or March of next year.”

    **For some sources, some of which pre-date the crash:

    Time magazine: http://time.com/3551643/virgin-crash-branson-amateur/
    CBC News: http://www.cbc.ca/news/world/virgin...sm-that-creators-ignored-complaints-1.2821452
    Japan Times: http://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/20...ecalled-in-virgin-galactic-loss/#.VH_ENlfF-yM
    The London Sunday Times: http://www.thesundaytimes.co.uk/sto/news/article1459138.ece
    INC: http://www.inc.com/oscar-raymundo/richard-branson-virgin-galactic-crash.html
    Paleofuture: http://paleofuture.gizmodo.com/over-a-decade-of-virgin-galactics-failed-space-age-prom-1575643484

    Darklight likes this.
  19. LazerusKI

    LazerusKI Phantasmal Quasar

    when i was looking into the files, it was a damage, energy and movement debuff.
    so the longer you are there without the rigth nanoskin, the more damage you will take.
    so no, with that system you cant carefully explore it.
    In stable, you can do it...and its horribly broken. just go to tier 10 (or whatever the highest tier in your sector is), build yourself some nice little bunkers while exploring, search for chests or miniboss, and skip the whole set of tiers. thats the point of these borders, linear progression instead of abusing the tier system.

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