Toak's Sprites

Discussion in 'Fan Art' started by Toakongu834, Apr 3, 2012.

  1. Maplestrip

    Maplestrip Existential Complex

    Lol, that's the thing that looks really like my Rai-bot submision from the last contest ;p
    It's a sprite, but I doubt you think it looks good enough, as I didn'tbase it on it.
  2. Dante

    Dante Aquatic Astronaut

    id like to see a cyber ninja ;P sumthing like this...

    :D name Kyrez

    Attached Files:

  3. Dako

    Dako Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Nice stuff here!
  4. 777eza

    777eza Existential Complex

    Spacefawx likes this.
  5. Toakongu834

    Toakongu834 Big Damn Hero

    Back from a period of inactivity... I've been hard at work (or at least TRYING to) on ZRunner. I hope I can find other programmers soon... :/
    Anyways... Here is Goldenpheonix97's Dalek (The background is purple to make everything stick out)
  6. GoldenPhoenix97

    GoldenPhoenix97 Phantasmal Quasar

    Hmm a bit clunky but it is a Dalek so i dont know what i was expecting. Thanks man. :up:
  7. Toakongu834

    Toakongu834 Big Damn Hero

    well I didn't know if you wanted an old one, or the 2010 redesigned ones... or the 2005 redesigned ones... or an older version, what color...etc. :/
  8. GoldenPhoenix97

    GoldenPhoenix97 Phantasmal Quasar

    Its still a Dalek plus i just got into the series so i don't know the difference between all the designs.
    Toakongu834 likes this.
  9. Toakongu834

    Toakongu834 Big Damn Hero

    Here's my first non pixely fanart! Don't you hate it when your tongue gets caught on a lightpost in the winter?
    Alexblex, Zoraculus, Dante and 4 others like this.
  10. BrutorDragon

    BrutorDragon Tiy's Beard

    I lol'd in my pants i laughed so hard :rofl:
  11. Dante

    Dante Aquatic Astronaut

    win ^^
  12. Toakongu834

    Toakongu834 Big Damn Hero

  13. BrutorDragon

    BrutorDragon Tiy's Beard

    Alright Toa here you go. My insignia. Now if you will kindly pixalate and add what my deem part of it, please do so. Also add green in there. Only green black and white. Please do not change the face colors or the horns and eyes (scar too) Thx man, youre helpin me out again!
  14. Toakongu834

    Toakongu834 Big Damn Hero

    um it doesn't have to be this specific immage or can I make a pixel art image of it?
  15. BrutorDragon

    BrutorDragon Tiy's Beard

    Well, long as it has that image in it and what i said on my earlier post, then i dont mind, but yeah id like it pixelated. Just add stuff. of wait better idea!
    Ok here is what i want:
    Put that sign on a shield, a round shield.
    The shield should be split down the middle to separate the colors black and green. ( you understand what i mean right? Like a viking shield)
    Put a axe on the back slanting downward with the axe head pointing to the right ---->
    Put a gun on the back, a rifle i guess, like the axe but the opposite way...
    Here is the representation...ill post it next
  16. BrutorDragon

    BrutorDragon Tiy's Beard

    I now it looks kinda bootlegged but this is kinda how it should look, but more, you know, better. The box with my name should be a old timy banner on a coat of arms kindov thing kk? MD.png
  17. BrutorDragon

    BrutorDragon Tiy's Beard

    MD.png Lul took some time on this one, it should look like dis (im pretty proud of myself right now!) :
  18. Vapor Horologium Corpus

    Vapor Horologium Corpus Weight of the Sky

    Request Format: avatar
    What you want made: zero from borderlands 2
    Reference Pic (If Possible):
    MurkyDragon likes this.
  19. MechaShizzle

    MechaShizzle Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Mecha Shizzle
    a little bigger than humans but about the same size
    MurkyDragon likes this.

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