Modding Help Tiled: WTH is going on...

Discussion in 'Starbound Modding' started by Tremerion, Aug 16, 2016.

  1. Tremerion

    Tremerion Existential Complex

    Tileset is loading into Tiled properly, but in game my world is still not working with modded object.
    My map .json code. Modded object is apexshop
    { "backgroundcolor":"#000000",
      "name":"wiring - lights & guns",
      "name":"monsters & npcs",
      "name":"wiring - locked door",
      "name":"outside the map",
      "name":"anchors etc",
    As seen in Tiled
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 23, 2016
  2. Inf_Wolf14

    Inf_Wolf14 Parsec Taste Tester

    Map file looks fine, but for the image in Tiled, try cropping and using a one-frame image for the shop.
    Not sure if it would break it but, the image you provide determines the object width and height in the map.

    (For example, my Scholar Bookcase has 5 frames, but the image in Tiled only shows the first one.)
    (Also, put a spoiler around your file contents. :p)
  3. The | Suit

    The | Suit Agent S. Forum Moderator

    Please keep code in [code] [/code] tags.
    This prevents massive pages from forming and keeps it nice and clean.
  4. Tremerion

    Tremerion Existential Complex

    Ok. This is still not working with custom Tileset.
    Tileset .json file.
    { "columns":0,
     "properties" : {},
      "tileproperties" : {
      "0" : {
      "//description" : "...",
      "//name" : "apexshop",
      "//shortdescription" : "Apex Shop",
      "imagePositionX" : "0",
      "imagePositionY" : "0",
      "object" : "apexshop"
      "image":"..\/..\/..\/Program Files (x86)\/Steam\/steamapps\/common\/Starbound\/mods\/Galactic Shops by Tremerion\/objects\/crafting\/apexshop\/apexshop_tiled.png"
    Dungeon is crashing when using this object. Without it, all works great. Am I doing something wrong?
  5. Mirau

    Mirau Pangalactic Porcupine

    I don't have anything in particular to add as far as helping, but I'm very curious to see how this gets resolved.
  6. Mjollna

    Mjollna Phantasmal Quasar

    Hi !

    When your dungeon is crashing, the error log doesn't say anything useful ? Since your problem has evolved since your first post, maybe the error has changed a little bit too... ?
    Also another question : is your object working outside the dungeon placing problem ? If you try to spawn the item ingame (with the admin command for example), is it all ok ?

    I've tried to create a custom dungeon with a custom asset today for testing purposes, and after hours I finally managed to do it, so maybe I can help.

    Here's what I've done (it's my first attempt, so maybe some stuff is not optimal) :
    (I use Tiled 0.14.2)

    - My mod subfolder :
    dungeons/missions/mydungeon/mydungeon.json + .dungeon file
    objects/myobjectfolder/myobject.object + .png and .frames
    patch files for dungeon_worlds, instance_worlds + modinfo

    - Starbound with unpacked assets folder for Tiled :
    Starbound/game/tiled/packed/objects/myobject.png (this is the path I use for the json tileset image value : "../../../../tiled/packed/objects/myobject.png")
    Starbound/game/assets/packed/tilesets/packed/mytileset.json (it's a copy of the file in the mods folder)
    Starbound/game/assets/packed/dungeons/missions/mydungeon/ (also identical to the mods content folder)
  7. Tremerion

    Tremerion Existential Complex

    I was trying to add my object from one of my mods to dungeon.

    It is working now!!! :D Epic Thanks fo you! :D Finaly it is working! :D
  8. Mjollna

    Mjollna Phantasmal Quasar

    Yay I'm happy your problem is solved \o/

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