This game needs a sport...

Discussion in 'Side Quests' started by Power-Mad, Mar 6, 2012.

  1. Authos

    Authos Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Arena fighting or bounty hunting could be considered a sport.:)
  2. Sokina

    Sokina Heart of Gold

    Forceball. It's like basketball, but you play with these gun things that can either pull/push, depending on which trigger is pressed. You can push your teammates around and help them score and stuff. Plus there'll be "Special rules" like low-gravity, or land mines in certain spots, just to mix it up.

    True story: While reading this thread, and while thinking about my idea of a sport, I ended up just making an entire suggestion thread dedicated to it. Mind wandering fail.
    Cosina likes this.
  3. Robert2812

    Robert2812 Star Wrangler

    inb4 procedurally generated sports.

    I would love to see laser lacrosse.
  4. Critanium

    Critanium Subatomic Cosmonaut

    When did Starbound have access to the Gravity Gun from Hl2? Good idea though.

    I was thinking something along the lines of a Tron-esque insta-kill frisbee battle. Or a battle on a large pillar, where you have to push the opposition off.
  5. kikinaak

    kikinaak Pangalactic Porcupine

    Raised pet competitions are simply a must have, but it should be more than just (but also include!) an intergalactic cock fight. I also remember an old PC game called Clusterball. Was a hybrid CTF/snake game, you raced around grabbing balls which formed a trail behind you. The longer your trail when you flew through your goal, the more points you scored. But anyone could fly through your trail to steal your balls. It was 3d but could see it working in 2d with jetpacks or grapple guns.

    For the pets, maybe something similar. Have an arena map with target items. Could be robot drones, could be truffles, whatever. Have the pets AI wander the planet finding them, while monitored (but not controlled!) through a camera collar.

    For that matter, maybe a scavenger hunt across multiple worlds for the players! competition tiered by planet threat level of course.
    And hey, if custom mechs make it into the game, we will have Robot Jox ;)
  6. Evangelion

    Evangelion Supernova

    Avian Soccer... Yes... sounds fantastic...
  7. shardival

    shardival Pangalactic Porcupine

    I love mini-games in games :D
  8. Cloudhopper

    Cloudhopper Weight of the Sky

    Sounds cool!
    also, for future reference,
  9. Shock

    Shock Spaceman Spiff

    Space Quidditch! Haha.
  10. Flickdraw

    Flickdraw Title Not Found

    Two teams enter into a randomly generated maze at different entry points, some parts of the maze are destructible while others (including the perimeter) can't be destroyed. The game is PvP, so each team can shoot/stab/batter-the-crap-out-of and kill the opposing team. :sparta:

    Every minute or whatever, a collectible object, which is dropped on death, is put into the maze at a random position.
    :V o o o o o o o

    The collectible object can give the holder random buffs or debuffs, such as speed penalty/bonus, jump height restriction/bonus, the ability to glide, or climb, or immune to ranged weapons, glow bright red, reverse controls etc etc. The team has to get the object(s) back to their starting entry point and hold them there to gain points. The more objects which are held at the base, the faster the points accumulate.

    Players can build inside the maze:mwahaha:, but all player built structures are destructible:eek:, allowing teams to build some defences around their entry point or bridge gaps/make ladders etc. throughout the maze.

    All players start at their team's entry point, but after dying can respawn after X seconds at a random position inside the maze.:sneaky:

    To add more teamplay aspects, the effects which the objects give could be something that forces the player to drop it after a certain time, i.e. Drowning Effect, or "You get slower and slower over the next 10 seconds until becoming totally immobileo_O ." Or something that requires more people nearby to help you; "An angry xylophone fish :wtf: spawns close to you every 10 seconds while you hold this item."

    To increase the overall madness, random temporary weapons could be spawned in the maze, such as RapidFire Bomb LauncherD: . Teleporter guns. Also pickups, which provide buffs or techs could also spawn.

    So, a sort of a capture the ball type game, in a semi-destructible maze, but with random buffs/debuffs on the ball holder, possible base/defence building, random weapons and pickups.:laugh:

    Throw in some possible triggerable traps and lava and you've got yourself Christmas!:rainbow:
  11. Sokina

    Sokina Heart of Gold

    Have you ever played Unreal Tournament 2004 by any chance?
    Keeper likes this.
  12. Let's just say Malcom's remains are drifting somewhere around HyperBlast2... :iswydt:
    Sokina likes this.
  13. DeadlyLuvdisc

    DeadlyLuvdisc Oxygen Tank

    All of these ideas remind me of American Gladiator.
    Just have procedural generated obstacle courses and race through them.
    Add various hazards (mines, lasers, spikes, acid, etc...) for difficulty/fun.

    Or maybe add in an actual Capture the Flag game, with actual flags.
    Capture the Gem in Terraria was frustrating because it didn't feel right using gems.

    Maybe even combine the two: Obstacle Course + Capture the Flag = Fun.
  14. budsygus

    budsygus Pangalactic Porcupine


    No, but seriously... How about a zombie-tag game? One person is chosen at random and given a ball to use with his gravity gun. If he tags someone else with that ball, that person changes into a "zombie" and gets his own ball. They hunt the rest of the people. Last person not-a-zombie wins. The number of balls is determined by the number of "zombies." Play testing would determine if it's better to be able to use everyone's ball or just your own; too early to tell right now. Maybe that's a toggle-able game option. Ownball would make the matches longer and more strategic. Everyball would make them more fast-paced. Winner starts the next round as "it." Balls could be live only in the air or, as another option, even on the ground. 30-second powerups could give greater distance to the throws, more speed, bigger ball, split-ball that breaks into three when launched (then only one survives contact with the ground). Shoot, I could come up with a million of'em.

    We could call it Geekball after the name they use for zombies in Walking Dead. Or Zomtag or Glimbatting or Plague-turfing or... or, or... Budsyball! That's it, guys. Budsyball.

    You're welcome. :badpokerface:

    If anyone really thinks this is a good idea I'll start a thread and flesh it out more. Regardless, I LOVE the idea of a sport within the game. Really well-done OP.

    EDIT: I re-read my post and realized the non-zombies would be at a serious disadvantage with no powerups of their own. Speed boost, hi-jump, one-hit shield, ten-second invisibility, etc. could all be non-zombie powerups. I know this thread is old, but come on guys! Let's get a sport in Starbound! Comment!
  15. Farathil

    Farathil Spaceman Spiff

    Hmm I think the devs. should think of a new sport.
    Minecraft has spleefing.
    Gmod has well everything.
    I can't think of a sandbox game that doesn't have it's own sport.
    I think the devs. would have a ball with it. (heh get it "ball") :lolwut:
  16. Percival

    Percival Phantasmal Quasar

    Blitzball, anyone? Hylotl sport of choice.
    God, that hair is beautiful... o_O
    You know it'd be awesome.
  17. Torrle

    Torrle Astral Cartographer

  18. Rankomonaut

    Rankomonaut Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Same here. blitzball'd be nice ;D

    But what about... space chess? Or good ol' Halma? o_O

    I prefer a space caasino!! Yay!
  19. Fawxkitteh

    Fawxkitteh Phantasmal Quasar

    All they really need is to expand upon the wiring system so we can have sensors for goals, make sure the physics for various objects is designed correctly, and we can make our own games.
    THAT is the point of sandbox games.

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