Things I bet you didn't know

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by SunTide, Mar 18, 2016.

  1. SunTide

    SunTide Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I've found of lot of stuff that isn't on the wiki.

    Going to bed after midnight puts a cap on how much stamina you recover
    If you go to sleep at 12:00 AM or sooner, and you don't have the exhausted condition, you always gain 100% of your stamina back. But if you go to sleep later, there's a cap. The function is non-linear, and it's easiest to just give you a table of results:

    12:00 AM 100%
    12: 30 AM 90%
    1:00 AM 75%
    1: 30 AM 67.5%
    2:00 AM 50% (and you have to be rescued)

    You will never lose stamina this way (i.e., if you have 380/400 stamina, going to bed at 1: 30 won't reduce you to 270).

    Artifact sites and forageable plants persist from day to day, and only reset after Saturday night
    The game tries to add 2-5 new spawns each day to each area (i.e. continous regions bounded by screen transitions). For each potential spawn, it picks a tile at random. If that tile is legal (empty grass for most veggies, empty dirt for artifacts), the items get spawned. If it fails, the game tries again, for a total of 11 attempts per potential spawn. If the 11th one fails, you just get one less spawn that day. There is a hard cap of 6 spawns allowed in any area at a time. The beach/tidal pool seems to be a partial exception. It looks like the tidal pool exclusives (coral, urchins) are counted separately, but normal beach spawns can appear in both the tidal and beach areas.

    Some special plants don't follow these rules. Spring Onions refresh every day, and any ones that you missed are just gone.

    Talking to people when they are busy gives you a reduced friendship bonus

    You get 20 points for talking to someone. The wiki has that right. But under certain circumstances, you'll only get 10 points instead. I've verified this for Shane when he is working at Joja Mart (although outside of Joja Mart, he always gives you the full 20, even if he is rude), the aerobics club ladies when they are exercising, and Haley when she is using her camera. There are probably lots of other situations, these are just the ones I was able to directly measure.

    Each level of tool proficiency cuts the stamina cost of the tool by 0.1 points.
    Most tools use 2 points, so this is a 5% discount. The fishing pole uses 8, but still gets the same flat discount, which isn't so good, but proficiency in fishing also increases the reel rate and bar size, so it's still handy.
      Last edited: Mar 18, 2016
      loviebeest, walks and Trifoilum like this.
    • Kittenykat

      Kittenykat Big Damn Hero

      • Jumboshrimp

        Jumboshrimp Cosmic Narwhal

        I go to bed between 12 and 1 and I didn't have a full bar, I have several upgrade to my energy bar.
        • SunTide

          SunTide Scruffy Nerf-Herder

          Yeah :D

          For me the take home lessons have been:

          1) Scouring the map every day for forage is a waste of time. I've found that just casually picking up what you see is enough to mostly keep things under the cap. On Saturday, you should aggressively scour, because anything you haven''t gottten already is about to expire. You need to watch the calendar too. If there's a festival on Saturday, plan your scouring for Friday instead.

          2) Getting 300 wood for the beach bridge before the first Sunday is a big deal. The tide pools will be full by the first Saturday, because you haven't been able to go there and prune it down. Missing the first Saturday deadline is about a $500 swing, which is huge during the first week. GET THAT LUMBER!

          3) Until you have abundant and cheap food, you need to avoid going to bed late. Early game is heavily limited by stamina. Just being 30 minutes late is a 10% hit, which is about an entire tree chopping's worth of stamina. That's especially bad in the first week, because of 2)

          Oh yeah, I didn't include it in the OP, but each level of tool proficiency removes 0.1 stamina points from the cost of using the tool. Since most tools use 2 points, this is a 5% discount. The fishing pole uses 8, so the discount isn't so great, but there is a small increase to the size of the bar in the minigame, and I think your reeling speed is increased.

          Well, yes. That's what I'm saying. If you go to bed past midnight, you don't get a full refill.
            Voyager likes this.
          • Caudyr

            Caudyr Black Hole Surfer

            Just to clarify, when you say "continuous regions bounded by screen transitions" mean that the "Coldsnap Forest" is one area, the "bus stop" is another, "town" is another, the "path" between your farm and Robin's house is another, etc...right? Basically, the area separators for checking these spawns are when the screen fades and comes back, right?

            Also...does the quarry follow the same spawning mechanic for the rocks?
            ...Can't you continuously talk to the women exercising too, though? If so, I wonder if that's an infinite relations improving thing. I always just ignore them when they're exercising anyway, though. :rofl:
            • SunTide

              SunTide Scruffy Nerf-Herder

              Yep. The busstop road was an especially convenient place to verify these rules, since it's so small and counting the spawns is so easy.

              Don't know, and don't have a save game for it, so I can't check. But if you take some notes, you could figure it out and share it with us!

              You only get points the first time you chat someone up per day. Subsequent conversations are just for flavor.

              I like crashing the aerobics club, because between the members, Pierre, and assorted customers, you can get something like a third of the town all at once. But for optimal gains, you should time your visit for when they are gathered, but haven't started exercising yet.
                Last edited: Mar 18, 2016
              • Caudyr

                Caudyr Black Hole Surfer

                Well, then - good thing I just unlocked it! :rofl:

                In general, in a previous spawned ~4 rocks per day, though...though I don't know if that goes down once it starts filling up. It'll also start spawning wood once it starts filling up, as well.

                On top of that, there can be dig points (i think there's 2 possible ones, at least) in there, as well. =x
                What about when you talk to them AFTER they're done exercising? Is it the same reduced amount, or is it like BEFORE they start exercising?

                Also, what time do they start their exercising? ^^
                • Caudyr

                  Caudyr Black Hole Surfer

                  Another thing to add to the list: Blackberries and Salmonberries are "liked" by Robin, Demetrius, Pam, and Shane at least. They're a very good and cheap way to get a decent boost to their intimacy levels.

                  I'm not really sure about the others, but I know those 4 like them. ^^
                  • SunTide

                    SunTide Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                    No, as long as they're not doing their weird animation, it's fine. I'm just more likely to be in the store when they are meeting than when they are departing.

                    I forget, but, somewhere between 1 and 2? It's easy to check it for yourself.

                    The thing you want is this

                    • Caudyr

                      Caudyr Black Hole Surfer

                      Another "thing I bet you didn't know" can find Lost Books and artifacts by digging in the sand pits in the mines! ...along with clay and cave carrots! *cough* :p

                      Also, search the trash cans for things. Can find some real nice things in there occasionally! JUST MAKE SURE YOU AREN'T SEEN DOING SO (it looks like it's about a ~10 block radius or so around you when you click).

                      ONE BIG IMPORTANT NOTE: When I used a cherry bomb in the quarry to clear out a big area at once...I didn't get any messages about getting the copper and iron that was within its blast I don't know if they are giving them. That said...I did end up with some in my inventory, but I honestly don't recall if that ore was there beforehand or not... =x

                      Just something to keep in mind...since I'm not sure you'd get geodes and stuff while using the bombs. =x

                      This didn't appear to be the case for me. It's how I run through and gather WELL over 150 in the days that they're up. When Salmonberries and Blackberries are active, I make sure to do nothing else but go and forage those bushes, since it only lasts ~4 days for each of them.

                      Some of these bushes DID respawn the next day, etc. They seem to spawn multiple times just fine (unless this was changed in the most recent patch, as in earlier today's, maybe?).
                      • Ghostly Fox

                        Ghostly Fox Heliosphere

                        That radius includes through buildings. Which is annoying. Haley, can you not take the route through Sam's yard so I can raid his trash without wondering if you are somehow seeing me from the other side of said house? :zzz:
                        • SunTide

                          SunTide Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                          Huh. I admit that my test was pretty crude. It was just me watching five different bushes over the week. I might have just been super unlucky. I'm going to pull that item off of the list until I can look into some more.
                          • meatpardle

                            meatpardle Star Wrangler

                            Nice, usually a 'things I bet you didn't know' thread is anything but, however this is good stuff.

                            I'd noticed that my energy wasn't refilling if I made it just to bed without passing out but I had no idea it grades down from midnight.

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