Race the Zaahir

Discussion in 'NPCs and Creatures' started by Lucid_Dakou, Apr 23, 2013.

  1. Lucid_Dakou

    Lucid_Dakou Void-Bound Voyager

    Centipedes, yeah that's a good one too!

    Wall jump and just clinging could be really neat and helpful for navigating the dungeons/ cities. I included those in the possible armor benefit section of the OP. As for dungeons, I've been brainstorming some while I was at work and plan to sketch up some general ideas. One being an abandoned ruin, where the towers have all fallen and lie in shambles at the base of one of the mounds, and the bulk of the dungeon takes place in the chambers within the giant mound (like a termite mound). The other dungeon idea I had originally been going with was an intact city with the main dungeon element being jumping around the lower levels of the towers with one of the higher class bugs as a boss.
  2. Percival

    Percival Phantasmal Quasar

    Did you see those bugs? They have curved swords! Curved! Swords!
    (I am so sorry, but I couldn't help myself)

    God, I want this race to be a thing. Even if I would have the racial negative of flying my space ship off towards the atomic bug zapper known as the sun, I would love this race to death. It's bright, and extra crispy death.
    Gia-Knight and Tyto like this.
  3. TechnoVibe

    TechnoVibe Big Damn Hero

    ... But spiders aren't bugs.. they're arachnids. Eight legs, not six...
  4. Ravenholme

    Ravenholme Big Damn Hero

    Bug I think is a colloquial term that is not inter-changeable with Insect, but instead is a catch-all for arthropods that aren't marine/aquatic (wiki agrees with me). If he'd said "Insects", then you'd have a point.
  5. Lucid_Dakou

    Lucid_Dakou Void-Bound Voyager

    yeah, I know, and Crawfish/ lobsters are crustaceans and not "bugs" the point is just throwing in a wide variety of arthropod options for heads. A spider head would just give the option for something like, an 8 eyed head, or perhaps the super adorable jumping spider eyes. I mean, Florans have, what I can't help but interpret as, a stag beetle horn option for a hair style. Also, with things like antennae, thorax fluff, and beetle horns being tied to "hair" options (because what else would arthropods have for hair?) there'd be options for crazy combinations like a moth with a hercules beetle horn or something.
  6. TechnoVibe

    TechnoVibe Big Damn Hero

    Welp. Cool. Learned something new.
  7. TechnoVibe

    TechnoVibe Big Damn Hero

    Hm, well, true I guess, but couldn't those tiny fibers on some insect's legs be an inspiration for hair?
    Like, maybe spines or something for hair along with antennae?
  8. TechnoVibe

    TechnoVibe Big Damn Hero

    Huh. Well, I looked it up, and " Bug " IS in fact a term used for strictly insects, or even more specific, insects under the classification of Hemiptera.
  9. Lucid_Dakou

    Lucid_Dakou Void-Bound Voyager

    hmm, yeah, I suppose that'd be a a good idea for some more hair options actually.
  10. ChaoticGamer

    ChaoticGamer Master Astronaut

    a mantes as a dance?!?!?!:eek: No thank you having a date with her or any bugs. If anyone didn't take history lesson about every insect bugs or every single bugs out there, they are carnivore, herbivore or both...good god no thank you try mate, mate. Sorry it sound like I am against it, but really I don't want to do anything other races (not racing track, race to origin forum flesh or life that lived in civil ). I'll be scared $###-##ss if a bug want to mate with me.

    Anyway, back subject, the idea is good and interesting how things are weird and different type how they lived. Which this races is pretty challenging as I thought it is.
  11. Gnoll

    Gnoll Void-Bound Voyager

    I have no idea whether you like it or hate it.
  12. Ravenholme

    Ravenholme Big Damn Hero

    Yeah, that's it's technical/scientific usage (I know, I'm an Ecologist). However, it's common language usage, as given by Americans, is for terrestrial and riverine arthropoda
  13. Daj

    Daj Big Damn Hero

    My only issue with the hanging cities as dungeons is that people will just tower up from bellow and jump in through a window as a shortcut to the lower-hanging levels...
  14. Percival

    Percival Phantasmal Quasar

    Dungeons can't be built in, or broken before you get all the way to the end and take a hammer to the machine that makes them indestructible. No windows, no problem.
  15. Daj

    Daj Big Damn Hero

    But without windows, where's the point in the potentially suicidal leaping from ledges to land in lower points of the dungeon?
  16. Ravenholme

    Ravenholme Big Damn Hero

    Unless the fall damage is too much, and if the fall damage from the lowest levels to the ground would be too much, that means they'll still have to ascend the tower to get out.
  17. Daj

    Daj Big Damn Hero

    *coughs*Avian Armor*coughs*

    Edit: I don't hate the idea. I'm getting a wonderful Western Air Temple vibe from these cities. I just don't want their dungeons to be easy-mode due to such simple exploits.
  18. harnackam

    harnackam Ketchup Robot

    Love the way you envisioned the lore, and the race fills a bunch of holes(insect + middle eastern) in the game.
  19. Alternal

    Alternal Existential Complex

    I love everything about this, very good idea for an insectoid race and probably the best one I've seen.
    And how the hell did you manage to make a giant insectoid belly dancer attractive as hell?
  20. Lucid_Dakou

    Lucid_Dakou Void-Bound Voyager

    one idea I had to possibly try and mitigate it would be having powerful mobs coded to spawn in the areas around the towers lower outdoors. But then those would still be there when going through the dungeon legitimately. Another option could just be placing the item you have to smash earlier in the dungeon so you can start smashing through walls of towers to leap from building to building, but I suppose that would also cause possible exploits of dismantling the dungeon early... This is a conundrum and a good point of concern.

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