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WIP The Ruins of Xextredge - Custom High Tier Dungeon Content

Discussion in 'Dungeons and Sidequests' started by LowestFormOfWit, Oct 17, 2013.

  1. LowestFormOfWit

    LowestFormOfWit Pangalactic Porcupine

    Today's updates:
    -Coded/Adjusted Bed. It's fully functional in game now.
    -Coded/Adjusted Bookcase. It's fully functional in game now and functions as a container.
    -Coded/Adjusted Shock Panel. It's fully functional in game now.
    -Coded/Adjusted Electric Pillar. It's fully functional in game now.

    Started private testing of mod. Everything so far seems to be working smoothly.

    Current Test Version: V001.
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2013
    Affero likes this.
  2. Moonkey

    Moonkey Void-Bound Voyager

    Today's updates: I am private beta tester of this mod. Let me tell you, It's wonderful.
  3. Torren

    Torren Ketchup Robot

    Cannot wait to step foot into this dungeon for the first time. Try not to wake the dead city, traveler.
  4. Lord Fatso

    Lord Fatso Void-Bound Voyager

    Love it! +1
  5. DoomZero

    DoomZero Zero Gravity Genie

    I love this so much. Amazing art and awesome theme. This is going to be something incredible.
    Could this item set belong to the race that created the Glitch?

    Also, you don't seem to have any door sprites.

    Also also, if you ever need any additional testers, I'd be hella interested.
    If not, I'll still look forward to using this mod when it's released.
  6. Voidnaut

    Voidnaut Big Damn Hero

    Very excited to try this out. :)
  7. DarkMajor21

    DarkMajor21 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Resistance is futile?
  8. LowestFormOfWit

    LowestFormOfWit Pangalactic Porcupine

    Today's Updates:
    -Added Bed animation to the front page.
    -Coded/Adjusted Xexan Switch Panel. It's fully functional in game now.
    -Coded/Adjusted Xexan Index. It's fully functional in game now and serves to add blueprints of all Xexan objects to the character.

    Current Test Version: V002.
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2013
  9. Shadewarp

    Shadewarp Pangalactic Porcupine

    Watching this! :) Looks amazing, and extra dungeons is something that we can all use! :D Kudos!
  10. Toast_Storm

    Toast_Storm Space Penguin Leader

    Some very nice animations there, looking forward to seeing it once its come together!
  11. HippiG

    HippiG Big Damn Hero

    I want to Test it on MP !
  12. Shadewarp

    Shadewarp Pangalactic Porcupine

    Btw, will you be adding it as a playable race as well?!
  13. Lord Fatso

    Lord Fatso Void-Bound Voyager

    Would love to test as well. ^^

    Looks incredible!
  14. Magma Claw

    Magma Claw Existential Complex

  15. ehwllmac

    ehwllmac Void-Bound Voyager

    Hello. I would LOVE to test the mod. If I cannot, I can code a little, so I might be able to help along with the process and make things quicker. Another reason you should have me test, is that I have coded a starbound mod. It is released, but I ill not give a link. (Wouldnt be very cool to go around posting my link would it?) Please get back to me shortly :D
  16. Chandrak

    Chandrak Phantasmal Quasar

    Looking good. I like the style :)
  17. LowestFormOfWit

    LowestFormOfWit Pangalactic Porcupine

    Probably not. A race is a lot of tedious work (unique "naked" frames and variants, multiple armor sets, descriptions on -every- item in game, etc...), plus I feel the ruins make the Xex race more mysterious and interesting if we -don't- see them.
    What I would like to do, is add plenty of lore books to discover the back-story, and lots of Xexan armor/weapons to find.

    Also thanks to everyone for the continued feedback and positive words. I won't be releasing this for public testing until it's closer to the form of being a dungeon mod and less close to a simple furniture set (which is really all that has been implemented thus far).

    Sit tight!
  18. SanyaD_D

    SanyaD_D Poptop Tamer

    how to install this mod?
  19. LowestFormOfWit

    LowestFormOfWit Pangalactic Porcupine

    It's not ready for a public release yet.

    This is still a WIP, so this is a worklog and showcase until I feel it's ready to try more public testing.
  20. SanyaD_D

    SanyaD_D Poptop Tamer

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