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The Roadmap

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by T-Rex, Apr 26, 2013.

  1. T-Rex

    T-Rex Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    Because Tiy wasn't able too and i think hes the only one who can do update the roadmap
  2. Lusid

    Lusid Pangalactic Porcupine

    I don't know a damn thing about video game development, but i would hope that a team of more than one person could accomplish at least ten percent completion in a single area in a span of 28 days.
  3. Sousuke Kuroda

    Sousuke Kuroda Spaceman Spiff

    He probably isn't the only one capable of updating the roadmap, theres nothing really suggesting he's the only one who can do it. I don't see how he wouldn't be able to considering its almost been a month and I doubt he's been busy every second of every day. Which could mean one of the reasons he isn't able to is because not much progress has been made.

    Again I don't think this is the case, I'm raising the argument however seeing as no one seems to want to consider it.


    I know, however surely you can acknowledge that they may not have. Remember this isn't a team located in one workplace with consistent work hours, these are developers the world over working in different time zones at different times of the day for a different length of time. I'm not claiming they're terribly disorganized, however it is possible that they may not have made a lot of progress to warrant an update.
  4. The game has been in development for over a year though.

    Minecraft wasn't 10% completed each month in development.

    10% is a bit unrealistic in my opinion.
  5. T-Rex

    T-Rex Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    Focusing on BETA is the top priority atm, especially that we reach $1m and they don't expect that much! i think updating the roadmap is in the bottom of the list right now and mayeb you should follow his twitter or Mollygos twitter, why they can't update stuff and how's the development going, as far as i know Tiy wasn't in thier house for the past few weeks so he can't really do anything however there's 2 or more guys quit their job to make Starbound thier full time job.
  6. Sousuke Kuroda

    Sousuke Kuroda Spaceman Spiff

    Thats cool, however we don't know much about how much time needs to be devoted to each feature. For all we know it could take a few months to finish what we perceive to be an easy to implement feature.
  7. Snibb

    Snibb Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I dont think they meant 10% overall... but 10% in one subcategory (for example, Projectiles.)
    Lusid likes this.
  8. Lusid

    Lusid Pangalactic Porcupine

  9. Yeah that makes a lot more sense, my bad :geek:
  10. darkrhodes

    darkrhodes Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Thank you so much the roadmap needed a little explaining and to have it all together
    in one place helps. Thanks
    Kingceon likes this.
  11. DeadlyLuvdisc

    DeadlyLuvdisc Oxygen Tank

    This. Exactly this.

    With the amazing teams that AAA titles have, the game experience should be that much more fun for that much longer. Instead they are just really pretty and polished. What Indies lack in polish, they make up for in charm and innovation. AAA games simply don't innovate much because they are too afraid that major changes will ruin their formula for profit, which is leading to stagnant design.

    And yes, Indie games actually benefit from pre-orders because it helps them put food on the table between game releases. Big developers really don't need any advance in their payment, and it's usually just a way to benefit the venue you are using for the pre-order.
    darkrhodes and Kingceon like this.
  12. darkrhodes

    darkrhodes Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Agree 120% Indies need funding, AAA have there funding spoon fed to them by investors with cash to burn
    Stoltverd likes this.
  13. bludud101

    bludud101 Phantasmal Quasar

    Not to be whiny, but Tiy and Molly probably shouldn't have said they would update it "soon" if they had no intention of doing so.
  14. Dzelda

    Dzelda Parsec Taste Tester

    Do you know what this post reminds me of?

    Old Nintendo.
  15. Stoltverd

    Stoltverd Big Damn Hero

    I follow TIY... He (almost) only tweet of this game he likes, that game he wants, this game he is streaming (does he work? xD jk jk jk jk), that contest starbound is in or won and where he is at. He rarely tweets about deb. (Though i think he did some time ago)
  16. Superscope

    Superscope Aquatic Astronaut

    It's Indie Developers like these that makes me feel warm inside, not the sickly so called "AAA" shooters or 5 hour bloom-a-thons that are a dime a dozen these days >.>

    It's like the same warmth that I had when I was a kid, playing the old SNES when i was 8 years old. Simple fun that is pretty much heading in a unknown direction.
    Stoltverd likes this.
  17. Maxwell5123

    Maxwell5123 Star Wrangler

    I'm patient for this. When I first discovered this game a year ago i was like "Oh hell yea!" then I forgot about it until December of last year. And only now am I becoming more active in the community.
  18. [S]miley

    [S]miley Subatomic Cosmonaut

    lol that also happened to me i just recently remembered about this game and i quickly preordered it :p
    IchiroXx likes this.
  19. DeadlyLuvdisc

    DeadlyLuvdisc Oxygen Tank

    OMG yes.

    They were always trying something radical and new, and they always made it really special. Heck, they still do to some degree. Some of it may be gimmicky (Motion controls? 3D handheld? Dual screens?) but at least they are experimenting with new ideas and taking big risks. Well, maybe they could step a little further outside the box with Metroid and Zelda...

    You know what I'd love to see? User generated content for Zelda/Metroid, shared online. You can edit custom dungeons and post them up, then play through other people's dungeons and rate them. Highly rated dungeons stay at the top of the list so that it ensures a quality experience. Occasional updates introduce new blocks, items, etc... Ready to kick it up a notch? Make it a 3D level editor/game, using a first person interface not unlike Minecraft's creative mode. Nintendo might not be willing to go that far but it would be awesome. I mean, how many of use have ever thought about making our own Zelda/Metroid stuff? Plus the developers can occasionally contribute their own dungeons, possibly even have a proper storyline and have the user generated content as a side-feature.

    And they really need to take Pokemon into other genres in ways that don't suck, but that's more Gamefreak than Nintendo.

    And they need to stop with all the freaking remakes. Nostalgia only goes so far.
    Stoltverd likes this.
  20. Dzelda

    Dzelda Parsec Taste Tester

    Hey, dont bash the classics. They are the stuff that I learned from as a child. I enjoy playing them still even (you have no IDEA how hard it is to obtain some of these games from my childhood! But it was worth it ^w^ ) and seeing my old favorite back in style rather than sucked into obscurity always makes me smile :)

    That said, you do have a point. Such games should not be the basis of profit, but rather a glorious hail back to the heydey to the times you did potty training by playing DOnkey Kong Country. And sometimes missed because the things woke up in Stop and Go Station...
    IchiroXx likes this.

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