The quest hub needs to go.

Discussion in 'Planets and Environments' started by Nesano, Sep 25, 2015.

  1. Nesano

    Nesano Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Starbound is a game about exploring the universe, it's not a theme park MMO. I really hope Chucklefish is using the quest hub as a placeholder if some kind because I don't want to be running back and forth between a quest hub in a game that's supposed to be able exploration. It kills the whole vibe.
    caldfir and Oxidis like this.
  2. [curly] servo

    [curly] servo Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    it was the easiest way to experiment with making quests work. i'm sure they'll figure out quests for local NPCs, tenent NPCs, and maybe even other players to give you in due time but they got a lot to do, i suppose.
    Oxidis likes this.
  3. Nesano

    Nesano Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I sure hope so.
  4. Skippertomtom

    Skippertomtom Phantasmal Quasar

    Well, since the universe and it's planets are randomized (I think?) I don't think it'd really be an easy job putting quests anywhere else.
  5. Nesano

    Nesano Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Terraria pulled it off. Just build a village and questgivers will move in. Not to mention the fact that there's really no need for quests in the first place.
    Lazer likes this.
  6. lazarus78

    lazarus78 The Waste of Time

    I doubt the outpost will ever go away. A hub of some sort doesn't really detract from exploration really. Its only natural to have a central point for people to gather. If you want to explore, then go explore Once you get FTL, nothing is stopping you.

    They do plan on adding dynamic quests, however.
    LulItsIan likes this.
  7. Nesano

    Nesano Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Dynamic quests sound like a great thing.
  8. caldfir

    caldfir Void-Bound Voyager

    I very much hope the outpost is a placeholder. I understand that something like the outpost is helpful to get content to the players quickly to be tested, but it competes with colonies and the player's ship to act as a "hub". 3 hubs is too many. How much cooler would it be to attract all those shops and NPCs to live in your colony, or to find and recruit them to be on your ship's crew?

    Don't get me wrong, it is a cool environment, but it would be much better as a random settlement in asteroid belts, and without the hub-like nature of the place. We will see how development goes but I hope you're right.
    Nesano likes this.
  9. Ripcord24

    Ripcord24 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I really like the Outpost actually, it's always cool to have this "central city" in a large universe, and I'm fine with it being a quest hub but it would also be nice to see quest-givers spawn in specific randomly generated villages too.
  10. [curly] servo

    [curly] servo Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    having them on the outpost if fine if you don't want to cram them into your ship or your colony, and i certainly like the idea of a set place where they can base the important quests so players don't get confused about what to do. i think the procedurally generated quests being found wherever and the "set" quests being largely outpost-centric would make for a nice middle ground.
  11. The | Suit

    The | Suit Agent S. Forum Moderator

    I don't believe there will be any major change to the outpost.
    More then likely considering the amount of work that went into it, it will seems to be a permanent thing.

    Though quests will be divided into those from the outpost and those randomly generated.
  12. Joseph the wanderer

    Joseph the wanderer Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    the universe IS randomized, yet the same for all players. kinda like OUR universe. there are even websites dedicated to marking coordinates in it. a galactic map.
  13. Lemony Shtickit

    Lemony Shtickit Big Damn Hero

    Its a great big universe out there, and when you're running around the galaxy its hard to remember where the hell that quest that random guy gave you is.
  14. Nesano

    Nesano Subatomic Cosmonaut

    He's back at that town you built on that planet you bookmarked.

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