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The Pixel Weekly #03

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by EGadd, Mar 15, 2012.

  1. EGadd

    EGadd Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Great work, we really love your drawings! ^^
    ThomasDekker likes this.
  2. Maplestrip

    Maplestrip Existential Complex

    I love this issue, because Lambo made a great comic (as I expected, his comics are always good ; )), Thomas was featured (Something he definetaly deserves) and the first video from the devs came in (Who doesn't love th lighting must like this post NAO! (Yep, getting no likes for this post:ninja: ))
    Also, I love the quote of the week, as I feel that everybody could get in there, even I, though I'd probably never make it to the quote of the week <That would be a great quote of the week! (jk)
    ThomasDekker and lambo like this.
  3. lambo

    lambo Void-Bound Voyager

    Heads up people! If you have an idea for what you want to happen in future comics then PM me or EGadd to let us know! We'll pick the best one we get and I'll make something out of it! It could be something as simple as a screen shot. No prizes for guessing which one this was based off! Of course you'll be credited as well.
  4. Hydrae

    Hydrae Cosmic Narwhal

    I thought I already posted here. Oh well, another great issue of Pixel Weekly. While the game is still in development I admire that you created a paper about the community, for the community, involving the community. Starbound is going to be one hell of a game, and this weekly newsletter can only get better & better. Thanks for info guys. I hope you had a great time in Civilization V. :)
  5. Scurvy Driftwood

    Scurvy Driftwood Big Damn Hero

  6. GameGecko

    GameGecko Cosmic Narwhal

    Pretty cool! o:
  7. Glopsnort

    Glopsnort Void-Bound Voyager

    I so wish that you could have this emailed to you :(
  8. Megaman0816

    Megaman0816 Void-Bound Voyager

    EGaad the post is broken can you re upload the files to Imgur
  9. Jonesy

    Jonesy Sarif's Attack Kangaroo Forum Moderator

    You've necro'd the thread. The last reply before yours was from the middle of last year. These things happen.
    DudeUA and shardival like this.
  10. Arcadiax

    Arcadiax Guest

    The newsletter was discontinued ages ago, Vector Squared seems to be the source of community news now, me and EGadd had a good run but we're working on our own projects now.

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