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Feedback The new toolbar is terrible

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Locklave, Jul 25, 2016.

  1. Locklave

    Locklave Phantasmal Quasar

    It sucks, less toolbar space and it's more intrusive.

    Was simply making a drop down on mouse over to customize for your right/left hands tool clean and easy an idea to use? You know so you don't waste screen space on the UI. Now each slot is taking up double the space, Does Chucklefish not understand hotkeys are just tiny macros?

    But no we need to see what's in each hand for our hot bar displayed on our screen at all times forever.

    And yes this really did piss me off, it's like they were purposely making it worse.


    If they had done a mouse over drop down for the Hot Keys for right and left click they could have almost doubled the hot keys without changing the UI. In that case the UI would have had more options for people that wanted to use it instead of forcing everyone to use the new UI and memorize key number and right/left click for everything.

    Also having your weapons physically in your inventory... wtf. Make a damn character slot location for those sort of items, because we want to sell important items by mistake. The hot bar items didn't take up inventory space, there was no risk of selling/dropping them by mistake.

    UI needed scrutiny, but it comes out in 1.0 a total mess.
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2016
  2. Pepsi_Princess

    Pepsi_Princess Orbital Explorer

    Lol, it isn't even remotely as bad as you make it seem.
  3. BitHorizon

    BitHorizon Ketchup Robot

    While the old hotbar allowed for more items in view at once, the new one is far less clunky. Being able to assign multi two-handed loadouts is incredibly useful. Plus, if you hit X, it switches to a second hotbar, which helps alleviate the space problem.
  4. Locklave

    Locklave Phantasmal Quasar

    It's the main UI for the entire game. It's how you interact with the entire game. It matters. I don't like being forced to relearn a UI that was fine because someone wanted to try something new with the UI without thinking about it for 30secs.

    Also, explain why it's not even remotely as bad as I make it out to be. Because "LOL" is your explanation.

    Hot bar items are now in your inventory. It's as bad as I say.
    --- Post updated ---
    If it had a mouse over drop down for left/right they could have kept the old UI. Things changed for no good reason.
    onel13hl and Pingeh like this.
  5. BitHorizon

    BitHorizon Ketchup Robot

    They're shortcuts. The hotbar is not inventory space, just like your desktop doesn't contain .EXEs.

    DesVoeux likes this.
  6. Noir Korrane

    Noir Korrane Pangalactic Porcupine

    I love the new hotbar.

    I have one set for exploring, its got torches, a spear, a pistol with a flashlight, and Then a shield. I use that for exploring.

    Then i hit x, and it swaps over to my construction tabs with all the materials i use to build.
    Lava Cake and Kirumaru like this.
  7. Locklave

    Locklave Phantasmal Quasar

    They WERE inventory slots before and aren't now. So your condescending fallacious analogy is totally off base. They've turned them into short cuts. or does it suit your viewpoint better to pretend the thread I made isn't about how they changed them, did you forget the topic when you wrote this?
    Krake, onel13hl and Pingeh like this.
  8. BitHorizon

    BitHorizon Ketchup Robot

    They make more sense as shortcuts. The hotbar is for quickly accessing things in your inventory, not for storing items as separate slots.
    DesVoeux, Lava Cake and Lodish like this.
  9. Kitler

    Kitler Void-Bound Voyager

    I like that it allows dual-wielding, which I find it very effective to mow down creatures early-game when you're more prone to dying, but they could've merged that with the old hotbar and everyone could've been happy. I don't like how the controls are confusing and difficult to understand, and sometimes when I try to right click an item to quick swap it to inventory or to hotbar, it doesn't. Then there's the fact that they aren't inventory slots anymore, me as a clumsy person will probably on accident sell main weapons etc. Many games have hotbars that serve as extra inventory slots, Starbound using to be one of them.

    In my opinion, I view the hotbar as an annoyance when they simply could've used the old hotbar as a base for these changes like dual wielding and whatnot while still keeping the old controls that make it effective to swap items inbetween.

    I doubt they'll change the hotbar, I heard it's hardcoded. Doesn't sound like a smart thing to do with so many unsatisfied people at this rate unable to mod it or expect for changes so we'll just have to get used to it.
  10. TheDerpySupport

    TheDerpySupport Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Personally I like the IDEA of the new hotbar but I feel like some things need adjusting like what can and cant be dual-wielded(2 items 1 slot) because some of the basic items you cant which erks me but the smaller amount of slots makes it easier for people, myself excluded due to large hands, to reach their hotbar slots with keys 1-6. I didnt like the X key being switch hotbars, because again large hands, so I made it tilde( `~ key ) and that works for me. While I miss the old hotbar for it's simplicity...I think the new one isn't as bad as people make it seem.
  11. Fleder

    Fleder Pangalactic Porcupine

    I thought like you first, too. But after some time ingame i really like it better now.
  12. Sean Mirrsen

    Sean Mirrsen Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    This. I absolutely hate this. This assumption that this new hotbar somehow added dual-wielding.
    It was always in the game, since the very first iterations. You even had the Left/Right hand slots, huge and brightly colored, dead top center on the screen, and somehow even that apparently wasn't in-the-face enough to make people notice.

    The rest of the point, however, is exactly why I hate the new hotbar. They could simply have added the option of using dual-slots to the old hotbar. They could have added the items-as-shortcuts mechanic to the old hotbar. The old hotbar was, mechanically, in every way superior to the new one, aside from the instant dual-wielding. They did not have to break a perfectly good hotbar system so completely just to add something so insignificant.
    Hatsya Souji, Flake13, samv and 8 others like this.
  13. Whoaness

    Whoaness Subatomic Cosmonaut

    We got a lot more inventory space than before if I remember correctly.

    Hotbar is fine. You only reach 1 to 6 anyway, and swapping hot bar is a press away. Just organize your inventory better so you won't "accidentally" sell them.
  14. Sean Mirrsen

    Sean Mirrsen Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    It must be good then that I can type without typos, or I'd never be able to correct them. Seeing as the Backspace key is at the end of the number row, and apparently I can't actually reach it. D:

    Seriously though. o_O
    Pingeh likes this.
  15. Whoaness

    Whoaness Subatomic Cosmonaut

    You must have big hands to be able to reach backspace while having your left hand on wasd and your right hand on the mouse.
    MasterPredator and DesVoeux like this.
  16. wataru

    wataru Phantasmal Quasar

    I think the new toolbar is easier to understand than the previous one. However, constant switches pressing X are frustrating.

    SUGESSTION: Many people have huge screen resolution and at least 10 slots would easily fit on the screen. Could it be possible to extend the toolbar for 10 slots each?
  17. Noir Korrane

    Noir Korrane Pangalactic Porcupine

    I dont think they added duel wielding. I used the old system a lot. But i honestly hated it, as i would need to change items in it quite commonly between a shield and my torch depending on my situation. Can do that on the fly now.

    I also like it being shortcuts as opposed to extra inventory slots because it lets me have the same weapon in multiple loadouts. Something that was frustrating in the old toolbar.
  18. Sean Mirrsen

    Sean Mirrsen Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    You could do that easily. Sword and gun in the main slots. Second gun on 1, flashlight on 2, grapple on 3, shield on 4, medkit on 5. Press Z and you have a sword and a gun. Press 1 and you have either two guns, or a sword and another gun. Press 2 and you have a flashlight replacing either. Press 3 and you have a grapple, with X switching between a sword and a gun in the off-hand for versatile combat. Press 4 and you have a shield, again with either a sword or a gun as you need. Press 5 and you can heal up without stopping shooting or swinging. Press Shift+4 and you get a shield to go with your gun or sword again, but then you can press 2 to have a flashlight and shield, or 3 for a grapple and shield, or 5 for a medkit and shield. It. Was. Versatile..

    Items-as-shortcuts is only even needed because the dual-slot system is itself so impotent. It needs the player to stuff the hotbar full of copies of the same item just to have a semblance of a workable loadout. The old hotbar never had that problem, all it needed was apparently a mandatory manual. Gee, if only there were an introductory mission in the game, where basics of how to use the game's tools could have been explained... :rolleyes:
    Shaadaris likes this.
  19. Noir Korrane

    Noir Korrane Pangalactic Porcupine

    Um, Ok, You seem a little hostile.

    I never found out what you describe. I find this toolbar far more intuitive, for my purposes.

    I also dont think that the toolbar should be extended as extra inventory slots. I personally don't like that as a design choice.

    I think its time i leave this conversation.
  20. Pilchenstein

    Pilchenstein Ketchup Robot

    The new toolbar is great.

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