The Inkbound Order

Discussion in 'Hangout Threads' started by Mercenary Lord, Jan 23, 2013.

  1. Garneac

    Garneac Phantasmal Quasar

    IndentedThe final book in the Animorphs series was a nightmare. To this day I'm still disturbed. (K. A. Applegate's other series, Remnants, was similarly unnerving, if not more so.)
    IndentedI think I once read a book by Anthony. Can't be sure. Brooks, though, I've only heard constant negativity about, so I'm staying away from him. >_<
    IndentedIf you've a hankering for fantasy, I'd suggest reading up on K. J. Parker (anything s/he's written), George R. R. Martin (A Song of Ice and Fire), Scott Lynch (Gentlemen Bastards), Brandon Sanderson (Mistborn), Patrick Ruthfuss (The Kingkiller Chronicle) and Daniel Abraham (The Long Price Quartet). You won't be disappointed.

    IndentedEDIT: Stay away from Robert Jordan. His stuff will rot your mind. Unless you're so far along in his A Wheel of Time that you've no choice but to finish what you've started.
  2. Strife

    Strife Existential Complex

    I liked Terry Brooks, although the only thing of his I read was the Shannara series.
  3. Garneac

    Garneac Phantasmal Quasar

    IndentedCoolio. =)
    IndentedDon't know if this has been asked but can non-Inkbound members provide critiques of work posted so far?
  4. Fluffy Arsonist

    Fluffy Arsonist Cosmic Narwhal

    rot your mind? Wheel Of Time was brilliant! it is, by far, my favourite book series! and I've read a lot of books!
  5. You can critique, I suppose, but that kind of defeats the purpose of having members in the first place, I think. Talk your other peeps, I have to go to school.
  6. Garneac

    Garneac Phantasmal Quasar

    IndentedOops. >_< Yeah, you're right. My bad.

    IndentedLots of people read lots of books! =)
    IndentedIt's fine if that's your favourite series. I like some of the things he came up with, too. Doesn't change the fact Jordan didn't know how to write well, or how to write women (seriously, his female characters are just bad, if not outright offensive), or men-women interactions, or how to not excessively describe everything, or how to stop himself from bogging down the plot, if not losing it completely, for books at a time.
    IndentedJordan's an okay introduction to fantasy. Once you've got your bearings and matured in taste, though, there's more rewarding fare out there to be found.
    nababoo likes this.
  7. Fluffy Arsonist

    Fluffy Arsonist Cosmic Narwhal

    to each their own, i guess...
  8. Garneac

    Garneac Phantasmal Quasar

    nababoo likes this.
  9. slaticus

    slaticus Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Hell yeah, ANIMORPHS! My library would always be missing a book or 2 from the whole series so I would have to fill in the spaces. Might have been a creative spark for me,

    That last book was miserable. The attempt to tie down every single loose thread was admirable but it was full of WTFs. And Remnant was one weird ass series. I have read, with the exception of the Long Price Quartet, every other book/author up there. Gentlemen Bastards is a personal favorite.

    The Wheel of Time series is not so bad until book 5 or so, when he tries to write as the female characters the majority of the time and loses touch with Mat, Perrin, and Rand. I was always, "Come on! I wan more Heron Mark Swords, not Aes Sedai!"
    nababoo, Strife and Garneac like this.
  10. Garneac

    Garneac Phantasmal Quasar

    IndentedMy heart. Be still. :rofl:
    IndentedHell fucking yes, Scott Lynch! (Everyone go read The Lies of Locke Lamora and its sequel, Red Seas under Red Skies, like, right nao!)
    IndentedI need to catch up on the latest three books in AWoT so I can finally call it a day. >_< And I loved how Rand got cold. Man's a beast. (If only he could get over not wanting to kill women. They're just as dangerous as the guys...)
    IndentedAnd you've read stuff by Parker, too? I'm gonna have to sit down. Too much awesomeness to start off a Thursday morning.
  11. Fluffy Arsonist

    Fluffy Arsonist Cosmic Narwhal

    i disagree with you completely, with the Wheel Of Time. i loved the last book,
    although the Padan Fain bit at the end was a bit... how do i say it... "bad". and i don't really get how someone could have a sa'angreal for the true power, seeing as shai'tan controls how much someone can use... but other than that, it was great, to me.
  12. slaticus

    slaticus Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Oops, no not that one. Missed it. Out of your list, Rothfuss is the best author. So good. Kvothe is one of the best written characters I have ever encountered. Have you read Brent Weeks? Also very good.
  13. Fluffy Arsonist

    Fluffy Arsonist Cosmic Narwhal

    no, no, stop crying. men don't cry over anime. damn it, i can't stop crying :cry: every time i watch Clannad...
  14. Garneac

    Garneac Phantasmal Quasar

    IndentedTrust me. Once you read a K. J. Parker book, you'll be singing his/her praises, too. I strongly suggest starting with The Folding Knife. That, or Sharps (but The Folding Knife will always be my pick to seduce readers). I've managed to get two people onto that book and so far they're quite happy. One even went so far as to say after one chapter that Parker had the art of language down, and I couldn't agree more.
    IndentedI like Rothfuss a lot—but after The Wise Man's Fear, I've become way less enthusiastic. I love(d) Kvothe to bits, no doubt, but the sequel progressed the present-timeline not by much, and there's still so much that needs to happen in the retelling! (Also, fuck Felurian. That took forever.) EDIT: This review sums up my feelings on the sequel although, without a doubt, I'm still going to get the third book once it's published!
    IndentedI'm more particular to Locke Lamora myself. First place, though, for depth of character, would have to be a Parker character.
    IndentedAs for Brent Weeks. I've heard of him, I even went so far as to get a hold on one of his books. But then the loan at the library ran out before I got around to reading it and I've yet to go back to him. >_< But I'd heard him mentioned a couple times on some sites, so I'll definitely get around to picking up his books. Any suggestions?
    nababoo likes this.
  15. Ain't nobody got tiem fo dis readin shit
    nababoo likes this.
  16. NightStalker

    NightStalker Void-Bound Voyager

    I would like to join this clan out of pure enjoyment of this game and am wanting to enjoy it with others who enjoy the same thing as I do. With that in mind I am willing to bring more people into the clan and expand this more, and help people who are less familiar with this genre of gaming and the overall game. I hope you take this Application into consideration and get back to me as soon a possible.
  17. I don't want to be rude, but we have a specific application process. Our goal isn't to get more members, it's to get good members. Sounds elitist, sure, but there are plenty of other clans where that exact app would be accepted. If you want to go through the screening process, I'll put you on the list.
  18. NightStalker

    NightStalker Void-Bound Voyager

    I do respect the ability that you want good players who understand the game. But, I assume there will be likely a couple of members you allow to join that will be new to the game and they will need help. What I was inquiring in my application was that I would help any new members who were new in the clan.
  19. This clan isn't essentially about the game. That's a side focus. We're really interesting in writing. I think. That was the plan.
    nababoo and Strife like this.
  20. NightStalker

    NightStalker Void-Bound Voyager

    Would you allow me to write something for you to show my ability?

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