The future of Starbound

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by Tiy, Dec 16, 2013.

  1. Leon Wolf

    Leon Wolf Aquatic Astronaut

    one last wipe...would be nice..

    i don't wanna go nag about character wiping.. but in the last few days i spend way too much time trying to set up this massive base.. again..

    knowing that it will be wiped soon.. but still i spend days just going from planet to planet stealing and dismantling dungeons for stuff and soon it will be wiped again..

    i'm not the type to sit still and wait for a fully stable version to come out..

    about that...when's the next stage?
    AIex likes this.
  2. Grimm2769

    Grimm2769 Aquatic Astronaut

    Only thing I don't support is hotkey for quick view, unless it is limited to what is lit up. otherwise easy dark mining and finding what you want all day.
    Epsilon52 and AIex like this.
  3. Aligyon

    Aligyon Astral Cartographer

    Awesome :D
  4. Swiftstone

    Swiftstone Void-Bound Voyager

    Good point. I'm mainly just making a broad suggestion there. I leave all balancing decisions to the developers discretion, in such matters. After all, I'm not making the game, just a suggestion. lol
    AIex likes this.
  5. Rawrquaza

    Rawrquaza Existential Complex

    A ton of great sounding changes! I really can't wait for what this game will become!
    AIex likes this.
  6. Zephiron

    Zephiron Pangalactic Porcupine

    Reste l'option de jouer uniquement avec ses potes, même si du coup le plaisir de partager l'expérience s'en voit amoindri. C'est pas parce que ca n'est pas encore Minecraft que les boulets ne sont pas déja sur place x).

    ^this, but that's not that much of a major issue right now.
    Epsilon52 and AIex like this.
  7. marlaj

    marlaj Space Hobo

    AIex likes this.
  8. tsukiyomaru0

    tsukiyomaru0 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    you are making a terrible mistake, saving optimization for later. Allow me to tell you a tale of an emulator:

    DeSmuME is the best emulator for NDS on Windows, but had one major issue: absurd requirements and strain, even on HIGH END COMPUTERS. Why that happened? There was no multi-threading! Eventually, around version 0.9.9, they added Multi-Threading, which reduced the strain and requirement GREATLY, but that caused a new issue because they left it for WAY later. Various games, specially old ones, had graphical glitches, engine glitches, caused the emulator to close, didn't work, and on and on.

    Now that I told you this, think about it: They could have avoided all that trouble if they TRIED Multi-Threading earlier.
    Epsilon52, AIex and kcela like this.
  9. cdogcdl

    cdogcdl Cosmic Narwhal

    Looks good! Are vehicles still a big plan?
    Epsilon52 and AIex like this.
  10. GTG3000

    GTG3000 Big Damn Hero

    Awesome news!

    Hope we'll be able to trade with the npcs for their chest contents... Or have a system to pay back fines for stealing to the guards (or work it off somehow). I would hate to kill an entire village for pizzap recipe.
    NevaR and AIex like this.
  11. Sic

    Sic Aquatic Astronaut

    This is so sweet, I'll die of diabetes before the game is released. :p

    No, really. It's beyond impressive. :eek:
    AIex likes this.
  12. Brassqund

    Brassqund Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    I know some of them but that list make me happy... and impatient.
    Make that game the best one ever and for ever (and it is already awesome...)
    Good luck, we are all with you.
    AIex likes this.
  13. Zinrius

    Zinrius Astral Cartographer

    Wonderful, it's quite a big list... Is this list coming in short bursts or in one big update ? How long is a reasonable amount to expect this all to happen ?
    AIex likes this.
  14. Karth

    Karth Pangalactic Porcupine

    It all looks fantastic!

    This. Perhaps a stealth mechanic (tech?) or some way to knock an NPC out so you can gleefully loot their stuff before they wake up?
  15. flamedance58

    flamedance58 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Wow that's going to be quite the game changer :D
    I'd love to see the beta move to a more stable position where we wouldn't have to restart over and over again, I completely understand how the beta works but I feel that a lot of people could be testing and helping but the continuous wipes is scaring them away.
    AIex likes this.
  16. Baku Vicen

    Baku Vicen Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    OMG, such amazing things to come! Starving with the idea of increasing ship.

    AIex likes this.
  17. Kierran

    Kierran Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    To be coming soon to people's homes :)
    Epsilon52 and AIex like this.
  18. Azreth

    Azreth Poptop Tamer

    hopefully they make guns useful since the latest update they went from bad to WORST.
    AIex likes this.
  19. kihfeatures

    kihfeatures Tentacle Wrangler

    Can we have the ability to reasign the teleport ancor we spawn at when we beam down from orbit? maybe craftable structure?
  20. Sic

    Sic Aquatic Astronaut

    Place a bed and wait for nighttime. :cool:
    AIex likes this.

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