The future of Starbound

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by Tiy, Dec 16, 2013.

  1. Dynafols

    Dynafols Black Hole Surfer

    Cool.... wait, capture NPCs?

    Am I suppose to throw a pokeball at a merchant and capture him?
  2. SteelSoldier

    SteelSoldier Existential Complex

    The Future of Starbound is amazing!
    AIex and Shanjaisolen like this.
  3. diegopau

    diegopau Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    TroII, CJx101, shnndr and 5 others like this.
  4. Bolo

    Bolo Orbital Explorer

    This is amazing! Really looking forward to all the updates.
    AIex likes this.
  5. Sire Nukerre

    Sire Nukerre Big Damn Hero

    THERE WILL BE SPACE COMBAT. I don't know why I'm excited but SPACE COMBAT!

    Space wombat?
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2013
  6. Xanglaeus

    Xanglaeus Space, The Final Frontier

    I can't wait to see all this things ! A spaceship dungeon ! Building Logic !

    Tiy, only one word : awesome :D

    My Glitch will start a cult to your glory ... (but he has a glitch in AI systems, so he will use weapons for converts villagers ... :D)
    kcela and AIex like this.
  7. Ludovic

    Ludovic Giant Laser Beams

    "Underground: More secrets will spawn below the surface"

    "Moria! Moria! Wonder of the Northern world. Too deep we delved there, and woke the nameless fear."
    I'll admit, if there was a fashion where we could "awake" something lasting(until defeated or taken care of) on a planet, I'd very like this.

    Like you set up a mining colony, complete with village and such, but at some point you dig too deep and activate an "event"(like poisonous gas that rises up to the surface and make atmosphere unbreathable until the source is discovered deep underground and disposed of. Another equivalent/variant might be unleashing a zombie virus to the surface, with every villagers or players clones turning into a zombie that roam at the spot of their death attacking anythng living) or "monster"(scifi balrog anyone?, xenomorphs outbreaks?) which then goes to plague the surface until dealt with.

    .... I may or may not be a bit of a Dwarf Fortress fan <.<; >.>;
    (this said, if you folks ever implement something like a DF-lite mechanic, where you can built a "living settlement" where rather than recruiting people by building spawners they come as migrants to your town(possibly deliminated by a special beacon to "claim" the area you want to build a town around of) that you then assign to varied professions via a special menu or such, thay would be great and I probably would love you guys forever :3 ).
  8. Conir

    Conir Void-Bound Voyager

    great, thanks for the road-map
    TheComfyKnight and AIex like this.
  9. Gene

    Gene Phantasmal Quasar

    ^^ THIS * 1000000

    Seriously though, Darkstar One had a nice way to handle this: you started on a map sector with stars a set distance from each other, and a jump drive with limited capacity. You could only jump to specific stars early on, and as you completed the quest line, you upgraded your jump engine, allowing you to jump to further stars (where the further quests would lie). At the end of the quest line, you got the maximum jump capacity and could jump to any part of the universe.


    Of course the DS1 universe was limited and SB would not be, but the concept could still apply.

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Dec 17, 2013
    diegopau, Ri[A]uX, AIex and 2 others like this.
  10. daijitsu

    daijitsu Tentacle Wrangler

    [copying my post from the article comments section]

    What about server mod compatibility? Ability to display your mods when you join someone else's server?

    The system could be handled similar to how Trackmania uses 'locator' files, where your mod contains a file with a redirect to a web-hosted copy (let's say, something on the official mods directory so the game knows it's an authentic mod). This way it won't bog down the server with net traffic.

    For sake of preventing anything from getting overwritten, the mod could then be added to a server-addon folder (even just a temporary session-long copy?), allowing you to see someone's modded appearance without accidentally installing a mod that turns all of your own humans into cats or whatever. If you DO want to keep an interesting mod, you could find the addon in the temp folder and move it to your main addons, to activate its client-side features
    Fizar, AIex and Hyperaxe1 like this.
  11. Sharp(JQ)

    Sharp(JQ) Ketchup Robot

    I do not like spawners, I would prefer to find NPC by using quests.
    Squiver, NevaR, TroII and 7 others like this.
  12. KaZe_DaRKWIND

    KaZe_DaRKWIND Big Damn Hero

    This looks like it's gonna be awesome. Love the idea of stargates.
    neutralentropy and AIex like this.
  13. Eled

    Eled Orbital Explorer

    Sounds good but, I'm not sure that ditching the current tiers in favour of story quests with same result will fix my problems with the system.

    On the other hand there's nothing wrong with a railroad of the views are good, the journey fun and the destination is worth it.

    Will have to wait and see.
    kcela, AIex and shnndr like this.
  14. Rainoa

    Rainoa Master Chief

    that stuff sounds grate :3

    i also cant wait for the novakid's

    also think it would be kinda nice if u have a story mode u can pick from as u create ur toon to give them a backstory, also maybe due to the background u pick is the ship you start with :3

    example maybe u go with a glitch & the back story u go with is u tried to destroy all humans :) & u was captured but was able to escape & thats how u could maybe end up with human ship as a glitch ;) also maybe all humans hate u or all humans on w/e planet
  15. Dyskord

    Dyskord Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Sounds great mostly, but i surely hope "fog of war" etc doesnt mean dull linear progression, until you reach final sector/tier.
    I sorta love i can go to some random place, looking for random crap there^^.
    Also i hope the potential "board starship" option is something you need to activate first via /pvp or so first.
    Jaguarkia, AIex, Pyrodyce and 2 others like this.
  16. SkullduggeryCain

    SkullduggeryCain Orbital Explorer

    Sad about the character wipe, but if it's for all of this, it's completely worth it. Keep up the good work, Tiy!
    AIex likes this.
  17. Corithan

    Corithan Void-Bound Voyager

    There are no words. There are worlds, though. 422 quadrillion planned. And this is just going to make all of them so much more interesting.
    AIex likes this.
  18. NomadRT

    NomadRT Aquatic Astronaut

    What about ocean planets with the ability to craft SCUBA type gear to explore with??
  19. Xanglaeus

    Xanglaeus Space, The Final Frontier

    Glitch will rust if it's planned ... :D
    josh7073, Naun, AIex and 1 other person like this.
  20. filszyp

    filszyp Void-Bound Voyager

    I love you devs :*
    BTW is there any chance of modifying the way jumping and running works now - so that it's less slippery?
    Right now the inertia in jumping mechanics is making it really difficult to controll.

    Oh and what about more advanced server-side mechanics like defining player owned plots/regions?
    Jaguarkia likes this.

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