The future of Chucklefish and Starbound

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by Tiy, Feb 4, 2014.

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  1. TheFloranChef

    TheFloranChef Giant Laser Beams

    I like the option of earning pixels by farming and renting. In Terraria I always ended up building a hotel.

    No sectors! :D
    Axe Garian and Tamorr like this.
  2. Reduction

    Reduction Intergalactic Tourist

    It seems like the future of Starbound is in engine code that is far from development?!?
    My Trust in Chucklefish during the lack of directed communication sinking so low, iam heavily reading missconception between the lines of this news.
    I feel Starbound totaly unfinished and belive in an long development, yet is there an announcement for another game.
    You are not yet in an Office, want to hire a second dev team.. and saying it woudnt impact Starbound at all. Sounds very naive.
    I hope you overcome my worries and take Starbound to the Top Game it meant to be. Good Luck.
    sunkilledme and Kokiris like this.
  3. Traijan

    Traijan Cosmic Narwhal

    Well I imagine the biggest shit storm will come when they move into the new offices and have to put the game development on hold while the maintenance people are there installing their internet, putting in new A/C and heating ducts, waiting on those new ergonomic chairs to arrive, and the staff 'get to know each other' parties that will also have to come, and so then people will be mad that the game isn't getting an update for xx weeks due to that.

    But once it's over, hopefully they'll really bust their butts to make up for any downtime from moving into their posh new offices.
  4. Entomoligist

    Entomoligist Big Damn Hero

    Building epic houses and stuff will be MUCH more satisfying when I can put them on rent! Keep up the great work!
    Axe Garian likes this.
  5. QuaziPance

    QuaziPance Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Agree with this completely. And it is completely necessary. All of the successful indie developers need to help out the games that they think will be viable, this will let indie games become the majority, and force the big EA's and Activisions to do something different to stay competitive. Eventually indie game developers will have enough money to compete directly with the corporate developers, and they will have the edge of being gamers themselves.

    Only problem I see with this is that it could end up being very exploitable. I'm hoping they don't do anything as simple as "(cost of the blocks it takes to build the house)*(some percentage) = income of the house" while this will likely be the way things work, it will also likely lead to people just building diamond boxes and filling them with NPCs as a way to get quick cash.
    Dwagon, Axe Garian and Capt_Electron like this.
  6. NikoCreator

    NikoCreator Void-Bound Voyager

    Tiy, I wish I could kiss you on the mouth. you are making my dream game... BUT REMEMBER!!! PLEASE have buyable and tradable and upgradable ships!!!
    Axe Garian likes this.
  7. Nazdreg42

    Nazdreg42 Tentacle Wrangler

    This all sounds amazing :D
  8. Disig

    Disig Pangalactic Porcupine

    You're not the only one to notice this, yeah. If anything that is my one concern: what will they do for X-sector for single player?
    Kettie, Axe Garian and Zouleena like this.
  9. Dynafols

    Dynafols Black Hole Surfer

    They said that they intend on making it so that as you advance sectors will become increasingly more dangerous with various other obstacles, most likely ranging anywhere from a little bit of ice to entire invasion of planets via tentacle meteors. That means I WON'T be able to experience everything until I am able to advance to the next level of planets. What if I really want to explore a volcanic planet? Well I can't until later in the game. Even the Obsidian gate from minecraft you could create with iron buckets.

    Also, getting to sector X is important because of the nature of weapons, notably, legendaries. My legendaries from previous sectors and useless because they are just plain weaker, its a problem of common weapons being stronger than a weapon from a god. (Unless of course they let you upgrade your weapons in the future.... but the problem with that is the stats are also fairly random as well). Also, I can't really go on a spending spree to go decorating via the 3D printer until much much later in the game where the enemies drop a more notable amount of money).

    There doesn't and shouldn't be this pixel system. MONEY SHOULD BE USED TO SPEND, NOT CRAFT. Coins are currency, not keys.
    FelipeChoque, D-16, Sese and 3 others like this.
  10. Whiplashr

    Whiplashr Space Penguin Leader

    Looking forward to these updates. Despite my complaints, I think this is an amazing game, and I intend to do video series and streaming for it very often in the future. Thank you for your patience with us for complaining, and all the hard work you do. I apologize for ranting. Please note I have refrained from arguing with people about it GREATLY. It's been hard to do. But I've just been keeping my mouth shut and waiting for official updates.
    Kittails, Axe Garian, Tamorr and 2 others like this.
  11. Disig

    Disig Pangalactic Porcupine

    Ah, I see your point. I mean they are going to try and make it so that whatever you do in game gets you pixels, exploring, crafting, farming, etc, so when you are ready to move on you can without having to think about it. But you'd rather spend pixels on other things and use (to assume the current system, ore?) to progress. I can see this point, yeah. I still think we should wait and see but I can understand your frustration now anyway.

    Though visiting the types of planets you're always going to need "keys" to get to, whether they are currency or not. So you're still going to have to grind, it just depends on what you are grinding for at this point.
    Axe Garian likes this.
  12. Dynafols

    Dynafols Black Hole Surfer

    I'd rather have a fun and engaging quest to do than grind moneys. The way its sounding they are trying to implement a progress bar with the currency system "You must have this much fun in this sector before you can do the other cool stuff!"
    FelipeChoque and Axe Garian like this.
  13. linkthegamer

    linkthegamer Master Astronaut

    Yeah, The main issue was we read all the game was going to have, then only like 1/5 was in the game this early in the beta. I would expect a bit more rollercoastering from hyped and disappointing (like they added a feature, but it is only partial there).
  14. SynyB

    SynyB Orbital Explorer

    Woo can't wait until someone puts together a mod pack (a la FeedTheBeast) for use in a mod manager.
    Imagine having 20 or so mods in a single file. :laugh:
  15. Lanceros

    Lanceros Master Chief

    If you deliver everything you promise here... i declare game of the century in my opinion. You guys have made my jaw drop from day one, and it is now dragging behind me on the floor when i walk. well done.
    Axe Garian likes this.
  16. linkthegamer

    linkthegamer Master Astronaut

    Hopefully we see a lot of different ones for different ways to play. I always liked how with MC modpacks there was a pack to make it an adventure, a RPG, a FPS, or even a technical simulation w/ computers and pipes and stuff.
  17. That blog post, all I can think of to describe my feelings about it.


    Shibby. :chucklefish:
  18. Android19

    Android19 Aquatic Astronaut

    I... don't really know what to say to this. I don't want to say that I don't want this. I do. Who wouldn't? But... I don't think that you should go for it. Starbound has already been in development for a while, and I feel that it has already made most of its money, either from pre-orders or early access. I'm not saying don't finish it. of course you need to finish it. but all this seems like you're setting your sights too high. There's so much here to implement, I just think that you'll get all this stuff in and then find you're out of money to make another game, and you won't get any more from sales because everyone already has it. Bottom line is this: keep it realistic. Don't fall prey to feature creep.
    Anthony Bailey and D-16 like this.
  19. SweFox

    SweFox Guest

    I love you guys.
    Michelle911, Axe Garian and Tamorr like this.
  20. ahappydude

    ahappydude Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Hmm.. Okey. Some things i feelt missing are coming, other are strange to me. Atleast we have the modding community.
    Dont get me wrong, a lot of good news it was indeed and its better that they dont set things in stone if things happen on the way
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