Story The Fall Of Earth

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Commander Borges, Mar 31, 2013.

  1. Guppy The Cat

    Guppy The Cat Heliosphere

    yay :3

    Are you going offline? You say you're going to read the chapter tomorrow.
  2. Flibflub

    Flibflub Star Wrangler

    Tell everyone? Well then, expect EVERYONE to know.
  3. Commander Borges

    Commander Borges Big Damn Hero

    The more people who know about us, the better!
    We still need more writers and some other characters to fill in the blanks..
  4. Guppy The Cat

    Guppy The Cat Heliosphere

    rmsborges likes this.
  5. Commander Borges

    Commander Borges Big Damn Hero

    Just had an extremely productive Roleplaying session with Burthstone..
    On other news, Ordona "Commander Of Cheese" just gave us permission to include him in the story!!
    Remember folks, let others know about this effort!! We need more people to help us write this story!
  6. Flibflub

    Flibflub Star Wrangler

    This is over? :( :cry:
  7. Headphoner

    Headphoner Cosmic Narwhal

    I hope not, but it has seen a lot of inactivity lately.
  8. Guppy The Cat

    Guppy The Cat Heliosphere

    Sometimes its personal life or just memory. Or the alerts who desactivate after you stop looking at a thread you watched for some long time.
  9. Commander Borges

    Commander Borges Big Damn Hero

    I am still alive!! But things are getting a little bit complicated...
    In June, I'll be taking part in a New York Film Academy 4-week Screenwriting Course, so I'm making sure everything is in place for it! :D
    I'm still planning to keep the story going, but in the meantime, I'd appreciate if you guys kept writing stuff.
    I'm sorry for being inactive for a while, but I guarantee you that the story is far from over!!!
  10. Headphoner

    Headphoner Cosmic Narwhal

    I have been writing a bit around the "Detective Headphoner" idea... :p
    rmsborges likes this.
  11. Zamna

    Zamna Astral Cartographer

    If character apps are still open, I'd like to suggest a character:

    Name- Roronoa
    Age- 34
    Race- Florian (male)
    Job- Surgeon, former pit fighter (can be given off as a plot twist)
    Basic Psychological Profile- A very caring person, he is nonviolent unless forced into an unavoidable fight. If he is... 'you're screwed' doesn't even begin to describe it.
    rmsborges likes this.
  12. aceofheartsu

    aceofheartsu Void-Bound Voyager

    Hope it ain't too late, but here we go:
    Name- Lynnette "Lynn" Bowman
    Age- 18
    Race- Human (Female)
    Job- Student, would-be soldier (She enlisted, never got deployed before the planet was destroyed)
    Basic Psychological Profile- At first glance, she comes off as very aloof, cold, and distant, calm and collected, but this is just an act. To those persistent few who get to know her, she drops that act, revealing the true her, which is to say the least, quite a more vulnerable girl than the act she puts on.
    rmsborges likes this.
  13. Commander Borges

    Commander Borges Big Damn Hero

    Thank you for your amazing contributions! Welcome aboard!
    If you guys have skype IDs, please post them here!!
  14. Commander Borges

    Commander Borges Big Damn Hero

    Hey guys, here's an update for the story:

    I'm focusing more on the actual Solar Wars arc, and less on the prologue sessions between characters.
    Thankfully, I have more characters at my disposal now so that means things will probably get easier as I progress with the story.
    That does not mean I am anywhere near completing ANYTHING in the story yet, just that things will run smoother from now on.
    As stated earlier, I'll be attending a 4-week course in the New York Film Academy at Los Angeles in June/July, so that means I'll get better at writing stuff and probably get feedback about The Fall Of Earth while I'm at it.
    Thanks for your patience with me and for supporting FoE as well as Starbound.
  15. Commander Borges

    Commander Borges Big Damn Hero

    So, with the help of the New York Film Academy, I've finally finished the plot of the first season of the story. I'm still trying to get a response from Tiy, so in the meantime I can't really reveal the plotline. The story is going to revolve around Rodrigo and Headphoner, as was the original plan, but rest assured that everyone who made an application for the story will come into play. Sorry again for the huge hiatus, but I had to get my s--- together here, so writing wasn't really an option. Thanks for the support guys!
    burthstone, Headphoner and Flibflub like this.
  16. Flibflub

    Flibflub Star Wrangler

    Well, I did not expect this to escalate to such great proportions. I'm glad we're still doing it. :D
    rmsborges likes this.
  17. Commander Borges

    Commander Borges Big Damn Hero

    It's time to step forth from the shadows, Flib. I'm gonna send you the plotline soon.
    Flibflub likes this.
  18. burthstone

    burthstone Big Damn Hero

    I honestly completely forgot about this thread, and in extension forgot to keep writing about Sapphire... Well at least this reminded me, but I might go offline for the school year if I get too much into the story. So I'll only be able to do so much at a time. But thanks for reminding me about this!
    rmsborges likes this.
  19. Commander Borges

    Commander Borges Big Damn Hero

    Alright, everyone!
    Here's a breakdown of all the characters on Season 1 of The Fall Of Earth!

    Commander Rodrigo Borges (Human)
    First Officer Benjamin Headphoner (Human)

    General Michaels (Human)
    Doctor Lynnette (Human)
    D'Joko (Ariat)
    Captain Sapphire (Human)
    Major Michael Jones (Human)
    Alnian (Glitch)

    If your character is not yet listed, it's because they do not appear during the First Season of the Series!
    Please be patient!
    Flibflub likes this.
  20. lethem010

    lethem010 Phantasmal Quasar

    Character application:
    Name: Lethem
    Age: 18
    Race: Hylotl
    Job: None, he is on a quest to find his kidnapped brother.

    Psychological profile: Strong, hard to trust people, but those he trust can expect to get help or aid from him. Hates pirates.

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