Race The Dread

Discussion in 'NPCs and Creatures' started by Lobo, Jun 25, 2013.

  1. Camera

    Camera Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Ah, then that leaves me with one question: How does the one without limbs float? (The one illustrated, but I guess that may be just for show)

    I'd help if I weren't so busy! I'll probably get something done for you though.
  2. Donseluke

    Donseluke Phantasmal Quasar

    It has been mentioned that mods will be supported and made easier to be made compatible with starbound. After i am done with my permadeath mod and such... I will definitely take this up if the team can't integrate it themselves.
  3. Lobo

    Lobo Spaceman Spiff

    The one with the lamp? aw, he's not floating, he's supposed to be somehow attached to the wall...
    is my art this bad? :notworthy:
    yay! You're the one behind the drale, right?
    I love your spritework! if you make me something i'll be so happy! :DD
    yay! modders are always welcome here! :giggle:
  4. BluPixelz

    BluPixelz Aquatic Astronaut

    wow, this is areally great idea! and i like the concept art!, it kind of reminds of reavers in firefly
    renato1402 and Lobo like this.
  5. TypicalTulley

    TypicalTulley Scruffy Nerf-Herder

  6. SeaMichelle

    SeaMichelle Some Sort of Weird Fish Princess

    My only problem with this suggestion:
    Every game has an "undead" race. What is there, besides being pirates, that sets them apart from every other undead race?
    The cool thing about Starbound races is how unique they are. Flower race? COOL! Plasma race? COOL! The ONLY race Starbound has that ISN'T original is Humans. But, come on. Humans are standard.
    renato1402 likes this.
  7. CookieEpic

    CookieEpic Pangalactic Porcupine

    I would totally choose this if it became a race.

    And now to fantasize about playing as the dread for a few hours
    Lobo likes this.
  8. Lobo

    Lobo Spaceman Spiff

    They're not undead... :notworthy:
  9. SeaMichelle

    SeaMichelle Some Sort of Weird Fish Princess

    Ghoul-based races in general are pretty standard in games. My point is, Starbound is too unique to have more than one standardized race imo. It's the same reason that I wouldn't want to see cat people, or dwarf people, as examples.
    ^Just opinion. Not fact.
  10. Lobo

    Lobo Spaceman Spiff

    yup, I get your point...
    But give my guys a chance! X3
    sometimes, when you try to introduce only unique features, this can lead to a limitation, because some non-unique features would fit well :D
    non-race wise, the devs are implementing non-unique stuff, like the traditional 2d side-scrolling gameplay, block by block terraforming, ninja rope mechanics, and much more.
    What is making starbound really unique IMO is not the fact that a lot of features are unique, but the way how a lot of well known mechanics are being implemented together in a unique way :giggle:

    maybe, just maybe... if a race of (okay, let's call them) undeads is well thought enough to fit the lore, the overall feeling of the game, and we look at them with other eyes, don't you think they could even do better than races with an "unique" concept? *-*
    I'm sure they can, at least, do better than humans :rofl:

    anyway, thanks for the feedback!
    SeaMichelle likes this.
  11. Passarbye

    Passarbye Phantasmal Quasar

    Great suggestion! i like it! :iswydt:
    Lobo likes this.
  12. BrenSage

    BrenSage Pangalactic Porcupine

    This is a really good idea, lots of details, and, with awesome, err, ArrrrrrrrtX3! Reminds me HEAVILY of Pirates of the Caribbean :)
    Lobo likes this.
  13. Lobo

    Lobo Spaceman Spiff

    Yeah, it happens that I'm a HUGE fan of POTC :rofl:
    but that's just a coincidence, right? :whistle:
    BrenSage likes this.
  14. NinjaHobo

    NinjaHobo Aquatic Astronaut

    i need this :mad:
    Lobo likes this.
  15. Camera

    Camera Scruffy Nerf-Herder


    Added some more details and made it thinner.
    renato1402, Lobo and IronLotus like this.
  16. CaptainMcManface

    CaptainMcManface Pangalactic Porcupine

    This is a great idea, i can tell you've put a lot of effort into it, and it's super cool! :up:
    Lobo likes this.
  17. wellerdta

    wellerdta Astral Cartographer

    Pirates.. always cool to have around!
    Lobo likes this.
  18. lukeib618

    lukeib618 Void-Bound Voyager

    i want to outdo them
    out-drink and out-steal them
    and be completely unnoticed while stealing :sneaky:
  19. DrEvol1898

    DrEvol1898 Void-Bound Voyager

    Pretty kewl :D! Really nice idea i have to say. kinda reminds me of Pirates of the caribbean :p.
  20. Model QT-377665

    Model QT-377665 Ketchup Robot

    Well if you're worried about the name for the Race, I'd suggest you look into old mythology, ghost tales, Google Translate, etc. Those seem to be good sources for good names though I'd lean more toward Mythology and Ghost Tales if I were you, maybe give them a type of Ghost name or something, Geist doesn't sound bad but I suggest you choose a name you like though The Dread is not a bad name
    Lobo and BrenSage like this.

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