RP The Demon Syndicate RP

Discussion in 'Role Playing' started by Clan TDS, Jul 26, 2013.

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  1. Joobley

    Joobley Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Tetsuya shook his shamefully. "No..." His voice was quiet.
  2. Britefire

    Britefire Supernova

    "Yep, I remember him." Lilly replied, nodding then turning to Omin.
    "What news would that be?" she asked, slightly confused.
  3. Ominethious

    Ominethious Supernova

    Omin chuckled, and said in a very pleased tone, "That slave girl, according to Xertra, is now my business, meaning... Ill have her under my watch... Of course, ill not kill her, or force abusive things upon her... More like, a Guard of sorts..." He then gave him the biggest smirk you could ever get from Omin, obviously thinking of what to do...
  4. Mailboxhead

    Mailboxhead Master Astronaut

    Iota raised an eyebrow. A 'guard.' Right. There was no way that could go wrong.
  5. Ominethious

    Ominethious Supernova

    Omin had wiped the smirk off his face, and said, "However, I do lend part care of her to Lilly, incase your not aware, Iota. Which I believe she will be of great use, wouldn't you say, Lilly?"
  6. Britefire

    Britefire Supernova

    Lilly sighed slightly, saying "Well, she really won't need to be guarded as you say, she already agreed to be my assistant... Perhaps something along the lines of I take care of her and have her as my assistant, and you could come to this lab if you need her for something like healing?"
  7. Ominethious

    Ominethious Supernova

    Omin was pondering over the proposal, and only managed to say, "In Spoils of War terms the victor keeps the prize without hesitation... However im quite... Deadlocked, by what you have asked... Even though you did save me time to regenerate... That does not mean her sparing is paid... Until Xertra says otherwise, Im sorry, but i have to take it into my own ways... By her word i have to accept it..." He sighed, and said in a murmur, "Not that im going to give up someone who can kill me in an instant..."
  8. Mailboxhead

    Mailboxhead Master Astronaut

    Iota piped up this time. "There was no war, and spoils DON'T include innocent lives!" She said rather sternly. "Just leave her be. She won't hurt you."
  9. Ominethious

    Ominethious Supernova

    Omin's eyes lit up a bit, and said, "Honestly, Every conflict has its spoils... Either in blood or lives... And i cannot let her have any chance, it only takes a drop to burn me. And not like this ridiculously tight fucking Biosuit is going to stop anything from tearing a hole in this rubber, and Carpace suit. Just... Talk about this later, when we both have time, and i make my decisions..." Omin then annoyingly tried to stretch the hip-portion of the suit off his skin,
  10. Britefire

    Britefire Supernova

    Lilly nodded, saying "Alright the, getting this sorted out later is fine with me."
  11. Ominethious

    Ominethious Supernova

    Omin nodded, and turned to Iota, and said, "Well, Iota, if you're interested in introductions, Here is Sareace, one of my Apprentices." Ominethious then pointed a hand towards Sareace, why shyly said, "Hy." Then blushed at Iota.
  12. harnackam

    harnackam Ketchup Robot

    harnackam stayed in quiet contemplation for quite a while. Finally, he began to speak "Magic is a tool. Magic is a power. Magic is a responsibility. There is no exact way to describe magic. It changes constantly while remaining exactly the same. In its essence it is impossibility itself brought into reality. An unnatural part of nature. But it does have certain properties that have remained unchanged since the beginning of time." harnackam cleared his throat "Only certain beings are able to use it. Some are more naturally gifted at using it than others. And most importantly, it requires something from deep within. You must learn how to look deep within yourself, at your core to find that power before being able to use it. Do you wish to learn how to use magic young one?"
  13. Mailboxhead

    Mailboxhead Master Astronaut

    Iota smiled again at the little girl's response. She was so shy. "Apprentice? Well I certainly hope she turns out better than her master," The changeling responded, her words carrying a sharp sting to them.
  14. Joobley

    Joobley Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Tetsuya looked at Harnackam at nodded. "I...I'll do whatever it takes." His voice sincere.
  15. Ominethious

    Ominethious Supernova

    Sareace giggled, and said, "Well, Omin is kinda more than tat, he's -" Omin immediately put his hand over her face, making her unable to speak the rest, and said, "Im her guardian, of sorts... Since the day i found her on the streets of a ravaged city, which i was able to keep her away from others who wanted to kill her just because she was a Hybrid of two races..." Omin took his hand off Sareace's face, and sighed, and said, "So, Lilly, If you need anything, Ill be loading my supplies into the catacombs, With Rix." He then bowed to everyone but Iota, and had marched out of the room, and headed for the trucks.
  16. Britefire

    Britefire Supernova

    Lilly nodded, curious at Omin's sudden reaction, but saying "Alright then, see you later..."
    After Omin had left, she turned and asked Sareace "What was that all about?"
  17. Ominethious

    Ominethious Supernova

    Sareace shrugged in a cute fashion, and said, "He waz talking about when he found me. I was separated from my parrents by some guy, er... dalethious, i think, and i was alone for a while, and then i was on a street running for mew life from teh red army, then Omi stopped, and found me. He then kinda, took me in as an Apprentice."
  18. Britefire

    Britefire Supernova

    Lilly then replied "Alright then, that's good to hear." and smiled somewhat.
  19. harnackam

    harnackam Ketchup Robot

    harnackam was taken aback, expecting Tetsuya to be at least a little apprehensive. "I'm getting old" he thought glumly to himself. "Alright, let's have a look at you" harnackam said, using his magical energy visualizing contact lenses to see his magical potential and such. After a while scrunching his eyebrows he leans back and says "Hmm, it seems as if you've blocked off your own magical ability. Even if you tried to use it you couldn't... Has anything devastating ever resulted from your magic that would subconsciously make you want to stop using it? Or has a powerful being enchanted you to prevent you from using magic?"
  20. Squidgi

    Squidgi Oxygen Tank

    Amber moved her way through the hallways until she found her way out. The new attire was... uncomfortable but she didn't mind feeling the nostalgia from it. She opened the door slowly, she felt odd. She had been a slime for long even the way things felt was odd. Her daughters were a little dumbfounded by the appearance at first. Pangaea already knew it was her, her instincts were strong, she immediately ran to hug her seeing she was okay. Areiss was a little more careful "mom...? Are you doing okay?" Amber nodded "I feel fine."

    Ominethious and BrutorDragon like this.
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