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Community The Agaran Menace

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Razey, Jan 30, 2014.


The Agarans: Menace or Misunderstood?

  1. Menace

    414 vote(s)
  2. Misunderstood

    333 vote(s)
  3. Mushrooms

    623 vote(s)
  4. Malevolent, Menacing, Misunderstood Mushrooms

    1,319 vote(s)
  1. quantian

    quantian Aquatic Astronaut

    I have a few points of contention of what's postulated in a number of those theories since they glance over points that would rather swiftly debunk them.
  2. Cloudhopper

    Cloudhopper Weight of the Sky

    I agree with Villhelm, now that we have a sufficient amount of theories, we should try to narrow our scope of investigation.

    If we can create a Web of Motives listing all IG character relations to the Agaran Organisms, we could shift our discussion into
    filling in the blanks, and trying to find the most sensible and logical solution.

    However, one of the most interesting parts of his latest post is the Ape Flu theory.
    If the Agarans are actually a mutated strain of the Ape Flu, this would explain several things.

    • Perhaps the Apex, after seeing that a single floran could kill 10 apex in a single battle, decided that the Florans are too much of a threat if they turn against the MiniKnog.
    • Big Ape could then send Doctor Lax to examine Floran DNA with Greenfinger (who wouldn't know of this plot, of course.) and attempt finding a weakness.
    • So they engineered the Ape Flu, and tested it on an isolated community, causing the Ape Flu scare. However, Big Ape wasn't informed that the Ape Flu was actually a poorly disguised Aggressive Alien Fungus.
    • After the infected Apex spread into the wild and caused the Apex Pods (and possibly the green Apex Mutants sometimes seen in captivity), the MiniKnog approved it for use.
    • The Ape Flu is reconstructed and aimed at a quiet Floran Community, causing the first sightings of Agarans as peaceful farmers.

    Modern Times:

    • The Agarans begin to mutate, and eventually develop into various subspecies.
    • The Apex-Agarans live out their natural lives in the wild. Not much to say here.
    • Our current storyline comes into effect, and Apex villagers do not recognize florans as their alies, perhaps due to Greenfinger finding out about the experiment?
    • Greenfinger then notes that the Avian Tar could be used to create Armored Ground Troops, possibly for war against the Apex or Agarans.

    However, the above statements are about 50% improbable, and should be taken with a grain of salt. We should take the information we know and make logical ties with it, maybe on a Google Drive document like suggested previously.
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2014
    RenaldiForumStar and Pixelstomp like this.
  3. quantian

    quantian Aquatic Astronaut

    I think they're a bit more than 50% improbable considering project Incarcerus notes all but laugh in the fact of those postulations.
    Cloudhopper likes this.
  4. Amyas Leigh

    Amyas Leigh Scruffy Nerf-Herder


    So my Floran who fears everything Agaran seems to have a soft spot for the 'little shroomies' found in some Agaran places. What could its secret be? If its some kind of Agaran creature, why would Florans be so passive in their description?
    Thundercraft likes this.
  5. Tecnokua

    Tecnokua Void-Bound Voyager

    Mushrooms u say .... Some one better call up Mario to deal with these ppl. I can see it now stomp stomp stomp Bam menace destroyed and removed form game into the Mario games totally messing everything up.

    All games aside i've come across these Agarans before i really get the creeps. I mean almost every one of them seems to have some form of sword they know our currency but we can understand their language but they are able to sell us stuff so they can understand us.... I dont know perhaps the Avians should stay out of this and let the floran deal with what they got going. When I ever come across Agaran structures i view it as worshiping the Floran and their stuff because it almost looks like that.
  6. Tecnokua

    Tecnokua Void-Bound Voyager

    Following upon your Race dependent comments I play as Arvin my avian alot and they seem to make noises like Flab or something like flap and peck
  7. Owl_Stalker

    Owl_Stalker Guest

    Agaran Timeline:
    ag01.png Event 1 - Agarans are found in Villages
    ag02.png Event 2 - Agarans are found near plant-made structures with Florans
    ag03.png Event 3 - Hylotl fight with Agarans
    ag04.png Event 4 - McVicar tells the story of Coralgrower, shortly after the Hylotl-Agaran conflict
    ag05.png Event 5 - First Agaran pods are discovered
    ag06.png Event 6 - G2 Agarans are found
    age.png Event 7 - "Attack of the Deep Space Spores" is recovered
    ag07.png Event 8 - Open pods found, Apex found in some near labs
    ag08.png Event 9 - First G3 pods are discovered
    ag09.png Event 10 - Document asking for reader to wear disguise is found
    ag10.png Event 11 - McVicar and Corale escape from the Agaran cave
    Lecic, beari78, Varixai and 6 others like this.
  8. MysticMalevolence

    MysticMalevolence Oxygen Tank

    So.... why were the agarans hoarding all of those explosives?
    ...Could they be planning something?
  9. quantian

    quantian Aquatic Astronaut

    No proof they were hoarding it. Just that it was there. Hell if they knew what it was, they wouldn't have been dumbfounded by it.
  10. Pixelstomp

    Pixelstomp Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Perhaps the previous inhabitants of the cave, whoever Hiraki Corale was going to meet, had that stash? Perhaps for a trade of some sort between Hiraki and her companion?
  11. Charlton McVicar

    Charlton McVicar Investigative Reporter NPC

    Honestly, knowing her, she might have had an entire cache of explosives stuck in her back pocket.

    She is a confusing Hylotl.
  12. Darklight

    Darklight Oxygen Tank

    Solid Snake syndrome. The curse of all badass heroes
    MysticMalevolence likes this.
  13. SpaceCat

    SpaceCat Aquatic Astronaut

    Okay, so I haven't taken note of any coordinates yet, but I've been tooling around Sector X mostly (and occasionally dipping into the others, I've been looking for an infuriatingly specific planet setup) and the Agarans are just...everywhere. It seems like literally every single planet I land on has an abandoned apex facility, a mushroom village, or (90% of my encounters, and sometimes this will crop up twice on the same planet) about four of them standing around some pods and mushrooms over a pit of green bio-lights containing another Agaran, a small chest primitive chest and... a dog.
    Always a single dog.
    I have no idea what it is doing there, but my fear is that they have learned to shape their lifespores into a form that explorers will find adorable and want to take on their ships with them. I don't know if the sheer numbers I'm encountering are a bug, or if it is simply too late.
  14. Edgewalker_001

    Edgewalker_001 Big Damn Hero

    Agarans could also be symbiotic with Florans.
  15. legomaster211

    legomaster211 Void-Bound Voyager

    I'll have to look at that thread, thanks!
    Thanks for reminding me, I forgot to mention some crucial evidence in this thread. You see, I also found a small, untouched, miniknog lab with one miniknog scientist contacting Big Ape(He had one of those flat screen Big Ape monitors on the wall). That leads me to agree with Zebe in that a bigger power is controlling them. Who knows, Maybe the Agarans were created by someone, not evolved fungoid beings. Maybe the Apex plan to control universe with their army of Agaran/Apex hybrids. It's the perfect plan, a fungus that spreads it's spores throughout the universe by means of clinging to spaceships, and then infecting the population of the planet turing them into who knows what, or killing them. maybe this leaves them susceptible to mind control? Who knows, this is all just a thought of mine(I looked at the thread Thunder mentioned and this is now partially based on scenarios 4 & 5 of that thread). Then again, there's always the possibility that we have completely missed every crucial point and gotten the whole thing wrong.
    And as Zebe, Thunder and many others have said, maybe we don't just have to worry about the Agarans, but also Thornwing and the Ring of Thorns.
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2014
    Thundercraft likes this.
  16. KingCake

    KingCake Space Penguin Leader

    Hey, guys, been out for a while. I recently came across something interesting that I think might have to do with how the pods work/spread. Ya'll remember "hivestone" block you find in caves (haven't played for a while but recently noticed this, don't know if it's been disproved or something.) The description/analysis states it is composed of crushed animals. You see, fungi are decomposers, and if this "hivestone" was decayed enough it could provide a valid food or rather transportation method for the fungi, seeing as the pods pop up from the ground. Basically, the fungi would be able to travel over long distances by feeding and growing on the "hivestone" (also though "plantmatterstone" might have something to do with it) until it was nourished enough to become a pod or basic Agaran. Only 2 flaws to this are the lack of availability in of such stones so close to the surface, but still, might nourish pods until they are able to say grow out through dirt, and that fact that I'm not sure if these materials are available in every biome, leading me to believe that if there is none on an Agaran-occupied planet, then this theory is disproved.
  17. Oleker

    Oleker Phantasmal Quasar

    They take floran assss prisionerssss

    Kill them all!
  18. Shaadaris

    Shaadaris Giant Laser Beams

    Oy, it's attitudes like that which probably make them take you guys as prisoners in the first place.
  19. Owl_Stalker

    Owl_Stalker Guest

    I would nominate this post for Amazing Post if it wasn't racist AND true.
  20. Shaadaris

    Shaadaris Giant Laser Beams

    I know there are friendly, even pacifist Florans out there, it's just that the majority (which is an awful lot) that I've met are like... "stab". I'm not being racist or anything, I'm just saying that... Okay, it does sound pretty racist. Darn, what's a good way to say this?

    Edit: I'm also aware that there may be entire communities of Florans that I haven't met that are very nice. I'm basing this off of my many experiences with them.

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