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The 1 hit KO Shrines have gotta go.

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by XaoG, Dec 12, 2013.

  1. Tathy

    Tathy Tentacle Wrangler

    well, not my first but the second shrine i encountered deep underground gave me a suddendeath poison....that why I always freaked out when clicking the shrine plays the 'hurt' sound
  2. Inco

    Inco Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    New players won't have the luxury to know that they're putting themselves in harms way. Veteran players will avoid the beacons at all cost. They serve no purpose.
  3. Evangelion

    Evangelion Supernova

    I know right, the "ouch" noises freak me out whenever I open one.
    Congratz! You got a speed boost! You also have lung cancer for breathing in that stuff, what were you thinking?
    CJx101 and Tathy like this.
  4. Zero(pS)

    Zero(pS) Zero Gravity Genie

    I can deal with something damaging me for 90% of my health.

    It forces me to use bandages, to slow down progression. It's an ok tradeoff.

    But 1-hit-ko is just too much. If it stays, it will come to a point where people won't even bother (I know I don't right now).
  5. Tathy

    Tathy Tentacle Wrangler

    haha yea, hope the devs will change it in the future, don't wanna get freaked out by the 'hurt' noise again xD
  6. Bertshet

    Bertshet Pangalactic Porcupine

    Honestly. They are fine. But they need to change it a bit. Thats all.
  7. Evangelion

    Evangelion Supernova

    Yeah it should of just been no noise, wonder why they decided to keep the ouches in.
  8. AdamJ

    AdamJ Big Damn Hero

    "They're fine... but not as they are."

    Makes sense.
    CJx101 likes this.
  9. Bertshet

    Bertshet Pangalactic Porcupine

    Indeed it does.
  10. hexomega

    hexomega Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    No, I view the game from a server perspective. Open ended games can be as difficult or as easy as you like depending on your choices. When playing online, having one simple mode and allowing the server administrator (me) to choose what that mode is just makes the play go a lot smoother. The issue with difficulty modes is that more often than not, because it isn't quite so simple to do things like change entire mechanics based on a simple setting, the modes are just damage multipliers. Enemies doing more damage isn't what makes a game hard, and that's the issue I have with Skyrim. In a game as vast as this, it's easy to just avoid the harder planets if you want an easy run through. Planet level can be your difficulty level, so to speak. It allows the player full control over it, makes things much smoother for server gameplay, and everyone's happy.

    Everyone is so hostile on here. :chrono:
    CJx101 and CrownFox like this.
  11. tsukiyomaru0

    tsukiyomaru0 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Excuse-me, but booby trapped shrines are a nono. If anything, take other games that use a trapped chest as example: they give you time to realize "OH DAMN IT IS A TRAP!" and back away. The hints? Diablo 2 has a great one, for example. If a chest is booby trapped in Diablo 2, it creaks differently, giving the player time to distance and avoid, sometimes completely, the incoming danger. Since most of these shrines have the terrible habit of spawning in caves, they are already absurdly hard to "avoid" or "prevent" an accident. The current way I deal with it is staying right by the very edge of the "communication distance", only enough to lay the cursor on it, press E and GTFH outta there. And, absurdly, 1/3 of those turned out to be explosive, and 1/10 turned out to be poison gas.
  12. 0mglolz

    0mglolz Star Wrangler

    why cant you just leave it alone for now?
    the devs got so many other things to care about than that spinning death machine
  13. Bertshet

    Bertshet Pangalactic Porcupine

    I love the spinning death machine. I have no issue with it. I just think a minor tweak would make it all that much better nothing huge about it.
  14. hexomega

    hexomega Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    New suggestion: rename Shrines to "Spinning Death Machines" in game.
    CJx101, SethLios and Bertshet like this.
  15. Bertshet

    Bertshet Pangalactic Porcupine

    I think, "Spinning Death Roulette" would be more fitting.
    hexomega likes this.
  16. Denninja

    Denninja Phantasmal Quasar

    I thought I could agree with you until you said the death penalty shouldn't exist, but then I realized the whole thing is slanderous excrement because there are no "1hko shrines".
    There's the Poison and Burning effects which do damage, yes, just don't be its tool by standing too close to the shrine when triggering it.
    All variations except the healing one deal maximum effect when you E them point blank.
    So, trigger them from as far as possible, backstep then dive in if you recognize the cloud as beneficial.

    Now here's an idea.
    The shrines get floating colored shapes which quickly rotate through a fixed pattern.
    Activating them when a specific color is visible triggers the matching effect.
    This would be checked as available serverside and rolled/visible clientside to prevent lag interference.
    Of course it would work better if more varied effects were added; such as money drop, money loss, food addition, food deprivation, upward knockback, rare monster spawn, I could go on and on...
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2013
  17. ForceablePlace

    ForceablePlace Phantasmal Quasar

    So if the "Shrines" give nothing good, and mainly give insta death, why the hell do you keep using them then? stop complaining, this is beta, and then dont use them if you dont want to.
  18. Lascivar

    Lascivar Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    People would still play powerball if there was a chance of death, I can assure you.
  19. NanakoAC

    NanakoAC Orbital Explorer

    instant death is too much of a punishment.

    There are plenty of lesser penalties that could be applied. Like:

    -some damage that -might- kill you if you're not healed up, or don't have decent armor
    -acid that burns and partially damages breakable tools in your inventory
    -sudden forced hunger
    -a loss of pixels (fixed amount based on planet tier, not % based like death)
    -Spawning of several enemies around you
    -A big explosion that doesn't hurt you (much) but breaks blocks in a huge radius around the shrine, possibly dropping you into a cavern.
  20. Zweirazor

    Zweirazor Aquatic Astronaut

    See this is the kinda of player I mean..... stupid full stop, in real life if you're on a random planet that you crashed on cause you fled a war you don't know shit about anyone or anything!
    In saying that, you don't just walk up to a "DUNGEON OR SHRINE" with creeps standing at and be all like what up My homies and walk right up to them this would get you killed or in real life if you walked up to a group of random people, that looked dodgy ass Ladygaga (in some of the stuff she wears) they would most likely kick shit out of you for laughs take your money or even kidnap you, and sell you off for more money
    plain and simple do what you were taught as a kid don't trust strangers.... :lod:
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 12, 2013
    dooder39 likes this.

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