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The 1 hit KO Shrines have gotta go.

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by XaoG, Dec 12, 2013.

  1. Dread Pirate Roberts

    Dread Pirate Roberts Zero Gravity Genie

    Wait, people are actually defending insta-death shrines that reward the risk with a 3 second regen/speed/jump boost?

    Are said people mentally dead or just flatline stupid?
    CJx101, LeifGram, Epicface and 7 others like this.
  2. Inco

    Inco Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Since my friends and I realised that they have a chance of killing you, we've been ignoring them. There is very little that they could offer to offset the potential death and loss of pixels.

    This would be perfect as long as instakills are removed as well. I'd be okay with dropping the player's health to 1 though.
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2013
  3. claudekennilol

    claudekennilol Space Kumquat

    I would like if it were like shrines/trapped pots in Diablo 2 (and 3, I suppose). (though for shrines you know they're bad as you know the name). But my point is, if it's bad, you have time to get away. I.e. it plays a sound or flashes or something and if your reflexes are good enough you've got a chance to get away from it.
    Inco likes this.
  4. Snixar Schillwing

    Snixar Schillwing Master Chief

    I for one like the idea of the pods/shrines/etc.

    However, even if the negative effects altogether were to be removed, I don't think there would be much cause for concern. Would a player build an outpost around one? Likely not if bonuses were kept as-is.

    My thoughts are:

    The 'pods' can be divided into 3 'types'. Threat-level 1 (Alpha) worlds would contain beneficial-only pods, level 2 (Beta) worlds would contain both negative and positive (including burn, poison, and so forth in addition to positive effects) and level 3 (Gamma) planets and further could include the much more potent (death) ones.

    I think the 'instakill' lotto is a bit much, but maybe that's also because I end up getting that about 50% of the time... and I do try to hit a lot of them.

    The pods are fairly large: Large enough to hold a person. Perhaps there could be a chance (to replace death) for the pod to be a one-way escape pod back up to the user's starship? This could be a double-edged sword, for it can cut mining/exploring trips to an abrupt halt, or provide a pleasant/needed break. I do realize with a hint of irony that the difference between this idea, and the current 'death' roulette is a change of pixelcount.

    As noted in the earlier piece: These things are -fairly good-sized! I for one would think it'd be awesome/hilarious if it had a chance to drop itself as either a bed, storage unit, or both!
  5. Phoenyx

    Phoenyx Master Chief

    Here is the real question that must be asked:

    Would anyone who knows and understands what those shrines/capsules do EVER use them? Ever? In any situation except complete boredom or actually wanting to die?

    If the answer is "no", then they are effectively traps that pray on the ignorance of the player. Now, traps that pray on the ignorance of the player do have a purpose. But they must be judged on that basis, and that basis alone.
  6. AdamJ

    AdamJ Big Damn Hero

    Would it not make more sense to just spawn moderately high levelled mobs on you, instead of killing you outright?
    Inco likes this.
  7. shakey2

    shakey2 Cosmic Narwhal

    Honestly I think instadeath should be more of a hard mode thing. Not hardcore though because then it's just unfair and nobody would touch them on hardcore. Personally I think death is too forgiving(only lose 20% pixels) but I'm betting we'll see more punishing deaths once the difficulty modes are in.
  8. Lascivar

    Lascivar Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    The shrine -isn't- a random death though. You're making your own choice to use it and gamble your life on it. Random death would be a chance that every monster can critically hit you and insta-kill you.

    You're not being forced to use the shrine in any way and if you dislike it, just break it with a pickaxe.
    gotisch likes this.
  9. hexomega

    hexomega Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I am against the idea of a hardmode, and against the idea of instadeaths.
  10. shakey2

    shakey2 Cosmic Narwhal

    So you are basically saying because you don't like hard mode nobody else should have the option? Well regardless difficulty modes are already planned.
  11. AdamJ

    AdamJ Big Damn Hero

    Hex is just trying to protect you from yourself.

    Back at the topic:
    What about debuffs?
  12. TheDeadlyShoe

    TheDeadlyShoe Poptop Tamer

    Instadeaths suck, renders shrines pointless, especially deep underground.

    If you want something dangerous in the shrine, put in a boss critter~~
    CJx101 and sa_Spog like this.
  13. shakey2

    shakey2 Cosmic Narwhal

    oh I get it, you guys are still pissed about the difficulty nerfs. You guys still want this game to be all hardcore "no nubs allowed". So you lash out at anything that would lower the difficulty even if it's pointless and has no benefits to balance the risks.
  14. SethLios

    SethLios Astral Cartographer

    I like these shrines because they're a free light source. ...That's honestly all they're good for at this time. They're just not worth opening at all.
  15. AdamJ

    AdamJ Big Damn Hero

    FYI: I was being sarcastic.

    Also, Hard mode, by definition, would be a MODE. As in, you could CHOOSE to participate in a more difficult mode.
    And, uh, if you've paid attention, I was offering up alternatives to instant death. So.. that response doesn't even make sense..
  16. Heliostorm

    Heliostorm Phantasmal Quasar

    I'm sorry, what? You get a random result from using the shrine, one of the results is death, how is that not a random death? You avoid the death by avoiding the shrines, which would be no different from avoiding random monster death by avoiding monsters. If being on the surface of the planet gave you a 1% chance of death by lightning strike every second, would you still consider it "not a random death" because "lol just go underground nub"?

    It isn't fun. It isn't hard. There's no skill or challenge involved in avoiding the death at all. Even if it was a 99% chance of a buff and 1% chance of death, getting the death would not be fun in any way, and not getting the death would only be considered normal, not fun, for same reason we don't walk around relieved that a meteor didn't kill us today. That's why it's bad game design. Games should be fun, having elements that only aggravate the player without providing some kind of fun element should be avoided. This is fairly basic game design theory.
    CJx101 and Inco like this.
  17. shakey2

    shakey2 Cosmic Narwhal

    Sarcasm isn't easy to portray over the internet, my apologies for misinterpreting I guess. As for not making sense, I was referring to the other person who I'd seen in other threads making similar arguments against people complaining about birds and such.

    edit: actually looking back I realize now I misread it as you saying hex was projecting me. >.>
  18. AdamJ

    AdamJ Big Damn Hero

    Birds are STILL insane. Was that supposed to have been dealt with?

    Because I do not appreciate the variety of flying death machines on my initial planet.
    I've got one that breathes fire, one that shoots electricity, and ALL of them have a ground bomb attack.
  19. Lascivar

    Lascivar Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    It's a gamble, as simple as that. As much as we'd all love to play the slots and never have -any- losses, you're going to have your bad days sometimes where you lose horribly.

    Your scenario about lightning isn't anything even close to relevant, as that's a glaring obstacle that is in the way. These shrines aren't an obstacle.

    If you really do want to look at your scenario about lightning though, the actual gamble would be "Hey, there might be something good on that planet that has lightning.. I'm CHOOSING to go there." in which case you've made your choice and it's no longer random, you've accepted the gamble and know there's a chance to die.

    Basically, you're putting yourself in harms way and then being upset when it turns foul.
  20. shakey2

    shakey2 Cosmic Narwhal

    v. Indignant Koala was supposed to have nerfed them to hell(according to patch notes), I just got done downloading the patch though so idk.


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