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The 1 hit KO Shrines have gotta go.

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by XaoG, Dec 12, 2013.

  1. TheKillerNacho

    TheKillerNacho Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    And the fact that they are basically unusable makes them irrelevant. An irrelevant gameplay element that is as common as the shrines (which means that the designers view them as a core element.) is a poorly designed mechanic and it is the very purpose of the beta to propose changes to such things.
    CJx101 and XaoG like this.
  2. Kabloosh

    Kabloosh Space Spelunker

    These things either burn me or kill me and rarely reward me. I learned they are a fricken waste of time a long time ago.

    I do agree that it is terrible design philosophy and should be changed.
  3. Untega

    Untega Pangalactic Porcupine

    I always activate the shrine. Run up press "E", then I jump away, if I like what i see I run back in the smoke, if I don't I keep moving and easily avoid death.
  4. Buzz LiteBeer

    Buzz LiteBeer Intergalactic Tourist

    I am starting to just ignore them. The speed boost isn't' that useful, and I already have double jump. I won't touch them unless I am already full health, so the random healing is wasted. The only one I actually like that I have gotten so far is the "glowing", but it only seems to last like 30 sec.
  5. Monkeybiscuit

    Monkeybiscuit Phantasmal Quasar

    These things definitely need a fix, as others have pointed out, the only smart play atm is to avoid using them. If you need a heal, would you use a machine that might oneshot you or would you eat some toilet roll instead? (bandage yourself)

    These things instead could be tuned so that there are no negative effects from them, but using them costs pixels, and they remain a one shot deal and explode after use. Then it would be more like gambling.
  6. Voqar

    Voqar Industrial Terraformer

    Yep, that's what we do, we don't interact with them anymore. I've had them heal me and give me short duration buffs. I've tried them a bunch and never got anything from them that makes them worth the risk of death..
  7. BoogieMan

    BoogieMan Phantasmal Quasar

    I have started to completely ignore the "shrines" or "pods". The buffs they give aren't that useful, and even if they were they last for such a very short duration it's pretty much pointless. Don't risk it.
  8. XaoG

    XaoG Ketchup Robot

    Thank you, I will now forever picture the act of healing yourself in Starbound as eating toilet paper.
    That's a shame. A shame indeed.
    Virtualkiller likes this.
  9. Syzygy

    Syzygy Big Damn Hero

    Yeah, I'm in agreement with the OP about this one. The risk factor involved with using a shrine is hilariously disproportionate to the rewards. 15 seconds of glowing or a speed boost? Gee, THANKS.

    I'd add a chance for more interesting and perhaps permanent effects.
  10. MeowRanger

    MeowRanger Poptop Tamer

    All the people saying "get better at the game" or "just ignore it" really need to get in line and realize that this is a beta. People are MEANT to give their opinions to help the devs improve the game. As was earlier stated, if you have to ignore a cheap and common gameplay element it either shouldn't exist or should be reworked to actually be useful. You don't contribute anything to the discussion by getting all high and mighty and neglecting to suggest possible balance fixes.

    It's perfectly okay to not agree, but explaining why is key.

    The devs can't do much with an argument of "this doesn't work, and here's why" with a counter argument of "get good scrub".
  11. YuriSensen

    YuriSensen Aquatic Astronaut

    The rage is a bit overbearing to the situation, but I can understand the annoyances that come with what you're talking about. I personally saw these little pods as nothing more as a convenience to the player. To make the game easier for them when traveling, even if it's just for a little bit, and that they were to put their life at risk for that moment of luxury. It felt harsh, but fair at the same time. Not to say the current statistics are justified, but I see no reason to get rid of them, if their purpose is being served out rightfully.
  12. shakey2

    shakey2 Cosmic Narwhal

    I think you have too much frustration from the other threads and are seeing things, nobody said anything about getting better or just ignore it. in-fact everyone in the thread is pretty much saying they need to be improved.
  13. MeowRanger

    MeowRanger Poptop Tamer

    The most liked post in the thread is literally "get over it".

    You're probably right though, and it was meant as more of a comment for the general forum populace.
    CJx101 likes this.
  14. tre288

    tre288 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    This is how I feel about them. I can never resist activating them, but I enjoy the the feeling of the possibility of my curiosity being the death of me :p
  15. Efrim

    Efrim Pangalactic Porcupine

    I have the opposite opinion. Don't get rid of them, add more buffs, double or triple their length. Also worth pointing out that I don't ever open them till I have a full suit of armor and some red stims stashed. I use a red stim and have yet to die to one of these things.
  16. Dodgerr

    Dodgerr Intergalactic Tourist

    Personally I don't even touch the shrines anymore because of this. I never really cared about them anyway, but the very short, insignificant buff you get from them isn't worth the chance that you'll be insta-killed. I wouldn't mind if they had ones that maybe took you down to one bar of life and you had to heal up or something, but the insta death is pretty dumb.
  17. Rusinylancer

    Rusinylancer Intergalactic Tourist

    I second OP. They're pretty frustrating and completely unexplained.
  18. Xellas84

    Xellas84 Space Hobo

    I don't want to see them disappear either. However, the insta-death needs to go away, OR they need to give some tangible benefit. Maybe have them drop a random stack of 50-100 ores appropriate to the area? Or a random green or possibly purple weapon? The instadeath only makes sense if there's a possibility of permanent gain as well. Balance rewards vs risk and then I'll be happy to see them, until then I'm in the 'i sigh and ignore them' camp.
  19. shakey2

    shakey2 Cosmic Narwhal

    I take it back, here come the fanboys :zzz:
    Shub likes this.
  20. Hexerin

    Hexerin Existential Complex

    the only way i'll agree with instadeath shrines (and btw, i'm totally down for it) is if the rewards one can get from the shrines exceed the risk by at least 50% perceived worth. to reach this threshold for me personally, the shrines must, at the very high end of rewards, give at least 1 "legendary" item (weapon, armor, tech, etc), a fat stack of pixels (1k+), and possibly other minor things like racial decorations. all this from a single shrine.

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