Teräs - A Glitch Clan

Discussion in 'Hangout Threads' started by Ghost656, May 1, 2013.

  1. UristMcSpaceDwarf

    UristMcSpaceDwarf Zero Gravity Genie

    The greatest thing ever.
  2. TheGreatDevourer

    TheGreatDevourer Void-Bound Voyager

  3. Trysson12

    Trysson12 Guest

    So hey there people! Life became crazy since my grandfather died and now I decided to start everything over, new email, new facebook, so new forum account.
    Just for you to know, it is me, Nerlian, ok? If you want, you can even send me a message in steam, I will confirm anything, so...hey, I am back!
  4. CUBE075

    CUBE075 Void-Bound Voyager

  5. Smaffy

    Smaffy Void-Bound Voyager

    Welcome back, great to have you here again. :D
  6. Trysson12

    Trysson12 Guest

  7. Smaffy

    Smaffy Void-Bound Voyager

    If you need something to freak you out completely, or cheer you up...
    A cousin of mine linked me to this back when it only had 40,000 views ... about yesterday.

  8. TheGreatDevourer

    TheGreatDevourer Void-Bound Voyager

    40,000 views? Emperor be with us today!
  9. Ghost656

    Ghost656 Big Damn Hero

    Welcome back man, edited your name on the thread.
    Stoltverd likes this.
  10. Smaffy

    Smaffy Void-Bound Voyager

    220,000 now actually. :rofl:
  11. TheGreatDevourer

    TheGreatDevourer Void-Bound Voyager

    The Imperium grows!
  12. Dis

    Dis Phantasmal Quasar


    ...Wha-? I don't even... Words...
  13. Stoltverd

    Stoltverd Big Damn Hero

    Still waiting for the second part you told me about! :D

    Lol, you are so efficient! I was going to send you a pm asking you to do this :p

    If you don't know why is this a big deal, then you are or too young, not geeky enough or both...
  14. John Magus

    John Magus Subatomic Cosmonaut

    So how is the Great Debate going over in the judges booth?
  15. Ghost656

    Ghost656 Big Damn Hero

  16. Stoltverd

    Stoltverd Big Damn Hero

    Eeeeeeehm xD
    We will need the aid of a third party, will pm him soon :D
  17. Dis

    Dis Phantasmal Quasar

    Or, conversely, you believe it was quite shallow, not that entertaining... :cool: or funny.
  18. TheGreatDevourer

    TheGreatDevourer Void-Bound Voyager

    For the art votes, I'm going to vote Geist (Ghost656).
  19. Stoltverd

    Stoltverd Big Damn Hero

    The great devate is over!!!!
    The winners are:

    Ghost! First place
    Magus!Second place

    Its time to give the prizes away! Ghost gets to choose first. Ill pm him (as soon as i am in my own pc) with the options he have and then Magus.
    Then we post here.

    Thank you for participating!

    If you didn't win, don't panic!!! I still got plenty of games to give away! just wait for the next event and participate!
  20. Ghost656

    Ghost656 Big Damn Hero

    That was fun, thanks for the contest Stoltverd!
    Stoltverd likes this.

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