Teräs - A Glitch Clan

Discussion in 'Hangout Threads' started by Ghost656, May 1, 2013.

  1. navar0nius

    navar0nius Scruffy Nerf-Herder

  2. CUBE075

    CUBE075 Void-Bound Voyager

  3. TheGreatDevourer

    TheGreatDevourer Void-Bound Voyager

    Excellent! I got my Guild Wars 2 back from a hacker. But apparently he changed from Europe's Servers to American. God dammit.
  4. Ghost656

    Ghost656 Big Damn Hero

    That's happens when you buy a game and then forget about it soon after.
  5. TheGreatDevourer

    TheGreatDevourer Void-Bound Voyager

  6. Stoltverd

    Stoltverd Big Damn Hero

    1:15 AM here and i got in the forums to say this:

    The event ends today at 12:00 AM (midnight) GMT -5

    Until then you can submit any last minute (up to last second :p) entry to the contest.
    Then the event will be closed and Urist, Smaffy, DIS and I will deliberate (Ghost is not invited because he participated in the event :p) and decide the winner and the ranks of the "losers", i used quotes because there will be various prizes :D

    If you haven't finished your entry... HURRY UP!!!!
  7. TheGreatDevourer

    TheGreatDevourer Void-Bound Voyager

    Master of Orion 2 is so fun.
    Ghost656 and Stoltverd like this.
  8. Stoltverd

    Stoltverd Big Damn Hero

    Agreed... A LOT!


    The event is now CLOSED!!!!!
    Actually it was closed 1 hour and 26 minutes ago apx, but i fell asleep :p

    The council of steel will deliberate, and when we finish deliberating we will tell you guys who the winners were. After that ill contact them so the winner decides his prize :D
    You can check all the entries in the second post of the thread.
  9. Ghost656

    Ghost656 Big Damn Hero

    Klackon's Black Death.
  10. TheGreatDevourer

    TheGreatDevourer Void-Bound Voyager

    You put the black death on my homeworld. I know it..
  11. TheGreatDevourer

    TheGreatDevourer Void-Bound Voyager

    You put the black death on my homeworld. I know it..
  12. Stoltverd

    Stoltverd Big Damn Hero

    We have problems with the voting process. Please be patient. We will announce the winners in a couple of hours (hopefully). The first place is decided, we have problems deciding the second place.
  13. Dis

    Dis Phantasmal Quasar

    Yes, the voting process has turned into a stern deadlock and advanced negotiation techniques will be required. Chairs will be thrown.
  14. Smaffy

    Smaffy Void-Bound Voyager

    I'm allergic to chairs used in any form of hostility. Meep.
  15. CUBE075

    CUBE075 Void-Bound Voyager

    This is some people waiting super-retard1.jpg train sim.jpg This is me, patient.
    Ghost656 likes this.
  16. TheGreatDevourer

    TheGreatDevourer Void-Bound Voyager

    Jeremy Soule makes amazing music for games, such as Guild Wars 2.
  17. Ghost656

    Ghost656 Big Damn Hero

    Khan kicks ass.
  18. Stoltverd

    Stoltverd Big Damn Hero

    Looks like we have a tie!
    Please be patient, we will keep you informed!
  19. UristMcSpaceDwarf

    UristMcSpaceDwarf Zero Gravity Genie

    What am I searching for?

    This was the question that had plagued him for as long as he had been travelling.

    Travelling. That's what he had said to the others when he had left. "I need to leave for a while", he had said to the others. "It will only be a brief trip to some abandoned cities, and I'll return once I've found everything worth finding." And so he had left, with only his trusted hammer Starshaper and his scholar-equipment.

    Several months later, he was beginning to worry he wouldn't return. If the dangerous ruins which are still barely held together by ancient, crumbling masonry wouldn't be his end, the many guardians placed there by their original inhabitants would. On rare occasions, he managed to have a brief conversation withs ome of these guardians - but even then, they never revealed anything useful. Their words were those of madness; ancient raving lunatics whose life has continued for far longer than it should have. Most of the time, he couldn't even make out what they said.

    Unlike now.

    Urist was amazed as he stared at the strange, statue like-being which towered before him. It had somehow moved a few metres to his direction, even though it had no legs that he could see. He assumed that the single, blue gem set in gold functioned as an eye. The strange-arm like appendages didn't seem to move at all - Urist assumed they were just there as decoration. But none of these things amazed him. No, the thing that interested him the most was the fact the creature hadn't shown any sign of aggression. It hadn't done anything, infact, other than ask him a single question with it's strange, almost music-like voice.

    "What is it that you seek?"


    Due to my inactivity, I have decided to make some of it up to you by writing a small story. What you see above you is the first part of it. The second (and probably the last) part of it will be written and posted tomorrow.

    Thank you for your patience with me - work and study sadly eat most of my time up at the moment.

    Until tomorrow, stay awesome everyone.



    Stoltverd likes this.
  20. Smaffy

    Smaffy Void-Bound Voyager

    Stumbled upon this.

    Since we ARE a Glitch-based clan, I thought that this would be an interesting video to post.
    It's by a group called Nevercake and it seems that they'll be doing more Starbound-related work like this in future,
    I highly suggest you check them out! They're pretty awesome.

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