Teräs - A Glitch Clan

Discussion in 'Hangout Threads' started by Ghost656, May 1, 2013.

  1. TheGreatDevourer

    TheGreatDevourer Void-Bound Voyager

    Two challengers appear!
  2. Ghost656

    Ghost656 Big Damn Hero

    Thread defibrillator
  3. Dis

    Dis Phantasmal Quasar

    This ain't no thread defibrillator. :cool:

  4. Ghost656

    Ghost656 Big Damn Hero

  5. TheGreatDevourer

    TheGreatDevourer Void-Bound Voyager

  6. Dis

    Dis Phantasmal Quasar

    To add to the fright, let's delve into some psychological horror. :saywhat:

  7. TheGreatDevourer

    TheGreatDevourer Void-Bound Voyager

    Not very scary imo.
    More like:
  8. Dis

    Dis Phantasmal Quasar

    It wasn't so much the music as it was the visual representation.
  9. TheGreatDevourer

    TheGreatDevourer Void-Bound Voyager

    Yes it's nightmare fuel. :p
  10. Ghost656

    Ghost656 Big Damn Hero

    Not scary more like amazing
  11. TheGreatDevourer

    TheGreatDevourer Void-Bound Voyager

    Does anyone play StarCraft 2 or Dawn of War + 2? I'd love to play with some people from this clan.
  12. Dis

    Dis Phantasmal Quasar

    StarCraft? That's that Korean drug with a high overdose rate I've been hearing about, right? :ninja:
  13. TheGreatDevourer

    TheGreatDevourer Void-Bound Voyager

    Well yes. I wish to know their secrets to be in Grand master league.

    Well actually there's also a lot of other players than just Korean. Like WhitreRa, whose a Ukrainian Protoss player, real good.
  14. Ghost656

    Ghost656 Big Damn Hero

    I approve.
  15. TheGreatDevourer

    TheGreatDevourer Void-Bound Voyager

    You would. :p
  16. John Magus

    John Magus Subatomic Cosmonaut

    lol while i was gone over the weekend i was reading all the dumb drama going on in the general forums. Man people are so self entitled and need to learn that waiting can be good.
  17. Smaffy

    Smaffy Void-Bound Voyager

    You should check out the Terraria forums, it's even worse. xD
    Waiting isn't a bad thing, people are just very impatient.
    But who can blame them? While their manner of expressing their impatience for the game is something to look down upon, my goodness I can understand why they're impatient! I can't wait for Starbound.
    Wait for the release of 1.2 for Terraria, people will start posting the 'It's ok, we have this, take your time!' messages.
  18. navar0nius

    navar0nius Scruffy Nerf-Herder

  19. TheGreatDevourer

    TheGreatDevourer Void-Bound Voyager

    Oh god, last night in bed I was thinking about making this game that takes inspiration from Master of Orion 2. I can not wait to get back into College and design a game myself. It's going to be so much fun learning.

    Also, every forum is going to have its bad case of impatient kids, ha ha. You just got to ignore them for the time being
  20. Ghost656

    Ghost656 Big Damn Hero

    Most forums and image boards are filled with dumb so it shouldn't be a suprise.

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