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Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by xXAinSophAurXx, Dec 5, 2013.

  1. xXAinSophAurXx

    xXAinSophAurXx Intergalactic Tourist

    Hey I was just wondering what Tech everyone has found so far. All I managed to find is the "Dash" one, but its extremely useful even if it is a bit simple. Has anyone found any unique or rare Tech? Or had any interesting scenarios involving their Tech?
  2. AzusaMagica

    AzusaMagica Void-Bound Voyager

    I have energy dash and pulse jump, but it seems as if you can only have one active at a time, though you can bring four with you. Anyone want to correct me if I'm wrong? :s
  3. Braken

    Braken Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Energy Dash is all I have found.
  4. orma

    orma Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I have found 5 so far and in sets of 2 back to back. First 2 were really close to spawning on the first planet...

    Tier 1 - Dash(Energy Dash), and Double Jump(Pulse Jump)
    Tier 2 - Long Air Dash(Butterfly Boost), Hover(Gravity Neutralizer), Hover/Reverse Gravity(Gravity Bubble)

    I'm having a real easy time finding these, so far I found 6. 2 Pulse Jumps, 2 Energy Dash are my duplicates.

    It's a real shame only one can be used right now.

    Edit: Found all of mine underground.
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2013

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