Modding Discussion Team Pioneer; the future of Starbound!

Discussion in 'Starbound Modding' started by RamsiC, Dec 30, 2013.

  1. RamsiC

    RamsiC Pangalactic Porcupine

    We had a wonderful turn out yesterday. With the notices of the group only being publicly open for about 16 hours we gained a twenty-two man team! The doors are still open for any takers and the Teamspeak still has plenty of room!
  2. agentsnazz

    agentsnazz Aquatic Astronaut

    Hi, I'm working on a Theatre mod and would love to be involved with this. Both to offer support to other projects, and also to gain access to a community that might be able to help me too (I'm looking at you, pixel artists!).
    RamsiC likes this.
  3. RamsiC

    RamsiC Pangalactic Porcupine

    Welcome Agent, just hit me up on Steam :)
  4. Leglas

    Leglas Aquatic Astronaut

    Hi there! I'm Leglas, and I know a tiny bit about modding this game, but i'm not completely inexperienced. I'd love to join to be able to learn all there is to know!
    RamsiC likes this.
  5. RamsiC

    RamsiC Pangalactic Porcupine

    Good to have you Leg!
  6. AliasXNeo

    AliasXNeo Void-Bound Voyager

    I'd be interested in checking this out. I have zero art skills, but I have been programming for 12 years and have had it as a career path for 3 years. So, in other words, I know how to program. I'm currently heading: IndustrialBound which is focused around bringing my love of Minecraft's industrial mods to Starbound (I do work in the industrial automation industry!).

    Are you hoping to create something like the MC Forge community here?
    RamsiC likes this.
  7. RamsiC

    RamsiC Pangalactic Porcupine

    Hmm, maybe to some extent; though we'll actually get work done ;D .... but I jest the Forge community is a good one that does their job quite well!

    You may not know this as I've yet to update the list but we actually have DraLUSAD of working within Team Pioneer :) This isn't a situation where I am saying no as I will never deny a single person unless they've a history of causing trouble; and our list is actually going to be opening completely in about two weeks! It's more of a "I wonder if the two of you could work together should there be a mutual friendship." We've actually had that quite a few times.
  8. AliasXNeo

    AliasXNeo Void-Bound Voyager

    No idea, but from a conceptual standpoint our mods are on completely opposite spectrums. From what I've seen he's copying/pasting from the literal IndustrialCraft mod whereas I'm bringing in a culmination of influences from industrial mods into something that's distinctive for Starbound. Either way, I don't see any conflicts of being on a team with someone who happens to be running a mod in the same genre as me.
    RamsiC likes this.
  9. RamsiC

    RamsiC Pangalactic Porcupine

    I'll let you guys decide on whatever you want to do; as I reminded him in a PM after expressing my thoughts after hearing your mention he seemed interested in the idea of working together. We didn't expect the mech makers joining to work together and now it seems like they are merging their mods into a super mod! Our assets are yours to use Alias, just add me on Steam.
  10. DraLUSAD

    DraLUSAD Giant Laser Beams

    As far as i'm aware, Industrialization: Starbound Edition is an Inspired Concept, which i have agreed on that i wont Mirror or Mimic the entire IC/IC2 way, this Includes Power management, Energy Storage, Wire placement, Reactors, Miners, Pumps (although, A miner in starbound would be a nice addition), because of this, its something i enjoy looking at and doing something very similar in concept that for starbound, and in fact has taken a completely different approach even within IC/IC2

    But you are more than welcome to assist in its development
    RamsiC likes this.
  11. Kitaen Silva

    Kitaen Silva Phantasmal Quasar

    I am writing a post here so that I may keep an eye on this thread. I wish I were able to contribute, but I don't have any skills that are applicable here. I mean, I can produce ideas, and I'm avid with my writing so I may be able to do things like more in-depth questlines / story, but beyond that... I'm here to see the shenanigans. =3
    RamsiC likes this.
  12. RamsiC

    RamsiC Pangalactic Porcupine

    I tell everyone who requests joining the same thing and I don't ever mind repeating it Kitaen....

    LEARN LUA! It's such a marvelously easy language to learn <3 You could probably take maybe a maximum of three or four hours and be able to start your first big mod!
  13. Kitaen Silva

    Kitaen Silva Phantasmal Quasar

    Hmm... I may just have to do that. I've already poked around with some of the game's files while putting together a 60-mod pack, and I was fascinated to discover that adding in a piece in one spot would automatically make adjustments in completely separate files. That's already a million times more streamlined than trying to piece together the 180-mod pack I was working on with Minecraft, and learning more sounds entertaining as opposed to tedious.

    I'm still not entirely convinced I'll be able to take only three or four hours before launching into some of the ideas I have, and most of them will be oriented around writing, quests, and additional NPC doodads... but I'll see what happens. Thanks for the link~
    RamsiC likes this.
  14. AliasXNeo

    AliasXNeo Void-Bound Voyager

    I'm more than happy to assist where needed. My original point was that given the existing direction that both mods are going, at this point a collaboration effort would be hard-pressed especially since some of my core mechanics are not compatible with what you have. However, I'm sure we're both going to run into some of the same problems, and when that does happen I look forward to collaborating on how to push through them.
    RamsiC likes this.
  15. RamsiC

    RamsiC Pangalactic Porcupine

    God speed new friend, and poke me on Steam; welcome to Team Pioneer ;D
  16. Kitaen Silva

    Kitaen Silva Phantasmal Quasar

    PFF. Okay, I started reading that link in earnest. The first paragraph seemed okay... but I had no idea what it was referencing. "If you are using a stand-alone Lua interpreter--"

    "Wat? Okay, maybe I can google that here in a few minutes so I can get rolling."

    "--as a slightly more complex example--"

    "Wait! You haven't even properly explained the first example and the terminology you're using!"

    -gets to page three with some difficulty and an understanding that is rapidly progressing into the negatives, notes that the title is "Some Lexical Conventions".... and then my brain simply ceases functioning-


    I'm going to need to find a new brand of "Dummies" book on this. "How to Understand and Use the Lua Programming Language, for Absolutely Clueless Idiots". Or at least one that has some sort of comprehensive glossary I can reference for just about every term in the book.

    On the other hand, I could simply stick with what I know I'm already good at and comfortable with - writing. I have the capability to do bits of art and music if I ever sit down and have the motivation, but I wouldn't count on me for those things.

    If you need someone who can produce ideas, or if there's someone who needs some good story for quests, codex entries, or anything that might need some creative writing... I'm available for that.
    RamsiC likes this.
  17. Carty1234

    Carty1234 Zero Gravity Genie

    I'd recommend this link ( as it is a lot easier to read and has a built in interpreter :p It seems a lot more for beginners and explains things pretty well. This is just a suggestion of course and if you don't want to do this then that is fine, but thought i would offer another chance at it.
    Out of curiosity have you got any work you can showcase? I don't need any story writing just yet but may do in the future and can call on your assistance should I need it?
    Kitaen Silva and RamsiC like this.
  18. RamsiC

    RamsiC Pangalactic Porcupine

    Does this mean you're joining us Carty? :)
  19. Carty1234

    Carty1234 Zero Gravity Genie

    Well, there is no harm in being here. Though there hasn't been too much activity just yet. We'll see how things unfold :p (that is not a no!)
    RamsiC likes this.
  20. RamsiC

    RamsiC Pangalactic Porcupine

    Ah, we just haven't made our official post just yet, this was just a global invite to tie in with the Reddit announcement! We've actually come a long way so far and quite a few mod makers have hooked up with others to work together on mods and what not. We also have a pretty awesome team of artists that are working their butt off and supplying artwork for a lot of the mods being made; it's awesome!

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