Stats and Scripts

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by kyren, Aug 20, 2014.

  1. SquarelyCircle

    SquarelyCircle Cosmic Narwhal

    thumbs up

    In response to the post above mine, I disagree respectfully. This is "feature creep" and "scope creep", however, I believe it is so to a really manageable degree. Chucklefish, moreso than any developer I've seen, has created short term goals and reached them in a reasonable timeframe. Now, I'm not saying that they haven't done the opposite - massive goals that were reached (or not) in an unreasonable timeframe - but they give daily-ish updates that have been healthily plodding along for... years. And as long as they continue to have results, I can't much complain about the creep, since the future of the game is looking better and better.
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2014
  2. Kawa

    Kawa Tiy's Beard

    Belated diffs:
    [NEW] effects\defaultmagenta.effectsource
    [NEW] items\staves\racialstaves\human\plasma\humanplasmastaff1\humanplasmastaff1.png
    [NEW] items\staves\racialstaves\human\plasma\humanplasmastaff1\humanplasmastaff1.staff
    [NEW] items\staves\racialstaves\human\plasma\humanplasmastaff1\plasmastaffglow.frames
    [NEW] items\staves\racialstaves\human\plasma\humanplasmastaff1\plasmastaffglow.png
    [NEW] particles\defaultmagenta.particle
    [NEW] projectiles\staves\racialstaves\plasma\plasmapulse\icon.png
    [NEW] projectiles\staves\racialstaves\plasma\plasmapulse\plasmapulse.frames
    [NEW] projectiles\staves\racialstaves\plasma\plasmapulse\plasmapulse.png
    [NEW] projectiles\staves\racialstaves\plasma\plasmapulse\plasmapulse.projectile
    > "value" : [255, 221, 51, 255],
    > "comment" : "prisonfloodlightBroken",
    > "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "prisonfloodlightBroken" ] ]
    > },
    > {
    > "value" : [77, 66, 15, 255],
    > "comment" : "prisonfloodlightBroken - off state",
    > "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "prisonfloodlightBroken", { "parameters" : { "defaultLightState" : false } } ] ]
    > },
    > {
    < "typeName" : "largebiped",
    < "seed" : "stable",
    > "typeName" : "moontant",
    < "value" : [255, 240, 26, 255],
    > "value" : [77, 68, 8, 255],
    > "comment" : "floodlights facing left - off state",
    > "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "floodlights", { "direction" : "left", "parameters" : { "defaultLightState" : false } } ] ]
    > },
    > {
    > "value" : [64, 57, 6, 255],
    > "comment" : "floodlights facing right - off state",
    > "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "floodlights", { "direction" : "right", "parameters" : { "defaultLightState" : false } } ] ]
    > },
    > {
    > "value" : [236, 255, 26, 255],
    > },
    > {
    > "value" : [71, 77, 8, 255],
    > "comment" : "prisonfloodlight - off state",
    > "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "prisonfloodlight", { "parameters" : { "defaultLightState" : false } } ] ]
    > },
    > {
    > "value" : [255, 221, 51, 255],
    > "comment" : "prisonfloodlightBroken",
    > "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "prisonfloodlightBroken" ] ]
    > },
    > {
    > "value" : [77, 66, 15, 255],
    > "comment" : "prisonfloodlightBroken - off state",
    > "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "prisonfloodlightBroken", { "parameters" : { "defaultLightState" : false } } ] ]
    < "value" : [255, 240, 26, 255],
    > "value" : [77, 68, 8, 255],
    > "comment" : "floodlights facing left - off state",
    > "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "floodlights", { "direction" : "left", "parameters" : { "defaultLightState" : false } } ] ]
    > },
    > {
    > "value" : [64, 57, 6, 255],
    > "comment" : "floodlights facing right - off state",
    > "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "floodlights", { "direction" : "right", "parameters" : { "defaultLightState" : false } } ] ]
    > },
    > {
    > "value" : [236, 255, 26, 255],
    > },
    > {
    > "value" : [71, 77, 8, 255],
    > "comment" : "prisonfloodlight - off state",
    > "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "prisonfloodlight", { "parameters" : { "defaultLightState" : false } } ] ]
    > },
    > {
    > "value" : [255, 221, 51, 255],
    > "comment" : "prisonfloodlightBroken",
    > "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "prisonfloodlightBroken" ] ]
    > },
    > {
    > "value" : [77, 66, 15, 255],
    > "comment" : "prisonfloodlightBroken - off state",
    > "brush" : [ [ "clear" ], [ "object", "prisonfloodlightBroken", { "parameters" : { "defaultLightState" : false } } ] ]
    < "territoryDistance" : 40.0,
    > "territoryDistance" : 5.0,
    < "minimalTargetRadius" : 6.0,
    > "minimalTargetRadius" : 10.0,
    < "wanderJumpProbability" : 0.1
    > "wanderJumpProbability" : 0
    < "collisionPoly" : [ [-1, -2.6], [1, -2.6], [1, 0], [-1, 0] ],
    > "collisionPoly" : [ [-0.75, -2.0], [-0.35, -2.5], [0.35, -2.5], [0.75, -2.0], [0.75, 0.65], [0.35, 1.22], [-0.35, 1.22], [-0.75, 0.65] ],
    < "walkSpeed" : 5,
    < "runSpeed" : 6
    > "walkSpeed" : 2,
    > "runSpeed" : 8,
    > "airJumpProfile" : {
    > "jumpSpeed" : 15.0,
    > "jumpControlForce" : 0.0,
    > "jumpInitialPercentage" : 0.6,
    > "jumpHoldTime" : 0.3
    > }
    < "poly" : [ [-1, -2.6], [1, -2.6], [1, 0], [-1, 0] ],
    > "poly" : [ [-0.75, -2.0], [-0.35, -2.5], [0.35, -2.5], [0.75, -2.0], [0.75, 0.65], [0.35, 1.22], [-0.35, 1.22], [-0.75, 0.65] ],
    < "humanDescription" : "This beacon's sending out a distres call.",
    > "humanDescription" : "This beacon's sending out a distress call.",
    < "flickerMaxIntensity" : 0.4,
    > "flickerMaxIntensity" : 0.5,
    < "emitters" : [ "defaultlightblue" ]
    > "emitters" : [ "daggerblue" ]
    < "groups" : [ "skyrailtable", "all", "mod" ]
    > "groups" : [ "skyrailtable", "all" ]
    < "groups" : [ "skyrailtable", "all", "mod" ]
    > "groups" : [ "skyrailtable", "all" ]
    < "groups" : [ "skyrailtable", "all", "mod" ]
    > "groups" : [ "skyrailtable", "all" ]
    < "groups" : [ "skyrailtable", "all", "mod" ]
    > "groups" : [ "skyrailtable", "all" ]
    < "groups" : [ "skyrailtable", "all", "mod" ]
    > "groups" : [ "skyrailtable", "all" ]
    < "groups" : [ "skyrailtable", "all", "mod" ]
    > "groups" : [ "skyrailtable", "all" ]
    < "zLevel" : 99
    > "zLevel" : 100
    < "zLevel" : 100
    > "zLevel" : 99
  3. Lintton

    Lintton Guest

    What's with the skyrail?
  4. THE_____

    THE_____ Phantasmal Quasar

    You'll have to be more specific.
  5. Lintton

    Lintton Guest

    Sorry. I was looking at the new additions by Kawa.

    I also noticed the UI's health and energy bars received a change last night. Is it related to the OP's work with stats?
  6. khalismur

    khalismur Big Damn Hero

    Very nice!
    One more system being redesigned!!
    Nimeni likes this.
  7. THE_____

    THE_____ Phantasmal Quasar

    Sadly i know nothing about code so the only thing i can say for certain is that stuff has been changed.
  8. Scival

    Scival Oxygen Tank

    It always worked, the problem is you.
  9. Akado

    Akado Oxygen Tank

    As players, we're given our choice of two options:

    1) Accept the improvements that are announced, and be happy that improvement is good.
    2) Do not accept the improvements that are announced.

    The improvements have already been made, or have already started being made. They will happen. There is no option 3), which says "You should have done X with your time, because I want X more than I want this!" That is not an actual choice here.

    Someone has proudly announced the work they've done, the good things they've done. And some have lashed out saying it was a waste of time. That is not a good way to get the devs to do what you want them to do. That is not a good way to encourage the devs. It just pisses people off. Please don't do that.
    Type1Ninja and Kawa like this.
  10. Kawa

    Kawa Tiy's Beard

    Oh, nothing.
    [21:36] <Astraltor-> oh my, the recipes for the skyrail platforms still have the "mod" tag to them
    [21:36] <OmnipotentEntity> they do? haha
    [21:37] <SnoopJeDi> Yea that tag made it into the game
    [21:37] <SnoopJeDi> I remember pointing it out to...somebody
    [21:37] <metadept> probably me
    [21:37] <SnoopJeDi> probably
    [21:37] <metadept> which is probably why it isn't fixed
    [21:37] <SnoopJeDi> :D
    [21:38] <Astraltor-> hmm
    [21:38] <OmnipotentEntity> ok now it's fixed
    [21:38] <Astraltor-> RIP mod tag
    [21:39] <SnoopJeDi> RIP in peace
    [21:39] <Astraltor-> 8/20 never forget
  11. Type1Ninja

    Type1Ninja Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    That's... That's so confusing :rofl:
    Idle conversations can be so amusing. :p
  12. GenoMech

    GenoMech Cosmic Narwhal

    hmmm.......I saw the word "boss"...........exploring the moon base, i found a huge empty cavern with a step path leading to it..............concidence?
    GLARE likes this.
  13. Gumdrop Meadowz

    Gumdrop Meadowz Cosmic Narwhal

    Well this sure makes it sound like a Digimon mod is well on its way.
  14. supernovus

    supernovus Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Fantastic! The more extendable the better. Keep up the good work guys, and ignore the moaners. I swear, if Chucklefish announced they'd discovered the cure for cancer, someone on this forum would complain that it was a waste of time, or have some other half-arsed reason to grumble about it.
  15. Devon_v

    Devon_v Yeah, You!

    Health/Energy changes might be colorblind tweak related.

    Something else to keep in mind is that different people have different tasks. Just because one person is rebuilding a system does not mean there was some other more important task they should have been working on. They may in fact be fiddling with something "unimportant" because there is no "important" work they can do at the moment because someone else has to finish a different task first.

    Also, mods will make this game live longer than anything anyone at Chucklefish could ever do.
  16. jamstronaut

    jamstronaut Poptop Tamer

    That bothered me too lol, I looked at it like 20 times.
  17. linkthegamer

    linkthegamer Master Astronaut

    Sorry I don't tend to read these news post. But I will answer to the best of my ablity

    Nightly "works". I mean the things like being unable to fix the ship without going into admin and the lack of monsters have been fixed. You still have to do the whole "delete player, universe, starbound.config" thing since they have not (and likely will not till they push it to stable) added a way for the game to update files from the current system to their updated counterparts. The spawning in the deathtrap dungeon should also be fixed.

    However their are likely still progression issues and you do still have to delete files again from time to time as things change. @spiritofcat has been making mods to fix up the missing bits of progression so you don't have to "admin spawn" them in and both me and @Maxwell Demonic provide support for any technical issues you may encounter when running.

    I do not recommend doing a completely legit play of the game in nightly though. The new systems are not properly balanced and the game is going to be a bit rough on you, you do have to relearn some thing like that you can not run backwords all that fast and blocking is important. After toying around with the game trying to do legit I would recommend you go into /admin mode (unless you don't like spoilers) Look up how to get a level 8 shitp and spawn in a lot of fuel then just explore, use that nice starbound item search thing a memeber made and spawn in some items. Mess with some of the new assest that have not been properly added to the game (I head the apexstaff is neat).

    Hope that helps.
  18. Scival

    Scival Oxygen Tank

    :heylisten: Hey! Hey! Listen!! ADD THE DATE. :lickitung:
  19. Dembai

    Dembai Void-Bound Voyager

    I found that until I granted myself full authority over my folder, I was having trouble loading (iteration exceptions, as I recall). I'm on Windows 7. I erred on the side of caution for the Steam admin thing, I admit - I read that was a possible issue with nightlies, and did it to prevent more annoying issues.

    Also, without meaning the remotest amount of disrespect towards your handy guide (which I used!) - oftentimes a link presented to a flamer/someone who is pissed off is just going to result in flat out "I don't have time for that shit". Typing it out for them results in a much higher positive response to instructions. It's not to steal your thunder - it's to steal theirs. Then they have no excuse, it's RIGHT THERE.

    Hopefully I didn't ruffle your feathers too badly. If you're Avian, I mean.
  20. Scival

    Scival Oxygen Tank

    [quote="Dembai, post: 2191164, member: 201268"
    Hopefully I didn't ruffle your feathers too badly. If you're Avian, I mean.[/quote]

    What about Pegasi and Avali?! YOU RACIST #!?&(/!
    Nah just kidding.

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