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Tutorial Starrybound Server [1.2] - An Advanced Server Wrapper for Starbound - Spawn Protection!

Discussion in 'Multiplayer' started by Zidonuke, Dec 24, 2013.

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  1. Snowpup

    Snowpup Giant Laser Beams

    Yep. It'll happen when anyone without a shipdata file (new character) joins. Tat's the big one.

    There are also constant nil connection errors.

    Special characters will crash anyone who types /players or /clients.
    Khailz likes this.
  2. Khailz

    Khailz Void-Bound Voyager

    Yeah I hope this is fixed or Starrybound comes out soon
  3. Mortalsinn

    Mortalsinn Zero Gravity Genie

    Is this for Windows or is this a Linux type deal?
    Khailz likes this.
  4. Shirou

    Shirou Aquatic Astronaut

    I am sure it will be for both.
  5. lordfiSh

    lordfiSh Tentacle Wrangler

    waiting for, hope consolebased, Version for Debian :)
  6. Zidonuke

    Zidonuke Pangalactic Porcupine

    supernet2 and Bacon like this.
  7. Snowpup

    Snowpup Giant Laser Beams

  8. Zidonuke

    Zidonuke Pangalactic Porcupine

    We are pushing to release this today or tomorrow. Just stand by :3
  9. Deniska

    Deniska Poptop Tamer

    I've sent a pull request. This should add native Linux support (Mono). Tested it on Ubuntu, so happy Debian owners should not have any issues too. The changes are not that big, so probably Zidonuke will review it soon.

    EDIT: If you are familiar with C# and want to try it out, check https://github.com/AvilanceLtd/StarryboundServer/pull/8
    Just make sure you have mono-devel and mono-runtime packages.
    Bacon likes this.
  10. GSPU

    GSPU Phantasmal Quasar

    I'd rather wait for an extra day instead of forcing it out today to ensure it will be working okay, but we can see what would happen... yes?
  11. Shirou

    Shirou Aquatic Astronaut

    Agree don't rush it take your time making sure it's ready and working as it should :)
  12. DarkOS

    DarkOS Big Damn Hero

    looks great. ill be happy to pull and test for you guys.
  13. Palid

    Palid Space Spelunker

    Well, I could start the server, but wrapper kills me. It's started by root btw, just because of memory leaks of the server app.
  14. DarkOS

    DarkOS Big Damn Hero

    you have to change the gameport of starbound to something else (like 21024) then change the serverport entry in the config.json to match that value. The way this works is it acts as a proxy that intercepts all traffic for the game, does its thing, then forwards it on to the actual game server.
  15. Underbalanced

    Underbalanced Phantasmal Quasar

    *Feature request*

    1. On join of unique UUID give # of X item.
    2. Record into a flat file or SQL database

    This way we can spawn world protect and not have to manually give fuel out. I know a lot are asking a lot of you all. I figure this should be an easy one to write.
  16. DarkOS

    DarkOS Big Damn Hero

    I seem to be unable to connect due to "wrong password" even though I have no passwords defined in any configs anywhere. I have created an issue.
  17. Eagerly awaiting this. Keep up the great works, guys! :up:
  18. AlphaModder

    AlphaModder Void-Bound Voyager

    Are we allowed to submit pull requests at this point? It seems cool to let anyone with coding knowledge to help.
  19. Alconchloe

    Alconchloe Void-Bound Voyager

    You're allowed to submit pull requests to the program to help it as much as possible. We will look through it as fast as possible and implement it accordingly. Thanks.
    Opalium and Crashdoom like this.
  20. Crashdoom

    Crashdoom Pangalactic Porcupine

    Just a note to everyone relating to the "does this work on Linux" question, the answer: YES! We've currently got it running on Debian 7 (Wheezy) running with 20 players. We'll post instructions on our initial release on how to get it running properly, if you're using a source version, PM me and I'll give you the information upfront :)

    I'm currently working on this, we have a base command for it at the moment while I get it implemented into the core system, you'll be able to add to an array in the config file saying what items (by name) you want to give them and how much. As for the SQL, I'll see what I can do!
    supernet2 likes this.
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