Stardew Valley Fishing Records

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Bandus, Mar 2, 2016.

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  1. Bandus

    Bandus Big Damn Hero

    I thought it would be a fun idea to keep a running Stardew Valley Record list going of the largest fish people have been able to catch. This will largely have to work on the honor system, so please be honest!

    Reply to the thread with your largest catch for a given species of fish (if it beats the currently posted record) and I will update the record list to reflect it! You can find this information by pressing ESC in game, and then clicking the "Collections" tab, and then clicking the "Fish" tab. I have posted my largest catches so we have a baseline to start with!

    If a species of fish is not listed, there is no current record for it. Feel free to post your catch and the species/length will be added!

    Important: If you do not want to be spoiled regarding species of fish that exist in Stardew Valley, please do not click on the below link. Thanks!

    Stardew Valley Fishing Record Holders:
    • Phatty222

      Phatty222 Void-Bound Voyager

      Hey, I think there is a soft cap of 61" on most fish. I caught a 61" Pike in the lake near the wizards.
      • Bandus

        Bandus Big Damn Hero

        @Phatty222 Added your record. I hope that isn't the case with regard to the soft cap. That would render this futile, I expect! :)
        • Bandus

          Bandus Big Damn Hero

          So, one wonders if this is simply not a good idea or if not as many people fish as I would have guessed! :nuruhappy:
          • oath2order

            oath2order Parsec Taste Tester

          • Bandus

            Bandus Big Damn Hero

          • oath2order

            oath2order Parsec Taste Tester

            If anything, the Eel does not have a cap of 61", just got a 69" eel.

            • Bandus

              Bandus Big Damn Hero

              I've noticed the same, my record is a 79 inch Eel. I am hoping that means other fish aren't capped at a particular size.
              • AlphaWarMeister

                AlphaWarMeister Void-Bound Voyager

                Pufferfish, 33 inches
                Largemouth Bass, 31 inches
                Salmon, 53 inches
                Carp, 51 inches
                Catfish, 56 inches
                Sunfish, 16 inches
                Eel, 81 inches
                Super Cucumber, 34 inches
                Tiger Trout, 19 inches
                Albacore, 41 inches
                Woodskip, 24 inches

                spent a good third of my game time fishing :p
                • Bandus

                  Bandus Big Damn Hero

                • Afterscore

                  Afterscore Weight of the Sky

                • Bandus

                  Bandus Big Damn Hero

                • Afterscore

                  Afterscore Weight of the Sky

                  Funnily enough the Wiki has min-max fish size now too, guess they'll need to change a few of those ;3
                  • AlphaWarMeister

                    AlphaWarMeister Void-Bound Voyager

                    Ghostfish, 36 inches

                    trying to find a damn brick fish : P
                    • Bandus

                      Bandus Big Damn Hero

                    • Dougl07

                      Dougl07 Pangalactic Porcupine

                      Since it isn't on the list yet, my record mussel is 5 inches, and the same with the Cockle.
                      • Bandus

                        Bandus Big Damn Hero

                      • Cider

                        Cider Ketchup Robot

                        I just beat crab



                        Also since Lava Eel isn't on the list
                        • Bandus

                          Bandus Big Damn Hero

                          @Cider Updated! Nice catches!
                          • Dougl07

                            Dougl07 Pangalactic Porcupine

                            Just caught the Glacierfish, new record is 26 inches.
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