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starcheat: player save editor and Python library [Deleted]

Discussion in 'Outdated Mods' started by wizzomafizzo, Dec 23, 2013.

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  1. The Nutty Ducky

    The Nutty Ducky Space Hobo

    The starbound .log.
    Error: PlayerException: No such stored player with uuid '7c535e9b068b03b61c6f03cb297e0da2'
    0053806A (E:/Steamworks/Starbound/git/starbound/source/game/StarPlayerFactory.hpp:14)
    00442CF1 (E:/Steamworks/Starbound/git/starbound/source/frontend/StarCharSelection.cpp:46)
    004B2E7A (E:/Steamworks/Starbound/git/starbound/source/windowing/StarPaneManager.cpp:302)
    ... (3)
    004BCDD3 (E:/Steamworks/Starbound/git/starbound/source/windowing/StarButtonWidget.cpp:185)
    004BDE0C (E:/Steamworks/Starbound/git/starbound/source/windowing/StarButtonWidget.cpp:104)
    004B3EB9 (E:/Steamworks/Starbound/git/starbound/source/windowing/StarPaneManager.cpp:173)
    ... (2)
    004027D1 (E:/Steamworks/Starbound/git/starbound/source/client/StarClientApplication.cpp:273)
    0040A1C7 (E:/Steamworks/Starbound/git/starbound/source/application/StarApplicationBase.cpp:186)
    00407C30 (E:/Steamworks/Starbound/git/starbound/source/client/main.cpp:48)
    004DBBD1 (c:\SDL-1.2.15/./src/main/win32/SDL_win32_main.c:318)

    as well as this message from Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library
    Runtime Error!

    Program: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Starbound\win32\starbound.exe

    This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way.
    Please contact the application's support team for information.

    BTW. This all happened after I changed the maximum amount of health, breath etc. to the fullest as well as changing clothing and added items to inventory.
  2. wizzomafizzo

    wizzomafizzo Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Could you also go through the steps in the first post about running debug.bat and upload a copy of this save file. Sounds kinda similar to the last bug that got reported. Thanks!
    The Nutty Ducky likes this.
  3. The Nutty Ducky

    The Nutty Ducky Space Hobo

    kk ill try and figure that out thanks
  4. The Nutty Ducky

    The Nutty Ducky Space Hobo

    attached the debug file, player file and also screenshots of the errors I get.

    Attached Files:

  5. wizzomafizzo

    wizzomafizzo Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Found this line in the starbound crash log:
    Error: Could not instantiate item '[spacemarinechest, 1, {}]'. StarException: Unknown augment kind: spiked
    ./starbound(_ZN4Star13StarExceptionC2ERKSs+0xfe) [0xc4c6de]

    Trash the space marine suit from your chest and the save loads. This is interesting, not sure if we can do anything about that.
    The Nutty Ducky likes this.
  6. The Nutty Ducky

    The Nutty Ducky Space Hobo

    ok ill try the getting rid ogf the space marine suit. Whats a save load ?
  7. The Nutty Ducky

    The Nutty Ducky Space Hobo

    changed my clothes it works now :D
  8. wizzomafizzo

    wizzomafizzo Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Oops I mean then the game will load the save file properly

    Have fun!
  9. Heike

    Heike Starship Captain

    Wow this thread is going so fast I can't even keep up (and my alert button)

    Also on the setup validation (I saw the commit), is there some kind of way to check if something is entered (in all of the boxes) before the button is enabled?
    Nevermind that was the hacky setup validation

    I'm also adding modding support, testing it right now
    Again, problems testing from a mac. I'm traveling to the USA to meet up with some family, although I will have internet it would be great if someone could test mod support on my branch.
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2013
  10. hdog501

    hdog501 Yeah, You!

    I don't seem to be able to spawn guns, when i enter it gives me a green blob named generic item. I was also wondering if you could edit it while the game was running weather it be like in SP or on the startup menu in starbound
  11. Heike

    Heike Starship Captain

    Which build are you using, and what item is it? Also for your other question, the game has to be completely shut down, as I tested (I believe it loads the saves at startup)
    hdog501 likes this.
  12. hdog501

    hdog501 Yeah, You!

    WINDOWS TEST BUILD (64 BIT) is all i downloaded, i am un aware of what version. and i just tried spawning any kind of gun i tried them and when i went in it gave me an item called "generic item" not sure why, could you test with guns aswell
  13. The Crystal Fox

    The Crystal Fox Void-Bound Voyager

    How are you doing on the mac version heike?
  14. Weegeemang

    Weegeemang Pangalactic Porcupine

    I'm not getting any item icons on my players, and I'm positive I have my assets folder selected. I've reset multiple times as well, selecting assets every time. Any ideas?
  15. Externia

    Externia Space Hobo

    I downloaded Starcheat, it works fine but when I want to ''Save & Quit'', I have an reccurent error.
    This error appear when I put an object added with Starcheat into a chest and try to "Save & Quit".

    This error is : (Screenshot)
    - http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/838/d8vi.jpg/
    - http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/197/ixxa.jpg/
    - http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/853/q7qh.jpg/
    - http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/842/oaad.jpg/

    By the way, last time I used Starcheat to add something on my Starbound Server, this one crashed and I lost my world ..

    Someone have an idea about my problems ? (Specially with my errors ?)

    Thank you !
  16. Rainfey

    Rainfey Void-Bound Voyager

    You can't spawn in custom generated weapons (ie anything under the 'generatedGun/shield/sword' categories) you can only edit those you already have.
    -Though iv seen this happen with the Ice Chucker aswell.

    Did you click the 'Rebuild DB' button?
  17. Ignitas

    Ignitas Void-Bound Voyager

  18. Weegeemang

    Weegeemang Pangalactic Porcupine

    Yeah, but I got an error. Here's my log for trying to load a character & trying to rebuild DB.

    Problem creating accessible interface for: QDialog(0X3332500, name = "OpenPlayer")
    Make sure to deploy Qt with accessibility plugins.
    (7, [])
    (7, [])
    (7, [])
    (7, [])
    (7, [])
    (7, [])
    (7, [])
    (7, [])
    (7, [])
    (7, [])
    (7, [])
    (7, [])
    (7, [])
    (7, [])
    (7, [])
    (7, [])
    (7, [])
    (7, [('colorIndex', (4, 0))])
    (7, [])
    (7, [])
    (7, [])
    (7, [])
    (7, [])
    (7, [])
    (7, [])
    (7, [])
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    (7, [])
    (7, [])
    (7, [])
    (7, [])
    (7, [])
    (7, [])
    (7, [])
    (7, [('level', (2, (1.3148338794708252,)))])
    (7, [])
    (7, [])
    (7, [])
    (7, [])
    (7, [])
    (7, [])
    (7, [])
    (7, [])
    (7, [])
    (7, [('materialHueShift', (2, (227.29412841796875,)))])
    (7, [])
    (7, [])
    (7, [])
    (7, [])
    (7, [])
    (7, [])
    (7, [])
    (7, [])
    (7, [('materialHueShift', (2, (345.8823547363281,)))])
    (7, [])
    (7, [])
    (7, [])
    (7, [('materialHueShift', (2, (179.29412841796875,)))])
    (7, [])
    (7, [('materialHueShift', (2, (345.8823547363281,)))])
    (7, [])
    (7, [])
    (7, [('materialHueShift', (2, (88.94117736816406,)))])
    (7, [])
    (7, [])
    (7, [])
    (7, [('materialHueShift', (2, (88.94117736816406,)))])
    (7, [])
    (7, [])
    (7, [])
    (7, [('materialHueShift', (2, (337.4117736816406,)))])
    (7, [('materialHueShift', (2, (227.29412841796875,)))])
    (7, [('materialHueShift', (2, (24.0,)))])
    (7, [])
    (7, [('materialHueShift', (2, (227.29412841796875,)))])
    (7, [('materialHueShift', (2, (88.94117736816406,)))])
    (7, [])
    (7, [])
    (7, [])
    (7, [])
    (7, [('materialHueShift', (2, (227.29412841796875,)))])
    (7, [('foliageHueShift', (2, (119.15644073486328,))), ('foliageName', (5, 'frumpy')), ('stemHueShift', (2, (-2.828827381134033,))), ('stemName', (5, 'twisted'))])
    (7, [('materialHueShift', (2, (227.29412841796875,)))])
    (7, [])
    (7, [])
    (7, [('materialHueShift', (2, (227.29412841796875,)))])
    (7, [('materialHueShift', (2, (227.29412841796875,)))])
    (7, [])
    (7, [])
    (7, [('durabilityHit', (2, (71.20000094175339,)))])
    (7, [('itemName', (5, 'hylotltier10shortsword')), ('level', (4, 2)), ('description', (5, 'Stemcutter. A sword perfect for annoying Florans.')), ('colorOptions', (6, [(7, [('6f2919', (5, '151515')), ('a85636', (5, '383838')), ('e0975c', (5, '555555')), ('ffca8a', (5, '838383'))]), (7, [('6f2919', (5, '151515')), ('a85636', (5, '383838')), ('e0975c', (5, '555555')), ('ffca8a', (5, '838383'))]), (7, [('6f2919', (5, '303030')), ('a85636', (5, '555555')), ('e0975c', (5, '808080')), ('ffca8a', (5, 'b5b5b5'))]), (7, [('6f2919', (5, '373737')), ('a85636', (5, '7b7b7b')), ('e0975c', (5, 'b6b6b6')), ('ffca8a', (5, 'e6e6e6'))]), (7, [('6f2919', (5, '601119')), ('a85636', (5, '932625')), ('e0975c', (5, 'd93a3a')), ('ffca8a', (5, 'f4988c'))]), (7, [('6f2919', (5, '6e2900')), ('a85636', (5, 'af4e00')), ('e0975c', (5, 'ea9931')), ('ffca8a', (5, 'ffd495'))]), (7, [('6f2919', (5, '642f00')), ('a85636', (5, 'a46e06')), ('e0975c', (5, 'e2c344')), ('ffca8a', (5, 'ffffa7'))]), (7, [('6f2919', (5, '144216')), ('a85636', (5, '247824')), ('e0975c', (5, '51bd3b')), ('ffca8a', (5, 'b2e89d'))]), (7, [('6f2919', (5, '1a1c51')), ('a85636', (5, '344495')), ('e0975c', (5, '5588d4')), ('ffca8a', (5, '96cbe7'))]), (7, [('6f2919', (5, '320c40')), ('a85636', (5, '6a2284')), ('e0975c', (5, 'a451c4')), ('ffca8a', (5, 'd29ce7'))]), (7, [('6f2919', (5, '59163f')), ('a85636', (5, '97276d')), ('e0975c', (5, 'd35eae')), ('ffca8a', (5, 'eab3db'))]), (7, [('6f2919', (5, '472b13')), ('a85636', (5, '754c23')), ('e0975c', (5, 'a47844')), ('ffca8a', (5, 'ccae7c'))])])), ('soundEffect', (7, [('fireSound', (6, [(7, [('file', (5, '/sfx/melee/swing_onehanded.wav'))])]))])), ('inspectionKind', (5, 'sword')), ('fireAfterWindup', (3, (1,))), ('dropCollision', (6, [(2, (-4.0,)), (2, (-3.0,)), (2, (4.0,)), (2, (3.0,))])), ('maxStack', (4, 2)), ('kind', (5, 'Shortsword')), ('rarity', (5, 'uncommon')), ('firePosition', (6, [(4, 44), (4, 5)])), ('fireTime', (2, (0.6,))), ('image', (5, 'hylotltier10shortsword.png')), ('primaryStances', (7, [('cooldown', (7, [('statusEffects', (6, [(7, [('duration', (2, (0.1,))), ('kind', (5, 'shieldsuppressed'))])])), ('duration', (2, (0.4,))), ('handPosition', (6, [(2, (2.0,)), (4, 21)])), ('swordAngle', (4, 181)), ('twoHanded', (3, (0,))), ('armAngle', (4, 281))])), ('windup', (7, [('statusEffects', (6, [(7, [('duration', (2, (0.1,))), ('kind', (5, 'shieldsuppressed'))])])), ('duration', (2, (0.2,))), ('handPosition', (6, [(2, (0.2,)), (4, 49)])), ('swordAngle', (4, 121)), ('twoHanded', (3, (0,))), ('armAngle', (4, 0))])), ('idle', (7, [('duration', (2, (0.1,))), ('armFrameOverride', (5, 'idleMelee')), ('handPosition', (6, [(2, (-4.0,)), (2, (-15.5,))])), ('swordAngle', (4, 181)), ('twoHanded', (3, (0,))), ('armAngle', (4, 181))])), ('projectile', (7, [('power', (4, 4000)), ('speed', (2, (0.1,)))])), ('projectileType', (5, 'shortswordswoosh1'))])), ('shortdescription', (5, 'Stemcutter'))])
    (7, [])
    (7, [])
    (7, [('materialHueShift', (2, (227.29412841796875,)))])
    (7, [])
    (7, [('levelScale', (2, (248.11001586914062,))), ('level', (2, (9.981100082397461,))), ('recoilTime', (2, (0.10000000149011612,))), ('classMultiplier', (2, (1.0,))), ('projectile', (7, [('level', (2, (9.981100082397461,))), ('power', (2, (7.839491844177246,)))])), ('projectileType', (5, 'rocket')), ('shortdescription', (5, 'Raidbarrel')), ('spread', (4, 2)), ('itemName', (5, 'generatedgun')), ('weaponType', (5, 'Rocket Launcher')), ('muzzleEffect', (7, [('fireSound', (6, [(7, [('file', (5, '/sfx/gun/rocket_shot.wav'))])])), ('animation', (5, '/animations/muzzleflash/bulletmuzzle2/bulletmuzzle2.animation'))])), ('twoHanded', (3, (1,))), ('drawables', (6, [(7, [('position', (6, [(2, (-13.899999618530273,)), (2, (0.0,))])), ('image', (5, '/items/guns/randomgenerated/rocketlauncher/butt/14.png?replace;e35f5d=ff9d1e;b22042=bb6a0b;871132=6b3501;808080=787784;606060=4f545a;404040=33343c'))]), (7, [('position', (6, [(2, (0.0,)), (2, (0.0,))])), ('image', (5, '/items/guns/randomgenerated/rocketlauncher/middle/4.png?replace;e35f5d=ff9d1e;b22042=bb6a0b;871132=6b3501;808080=787784;606060=4f545a;404040=33343c'))]), (7, [('position', (6, [(2, (10.899999618530273,)), (2, (0.0,))])), ('image', (5, '/items/guns/randomgenerated/rocketlauncher/barrel/3.png?replace;e35f5d=ff9d1e;b22042=bb6a0b;871132=6b3501;808080=787784;606060=4f545a;404040=33343c'))])])), ('inspectionKind', (5, 'gun')), ('generated', (3, (1,))), ('handPosition', (6, [(2, (-5.0,)), (2, (-2.0,))])), ('inventoryIcon', (6, [(7, [('position', (6, [(2, (-13.899999618530273,)), (2, (0.0,))])), ('image', (5, '/items/guns/randomgenerated/rocketlauncher/butt/14.png?replace;e35f5d=ff9d1e;b22042=bb6a0b;871132=6b3501;808080=787784;606060=4f545a;404040=33343c'))]), (7, [('position', (6, [(2, (0.0,)), (2, (0.0,))])), ('image', (5, '/items/guns/randomgenerated/rocketlauncher/middle/4.png?replace;e35f5d=ff9d1e;b22042=bb6a0b;871132=6b3501;808080=787784;606060=4f545a;404040=33343c'))]), (7, [('position', (6, [(2, (10.899999618530273,)), (2, (0.0,))])), ('image', (5, '/items/guns/randomgenerated/rocketlauncher/barrel/3.png?replace;e35f5d=ff9d1e;b22042=bb6a0b;871132=6b3501;808080=787784;606060=4f545a;404040=33343c'))])])), ('rarity', (5, 'Legendary')), ('firePosition', (6, [(2, (14.0,)), (2, (0.5,))])), ('fireTime', (2, (1.5382212387871377,)))])
    (7, [])
    (7, [])
    (7, [])
    (7, [])
    (7, [])
    (7, [])
    (7, [])
    (7, [])
    (7, [])
    (7, [])
    (7, [])
    (7, [])
    (7, [])
    (7, [])
    (7, [])
    (7, [])
    (7, [])
    (7, [])
    (7, [])
    (7, [])
    (7, [('colorIndex', (4, 0))])
    (7, [])
    (7, [])
    (7, [])
    (7, [])
    (7, [])
    (7, [])
    (7, [])
    (7, [])
    (7, [])
    (7, [])
    (7, [])
    (7, [])
    (7, [])
    (7, [])
    (7, [])
    (7, [])
    (7, [])
    (7, [('level', (2, (1.3148338794708252,)))])
    (7, [])
    (7, [])
    (7, [])
    (7, [])
    (7, [])
    (7, [])
    (7, [])
    (7, [])
    (7, [])
    (7, [('materialHueShift', (2, (227.29412841796875,)))])
    (7, [])
    (7, [])
    (7, [])
    (7, [])
    (7, [])
    (7, [])
    (7, [])
    (7, [])
    (7, [('materialHueShift', (2, (345.8823547363281,)))])
    (7, [])
    (7, [])
    (7, [])
    (7, [('materialHueShift', (2, (179.29412841796875,)))])
    (7, [])
    (7, [('materialHueShift', (2, (345.8823547363281,)))])
    (7, [])
    (7, [])
    (7, [('materialHueShift', (2, (88.94117736816406,)))])
    (7, [])
    (7, [])
    (7, [])
    (7, [('materialHueShift', (2, (88.94117736816406,)))])
    (7, [])
    (7, [])
    (7, [])
    (7, [('materialHueShift', (2, (337.4117736816406,)))])
    (7, [('materialHueShift', (2, (227.29412841796875,)))])
    (7, [('materialHueShift', (2, (24.0,)))])
    (7, [])
    (7, [('materialHueShift', (2, (227.29412841796875,)))])
    (7, [('materialHueShift', (2, (88.94117736816406,)))])
    (7, [])
    (7, [])
    (7, [])
    (7, [])
    (7, [('materialHueShift', (2, (227.29412841796875,)))])
    (7, [('foliageHueShift', (2, (119.15644073486328,))), ('foliageName', (5, 'frumpy')), ('stemHueShift', (2, (-2.828827381134033,))), ('stemName', (5, 'twisted'))])
    (7, [('materialHueShift', (2, (227.29412841796875,)))])
    (7, [])
    (7, [])
    (7, [('materialHueShift', (2, (227.29412841796875,)))])
    (7, [('materialHueShift', (2, (227.29412841796875,)))])
    (7, [])
    (7, [])
    (7, [('durabilityHit', (2, (71.20000094175339,)))])
    (7, [('itemName', (5, 'hylotltier10shortsword')), ('level', (4, 2)), ('description', (5, 'Stemcutter. A sword perfect for annoying Florans.')), ('colorOptions', (6, [(7, [('6f2919', (5, '151515')), ('a85636', (5, '383838')), ('e0975c', (5, '555555')), ('ffca8a', (5, '838383'))]), (7, [('6f2919', (5, '151515')), ('a85636', (5, '383838')), ('e0975c', (5, '555555')), ('ffca8a', (5, '838383'))]), (7, [('6f2919', (5, '303030')), ('a85636', (5, '555555')), ('e0975c', (5, '808080')), ('ffca8a', (5, 'b5b5b5'))]), (7, [('6f2919', (5, '373737')), ('a85636', (5, '7b7b7b')), ('e0975c', (5, 'b6b6b6')), ('ffca8a', (5, 'e6e6e6'))]), (7, [('6f2919', (5, '601119')), ('a85636', (5, '932625')), ('e0975c', (5, 'd93a3a')), ('ffca8a', (5, 'f4988c'))]), (7, [('6f2919', (5, '6e2900')), ('a85636', (5, 'af4e00')), ('e0975c', (5, 'ea9931')), ('ffca8a', (5, 'ffd495'))]), (7, [('6f2919', (5, '642f00')), ('a85636', (5, 'a46e06')), ('e0975c', (5, 'e2c344')), ('ffca8a', (5, 'ffffa7'))]), (7, [('6f2919', (5, '144216')), ('a85636', (5, '247824')), ('e0975c', (5, '51bd3b')), ('ffca8a', (5, 'b2e89d'))]), (7, [('6f2919', (5, '1a1c51')), ('a85636', (5, '344495')), ('e0975c', (5, '5588d4')), ('ffca8a', (5, '96cbe7'))]), (7, [('6f2919', (5, '320c40')), ('a85636', (5, '6a2284')), ('e0975c', (5, 'a451c4')), ('ffca8a', (5, 'd29ce7'))]), (7, [('6f2919', (5, '59163f')), ('a85636', (5, '97276d')), ('e0975c', (5, 'd35eae')), ('ffca8a', (5, 'eab3db'))]), (7, [('6f2919', (5, '472b13')), ('a85636', (5, '754c23')), ('e0975c', (5, 'a47844')), ('ffca8a', (5, 'ccae7c'))])])), ('soundEffect', (7, [('fireSound', (6, [(7, [('file', (5, '/sfx/melee/swing_onehanded.wav'))])]))])), ('inspectionKind', (5, 'sword')), ('fireAfterWindup', (3, (1,))), ('dropCollision', (6, [(2, (-4.0,)), (2, (-3.0,)), (2, (4.0,)), (2, (3.0,))])), ('maxStack', (4, 2)), ('kind', (5, 'Shortsword')), ('rarity', (5, 'uncommon')), ('firePosition', (6, [(4, 44), (4, 5)])), ('fireTime', (2, (0.6,))), ('image', (5, 'hylotltier10shortsword.png')), ('primaryStances', (7, [('cooldown', (7, [('statusEffects', (6, [(7, [('duration', (2, (0.1,))), ('kind', (5, 'shieldsuppressed'))])])), ('duration', (2, (0.4,))), ('handPosition', (6, [(2, (2.0,)), (4, 21)])), ('swordAngle', (4, 181)), ('twoHanded', (3, (0,))), ('armAngle', (4, 281))])), ('windup', (7, [('statusEffects', (6, [(7, [('duration', (2, (0.1,))), ('kind', (5, 'shieldsuppressed'))])])), ('duration', (2, (0.2,))), ('handPosition', (6, [(2, (0.2,)), (4, 49)])), ('swordAngle', (4, 121)), ('twoHanded', (3, (0,))), ('armAngle', (4, 0))])), ('idle', (7, [('duration', (2, (0.1,))), ('armFrameOverride', (5, 'idleMelee')), ('handPosition', (6, [(2, (-4.0,)), (2, (-15.5,))])), ('swordAngle', (4, 181)), ('twoHanded', (3, (0,))), ('armAngle', (4, 181))])), ('projectile', (7, [('power', (4, 4000)), ('speed', (2, (0.1,)))])), ('projectileType', (5, 'shortswordswoosh1'))])), ('shortdescription', (5, 'Stemcutter'))])
    (7, [])
    (7, [])
    (7, [('materialHueShift', (2, (227.29412841796875,)))])
    (7, [])
    (7, [('levelScale', (2, (248.11001586914062,))), ('level', (2, (9.981100082397461,))), ('recoilTime', (2, (0.10000000149011612,))), ('classMultiplier', (2, (1.0,))), ('projectile', (7, [('level', (2, (9.981100082397461,))), ('power', (2, (7.839491844177246,)))])), ('projectileType', (5, 'rocket')), ('shortdescription', (5, 'Raidbarrel')), ('spread', (4, 2)), ('itemName', (5, 'generatedgun')), ('weaponType', (5, 'Rocket Launcher')), ('muzzleEffect', (7, [('fireSound', (6, [(7, [('file', (5, '/sfx/gun/rocket_shot.wav'))])])), ('animation', (5, '/animations/muzzleflash/bulletmuzzle2/bulletmuzzle2.animation'))])), ('twoHanded', (3, (1,))), ('drawables', (6, [(7, [('position', (6, [(2, (-13.899999618530273,)), (2, (0.0,))])), ('image', (5, '/items/guns/randomgenerated/rocketlauncher/butt/14.png?replace;e35f5d=ff9d1e;b22042=bb6a0b;871132=6b3501;808080=787784;606060=4f545a;404040=33343c'))]), (7, [('position', (6, [(2, (0.0,)), (2, (0.0,))])), ('image', (5, '/items/guns/randomgenerated/rocketlauncher/middle/4.png?replace;e35f5d=ff9d1e;b22042=bb6a0b;871132=6b3501;808080=787784;606060=4f545a;404040=33343c'))]), (7, [('position', (6, [(2, (10.899999618530273,)), (2, (0.0,))])), ('image', (5, '/items/guns/randomgenerated/rocketlauncher/barrel/3.png?replace;e35f5d=ff9d1e;b22042=bb6a0b;871132=6b3501;808080=787784;606060=4f545a;404040=33343c'))])])), ('inspectionKind', (5, 'gun')), ('generated', (3, (1,))), ('handPosition', (6, [(2, (-5.0,)), (2, (-2.0,))])), ('inventoryIcon', (6, [(7, [('position', (6, [(2, (-13.899999618530273,)), (2, (0.0,))])), ('image', (5, '/items/guns/randomgenerated/rocketlauncher/butt/14.png?replace;e35f5d=ff9d1e;b22042=bb6a0b;871132=6b3501;808080=787784;606060=4f545a;404040=33343c'))]), (7, [('position', (6, [(2, (0.0,)), (2, (0.0,))])), ('image', (5, '/items/guns/randomgenerated/rocketlauncher/middle/4.png?replace;e35f5d=ff9d1e;b22042=bb6a0b;871132=6b3501;808080=787784;606060=4f545a;404040=33343c'))]), (7, [('position', (6, [(2, (10.899999618530273,)), (2, (0.0,))])), ('image', (5, '/items/guns/randomgenerated/rocketlauncher/barrel/3.png?replace;e35f5d=ff9d1e;b22042=bb6a0b;871132=6b3501;808080=787784;606060=4f545a;404040=33343c'))])])), ('rarity', (5, 'Legendary')), ('firePosition', (6, [(2, (14.0,)), (2, (0.5,))])), ('fireTime', (2, (1.5382212387871377,)))])
    (7, [])
    (7, [])
    (7, [])
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File ".\build\gui_utils.py", line 71, in rebuild_db
    PermissionError: [WinError 32] The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process: 'C:\\Users\\Weegeemang\\AppData\\Roaming\\starcheat\\assets.db'
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File ".\build\gui_utils.py", line 71, in rebuild_db
    PermissionError: [WinError 32] The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process: 'C:\\Users\\Weegeemang\\AppData\\Roaming\\starcheat\\assets.db'
  19. Rainfey

    Rainfey Void-Bound Voyager

    Close starcheat, delete that file
    Then reopen starcheat and rebuild the DB
  20. bluebottlebob

    bluebottlebob Space Hobo

    When do you think you will have the mac version ready?
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